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Duritz 21st March 2005 07:47 PM

Obviousy with that maths stuff up by me there I musta bod when I should have mas, or vice versa, or something.

Duritz 21st March 2005 07:51 PM

Yeah my problem was I raised the whole thing to the power of two, when I shoulda raised the last bit to the power of two then multiplied that last answer by the 0.21 at the start.

So, I actually did Mas when I should've Bod.

marcus25 21st March 2005 08:47 PM

Originally Posted by Duritz
Yeah my problem was I raised the whole thing to the power of two, when I shoulda raised the last bit to the power of two then multiplied that last answer by the 0.21 at the start.

So, I actually did Mas when I should've Bod.

Hi Duritz!
It's especially embarrassing when we know how good you are with parentheses!? LOL.
Missing the fact that only the last bit was to be raised!
Tsk, tsk. Where is the world coming to?
Cheers mate as long you are winning that's what matters!

kenchar 21st March 2005 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by Duritz
Yeah my problem was I raised the whole thing to the power of two, when I shoulda raised the last bit to the power of two then multiplied that last answer by the 0.21 at the start.

So, I actually did Mas when I should've Bod.

The last time I tried to raise the thing to the power of two I found I wasn't up to it so I did Bod by himself and Mas really got upset.

Sorry mate couldn't help myself ( ************ chardonny again ).

Duritz 21st March 2005 09:06 PM

ROFL brilliant stuff, sexual innuendo in maths!

partypooper 22nd March 2005 01:01 PM

Duritz, I feel like a wilting violet amongst all this grey matter, but if I can put in my 2c worth in (laymans terms), I've hit the holy grail (thinks) several times, some involving thousands of bets and the POT always hovering, until inexplicably an exceptionally bad run is encountered, which of course I tried to ride out,... "confident" that the roundabouts were imminent,...... unfortunately on several occasions they never arrived. Although the same plan from then on continued to make a profit, but not enough to absorb the losses.

At the moment I too have 3 plans on the go (one for more than 2 years) all well in the black, but because of previous experience am still not game to call any the "Grail"

What it has done; is planted a seed ,that what is needed is to make a killing when all goes well and ride out the bad times when it doesn't, and if AFTER all that there is still a profit,.... we have done well!

Duritz 22nd March 2005 02:11 PM

Thankyou, PartyPooper, I am now firmly back down on earth, miserably waiting for my system to fail.

I'll just go prepare the noose now too.

Duritz 22nd March 2005 02:30 PM

Hey from the point of view of stats, what do you all think of this system's results? This is one I was testing simultaneously with the other one. Again, about a year worth of results, these are the stats.

Selections - 2500
Winners - 581
S/R - 23%
Collects - 2490
Pot or Lot - 0%

THAT is on SP. SO, using other methods, that could become a POT pretty easy. Is 2500 a good sample size?

Top Rank 22nd March 2005 02:52 PM

Partpooper are you saying that you had a system that showed profit after 2-3 thousand bets and then still had a bad enough run to send it spiralling into negative.

I don't want to think about it.

partypooper 22nd March 2005 08:33 PM

Top Rank, no not quite, but it devastated several "banks" and decicrated (spelling?) ALL confidence, although I have since re-commenced the basic idea but with safety measures, but still proceed with caution. When youre place betting showing around 4-5% POT (overall) as duritzt rightly says you can isolate any group of 2,3 ,4 or5 hundred bets and show vastly different figures.


Sorry mate I wasn't trying to be a "partypooper" I was only telling "my" story, you may well have the Goose firmly in your grasp, good luck!

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