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Sportz 18th January 2005 05:32 PM

Originally Posted by Shaun
i didn't rate MORUYA R8 CL1 1425m because my ratings need a minimum of 3 starts and mr ratings are points based on form

Yeah, I actually only rated that race because I was keen on Roxbury Hall and I wanted to see if it would come out on top of the ratings.

brave chief 18th January 2005 06:00 PM

Have you noticed the jockey stats too? Click on a rider and you get his rides for the last 3 months.

Ozeform is painfully slow, and you also get timed out after a few minutes. Very annoying. Also typing in a horses name is VERY tedious. Add to that the Ozeform db basicly shuts down on Tues and Wednesdays I've noticed. Tassy Tote form is lenghths ahead as far as convenience is concerned.

At first glance the ratings at least look comparable to Ozeform (which i've found to be quite accurate). There looks to be a direct correllation evident.

I also like the fact that the ratings are measured in Lengths, as opposed to KG's. This is very convenient if you DON'T believe that 1 len = 1.5 kg's, like me.

Sportz 18th January 2005 06:37 PM

Well, what do you think it IS then?

Sportz 18th January 2005 06:40 PM

I've been using them just as if they were weight ratings. In other words a rating of 625 = 62.5 kgs. This is probably wrong then. I'll have to experiment a bit more with them.

brave chief 18th January 2005 08:30 PM

roughly, i use the standard 1 len = 2.63kg.

Shaun 19th January 2005 11:26 AM


syllabus23 19th January 2005 11:38 AM


click meeting,,,,,race,,,,horse

Sportz 19th January 2005 11:46 AM

That's if you want all of the horse's runs. If you simply want to look at the ratings for the last 3 starts, you can get them here:


Shaun 19th January 2005 12:06 PM

So the ratings you posted yesterday Sportz...did you work them out or were they on the site

Sportz 19th January 2005 12:38 PM

I worked them out, using the past ratings in the horse's form. They don't have ratings for upcoming races. Not that I know of anyway.

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