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PaulD01 21st May 2013 11:14 AM

Originally Posted by Lord Greystoke
Not sure why you need to further complicate things here? You are merely re-labeling ROI or ROC.

Regards the relevance of using 'investment jargon' when it comes to the punt and regardless of our differing methods / approach, most of us are investing capital to generate positive returns and thereby increase the initial amount, surely??


Hi Lord Greystroke

I have to disagree with your first point. I am not attempting to complicate things or am I relabeling ROI. ROI is invariably depicted as a percentage not as a ratio. I am simply offering a different view on how I believe one should address the issue of POT/POS/ ROI/ ROC etc.

In respect of your question, I agree completely.

Rinconpaul 21st May 2013 12:04 PM

OMG what have I started??
Listen, you're all missing the point. You've witnessed the birth of POS today, I don't care about any of that other stuff!

"POS will be looked upon by countless future generations as the best thing to happen to punting since the internet was invented!" ...lol (RINCONPAUL 2013)

POS is a fundamental indicator of when to STOP betting. Refer to my attachment, you're not looking at what it's signalling.
Goodbye! RP

Lord Greystoke 21st May 2013 12:22 PM

RP, love your style mate and you may just have a valid point here regards knowing when to hit the STOP button with the aid of a simple indicator.

PaulD01, I take your point(s) and offer respect for your informative postings and additional insights - a breath of fresh air, I believe. Sadly however, you are now one of three posters on here who have referred to me directly as 'Lord Greystroke' - whether that be intentional or unintentional, I find it mildly amusing at best and a tad annoying in the worst case. Given exactly the same typo and that it has only happened thrice here over the period of 12-14 months and many exchanges with a shed load of different posters later, I am hoping that all 3 of you are not one and the same person?!

Cheers LG

SpeedyBen 21st May 2013 02:25 PM

I have NEVER cared about POT with my own betting. The P part is what provides the Bollinger.
The turnover is generally meaningless to me as it is the same money being used over and again. I am interested in the largest drawdown on my bank. That is important to me.
Congrats on your lateral thinking.

SpeedyBen 21st May 2013 02:29 PM

A TOU has been received. Post moderated. Way off topic. Please stick to posting about the thread issue. Moderator.

Lord Greystoke 21st May 2013 02:41 PM

A TOU has been received. Post moderated. Way off topic. Please stick to posting about the thread issue. Moderator.

Rinconpaul 21st May 2013 02:50 PM

A TOU has been received. Post moderated. Way off topic. Please stick to posting about the thread issue. Moderator.

SpeedyBen 21st May 2013 03:30 PM

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beton 21st May 2013 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by Rinconpaul
Who wants to be Godfather at POS's christening, you Speedy or maybe you your Lordship?

You realise that POS is dependant on SR. Inversely proportional to the SR will be POS in negative territory.

Rinconpaul 21st May 2013 05:20 PM

A TOU has been received. Post moderated. Off topic. Please stick to posting about the thread issue. Moderator.

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