OZmium Sports Betting and Horse Racing Forums

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-   -   Unitab system for Wed 10 Feb (http://forums.ozmium.com.au/showthread.php?t=4337)

Merriguy 10th March 2004 07:45 PM

Looks like the forum jinx has got us -- at least for today :cry:

Those varying place odds give me --- and I'm sure many forum members -- the willys too.

Was on a dog at Gosford this afternoon -- $1.80 for the place. Grabbed the price with a few seconds to go NSWTab. Came into $1.60, of course. Then checked with UniTAB --- it had blown to $2.70 :mad:

A $50.00 bet, and the difference in pays $55.00. A lot to me anyway

kenchar 10th March 2004 08:30 PM


A 1.1 difference is a lot to anybody, somedays can be the difference between winning or losing.

The dogs are the hardest as the pools are so small midweek and it doesn't take much of a bet to change a price dramatically.

As I said I shop between 4 different sites in the last minute and the differences are sometimes dramatic.

One cannot always make the right decision but as said I am well ahead by shopping.

The one today was obviously a mistake and I reckon someone will get a boot where it hurts.

michaelg 11th March 2004 07:38 AM

Hi, Michaelv.

The NSWTAB ratings. You have to log-in and go to the Standard Betting page. If you click-on to any race you will notice the Daily Form Service section (in blue) towards the top right hand corner.
Click-on to this which will take you to another screen where Racebook Form is shown. Click on to this and it will in a few seconds go to a screen with all the horses in that particular race. After the name of each horse is the rating. It's a pity we have to log-on and then do so much navigating. Unitab is very easy, and you don't even have to open an account to get their ratings.

If there's an easier way to access NSWTAB ratings, I'm not aware of it. Maybe somone can enlighten me because it would certainly save me time.

Shaun 11th March 2004 09:50 AM

Those are the same ratings as published in the wizard.....if you buy the wizard you can access them 7 days a week here


Merriguy 11th March 2004 10:32 AM


Thanks for the reply --- and the indirect encouragement. Glad to see you had a big 'break' your way for a change.

You seem to imply that the changes in divs. are not automatic --- at least at S..... O..s, which is where you can get the fixed divs for a place as I think you have indicated? I find it hard to imagine there is not some type of automation

By the way, do you just submit your bet there and the div. stays at the price at that time? I can't see any indication about fixed prices at their site :???:

Not sure why I am not just putting the full name in this post --- after all they do advertise here!

Sorry, guys, if I have strayed off the topic. The themes are all inter-connected though!

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