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The Ocho 12th July 2013 08:19 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Got off to my usual slow start today when trading some Geelong races in between my work commitments (a bit slow at the mo).

Then along comes race 6 at Geelong when I didn't get out in time. I should of had a $10 hedged profit but the race went in play and the only money on that horse (Chosen Son) would have meant I was in for a $26 loss if I hedged.

If that horse would have won I was staring down the barrel of a $200+ loss. Luckily the race caller was on the ball and kept me informed that Chosen Son was out the back and all over the track. I let my bet ride and won $45 in that race. Thanks mate. :)

I guess Chosen Son wasn't the one. :D

So I really only would have won about $17 today if it wasn't for that hiccup. While not strictly a trade I will take it as I would of had to take the loss if it was a losing race.

I most probably won't be posting any of Saturdays results tomorrow night as we are going out. I will update when I get time.

The beauty of trading is that it doesn't matter one iota what condition the track is in - you can still trade.

Session 4 (Fri 12/07/2013): Trading Profit Today +$52.21 :) (8 races traded)

Running Total

stugots 13th July 2013 07:46 AM

Originally Posted by The Ocho
The beauty of trading is that it doesn't matter one iota what condition the track is in - you can still trade.

Applied that logic to my punting a long long time ago The Ocho, because despite what many say, the state of the track (unless we are talking a complete bog or torrential downpour) makes absolutely no difference to whether one can turn a profit or not.

Heavy(10)?? ppffftt - eat em for breakfast;)

The Ocho 14th July 2013 08:45 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by stugots
Applied that logic to my punting a long long time ago The Ocho, because despite what many say, the state of the track (unless we are talking a complete bog or torrential downpour) makes absolutely no difference to whether one can turn a profit or not.

Heavy(10)?? ppffftt - eat em for breakfast;)

Bog (15)??, Quagmire (20)?? ppffftt - trading wise it doesn't matter. :D

It does matter if you suck at trading though or if you're having a bad day as I did yesterday unfortunately. :(

I was checking out my profit after about race 5 at Caulfield when I was about $33 up. I thought this is rubbish. As it turns out I would have loved to finish $33 up. Races 6 & 8 at Caulfield and Launceston Race 6 were my worse races for a very long time. I guess I was going a bit overboard with the amount of money I was trading with and then not getting out as soon as the prices turned on me. Same old lack of restraint I'm afraid. Maybe it was because yesterday was the 13th.

It really didn't help that I couldn't trade the Launceston races until about 30 seconds before start time because of a total lack of money on those markets. Why wasn't there a second Victorian meeting yesterday anyway??

I'm not sure I can really trade profitably with such large gaps between races rather than one race after another when trading last time out. I can't get into the vibe of the markets. This turnover tax sucks.

Session 5 (Sat 13/07/2013): Trading Profit Today -$58.87 :( (16 races traded - Caulfield & Launceston)

Running Total

Lord Greystoke 14th July 2013 09:21 AM

Originally Posted by The Ocho
I'm not sure I can really trade profitably with such large gaps between races rather than one race after another when trading last time out. I can't get into the vibe of the markets. This turnover tax sucks.
There is another alternative Flight lieutenant Ocho.. you could always try the emergency air-lock into the QQ thread.

Cheers LG

garyf 14th July 2013 09:31 AM

Originally Posted by Chrome Prince
Welcome back The Ocho, great stuff!

This is one of the funniest answers on a thread i have ever seen

Well thought of C.P.


The Ocho 14th July 2013 10:11 AM

Originally Posted by Lord Greystoke
There is another alternative Flight lieutenant Ocho.. you could always try the emergency air-lock into the QQ thread.

Cheers LG

The QQ thread? What is this thing you speak of?

Lord Greystoke 14th July 2013 10:30 AM

Originally Posted by The Ocho
The QQ thread? What is this thing you speak of?
You jest surely, my forget-full Oracle? The Quest for the Quadrella of course. Drink from the chalice ..

Oh fortuna my dear Ocho, O Fortuna !


The Ocho 14th July 2013 10:54 AM

Originally Posted by Lord Greystoke
You jest surely, my forget-full Oracle? The Quest for the Quadrella of course. Drink from the chalice ..

Oh fortuna my dear Ocho, O Fortuna !


I used to be forgetful but now I don't remember what I used to be. :D

Lord Greystoke 14th July 2013 11:02 AM

Originally Posted by The Ocho
I used to be forgetful but now I don't remember what I used to be. :D
Nutbag! You be the Captain of System C


The Ocho 14th July 2013 06:00 PM

System C is not longer for me, LG.
Well today was a colossal waste of time. Two Vic meetings were available today but Sunday markets aren't normally the best due to a lack of volume and liquidity most notably Warracknabeal. Added to this problem is that it is so hard to stay motivated when you are only trading two meetings 15 to 20 minutes apart. I just can't get into the flow.

I think I might rap it up here. It's just not worth me wasting my weekends on such mediocre returns or, worse still, losses. 9 hours over two days for losses or rubbish returns. It feels like a lost weekend to me now never to be regained. :(

Not that this was ever going to pay my mortgage off but at least it's supposed to bring in some coin. Maybe one day NSW and QLD can drop the turnover tax and it might be a different story.

I might have to try my hand at online poker again I think. :rolleyes:

Session 5 (Sun 14/07/2013): Trading Profit Today +$7.24 :) (17 races traded)

Running Total

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