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xanadu 3rd November 2007 04:52 PM

Correct me if I am wrong......!
Do not the Articles Of Racing contend that every runner is presented in a condition which is condusive to performing at it's optimum level?
Therefore, how could some of today's results survive incisive scrutiny by the appropriate officials?
It is a time of year when "punt-hungry mug-punters" are attracted to the glamour of the Spring Carnival. However, I ask you ...at what cost to the long-term viability of the horse-racing industry?
It seems to me it has a bit of the "Nero Syndrome" -"let it burn".. while the longterm effects are neglected by panicked officials.
Therefore, please explain how some of the results today were not scrutinized thoroughly.
I, personally am very disappointed/disillusioned with how racing is currently being handled.
Any other disgruntled punters out there?


xanadu 6th November 2007 02:44 PM

No complaints.. because I've definitely "cleaned-up" but I must mention that Lloyd was interviewed on Racing Radio this morning and duly nominated his best chance as being:
MR7 9 Zipping
that's racing..........,


xanadu 10th November 2007 02:07 PM


what a disgrace.....by some of our so-called top jockeys!
With the massive media coverage the cynical amongst us would ponder what a "feelgood" conclusion to the carnival would be worth for it's newsworthiness alone...to the uninitiated public!
For the rest of us, who, by the way, keep this industry ticking over, even through the tough times.....well.....rip up your formguides!

xanadu 10th November 2007 02:57 PM

No.6 $46.8w$10.3plNSW...the first two legs of the quaddie have been won by "despised" long-shots!
On that basis a smart punter would expect the last two legs to be won by reasonably well-supported starters!
We'll see what unfolds!
4:15p.m.EDT-I just watched the overhead shot of the race and am more "p....._off!"
Any form student would notice that the top fancies "went hard" leaving a perfect opportunity for the "sitters" and the "swoopers" to come home in the final 200m. You make your own mind up!

pharfromoz 10th November 2007 05:44 PM

QUOTE (konagold1 @ Nov 9 2007, 11:36 PM)
flemington 7th- w- #6 hidden strings
.......................w- #7 translate
.......................w- #8 red for lou

theres just a-bombs going off at flemington.

two 80/1 shots came in one two in the big stakes race.

#6 hidden strings- $59.40 $37.70 $24.50

this is linked from another forum.yes im konagold1 because konagold was one of the best dirt sprinters in breeders cup history.dude it wasnt to hard to figure out #6 hidden strings. you can tell on paper he needed added distance,the moonee valley race was a great prep and when horse stretchs out they move forward during a race so it was no surprise he was forwardly placed and stole it.

you will never be able to comprehend stuff like this if you just bet on m.rodd,greg childs,dt orbien,j oshea and the chalk posted in your smart punting thread. tell you the truth ive never seen punters bet races like you do.

get away from your usual stuff and seriously get into the form and find the prices. seriously smart punters dont bet every mount a jockey has for that day. if they win every race in a day it is once in a blue moon.

not trying to be an asz just want to see you expand your mind from the usual and show us what a real smart punter can do.


oh yeah theres no conspiracy going on. sometimes physics works against ya and its a bitch.

xanadu 14th November 2007 11:04 AM

Ah pharfromoz/konagold,

When you speak of expanding one's mind then surely you should look in the mirror...old son!
I am a form student of some years who has instigated some very successful threads and continue these because they are proven money-spinners and other forumites may benefit so my motives are benevolent. For example, did you win over the carnival? I certainly did and I expect to continue winning into the future as iI have been for a number of years now.
If you believe these are the only wagers I have on any particular day then, sorry, but I believe you may be in "Lalaland."
Your comments suggest that you indeed live in this "wonderland of milk and honey" where all is well and if that is the scope of your view of the racingscene then good luck because you sure need it!
I was going to make a reference to the character in "Rainman" but I wouldn't be that cruel!
So, have a good day old son!


xanadu 14th November 2007 11:32 AM


Oh dear....!
You are wrong with your misguided assertions and do I detect the presence of "the green-eyed monster" in your personality traits?
I have always attempted to alert other forumites before race-start time and it has only been software problems if this has not always occurred.
It is about lunch-time so could I suggest a Bex, a cup of tea and a good lie down for yourself as you are displaying all the signs of fatigue.

xanadu 14th November 2007 12:56 PM

4* WON $5.0w $1.6plNSW
7 $2.5plNSW
8* $1.2plNSW
two stable-mates, the longer priced one winning and the more favoured runner only extricating itself in the last 50m and "flashing" home to run third.
Hmmmm...anyone have any concerns with this race?
Notwithstanding that I still returned a respectable 14.29%POT so not bad....even though I did not post details of my wager on No.8 Stashalot.


Dancing Sun 14th November 2007 01:07 PM

this is starting to look like something thats been going on between two members on "121 sports".

xanadu 14th November 2007 01:22 PM

Dancing Sun,

Yeah, you're right but I am unfamiliar with that program so could you provide some basic details?
I took my "handle" of "xanadu" from the Mayan/Inca civilizations and they ruled for a couple of thousand years didn't they ...so, there is no doubt about me "going the distance."
I wonder if the same can be said for the "new boy?"


nathanm-f 14th November 2007 01:24 PM

Originally Posted by xanadu
4* WON $5.0w $1.6plNSW
7 $2.5plNSW
8* $1.2plNSW
two stable-mates, the longer priced one winning and the more favoured runner only extricating itself in the last 50m and "flashing" home to run third.
Hmmmm...anyone have any concerns with this race?
Notwithstanding that I still returned a respectable 14.29%POT so not bad....even though I did not post details of my wager on No.8 Stashalot.


Very good result. What thread can this be found on? you see if you had them all on one thread all of the punters would benefit.

nathanm-f 14th November 2007 01:25 PM

Originally Posted by xanadu
Dancing Sun,

Yeah, you're right but I am unfamiliar with that program so could you provide some basic details?
I took my "handle" of "xanadu" from the Mayan/Inca civilizations and they ruled for a couple of thousand years didn't they ...so, there is no doubt about me "going the distance."
I wonder if the same can be said for the "new boy?"


121 sports is a forum. There are some good tipsters there aswell

xanadu 14th November 2007 02:16 PM

I feel that my "reputation" has been impugned and I seek your apology for your comments in earlier posts!
Refer to "Smart Punting" thread387 which was posted on 17.10.07 at 2:15p.m.AEST..a good five minutes before post-time!
What is this reference to 8:15 etc?
Where are you posting from...England or U.S.A.?
Was that a post from "drunk and dumber?"
My update gave any alert punter plenty of time to place their wager....so...mate....your head is up your *!#"%*#!
How dare you try to "stir the pot" by suggesting such things which are so blatantly incorrect!
I suppose if you are outrageously jealous of others' success you would resort to such things wouldn't you?
It could be said that you are...weak....weak!!!
I will be watching for your next post with great interest!

nathanm-f 14th November 2007 02:28 PM

Originally Posted by xanadu
I feel that my "reputation" has been impugned and I seek your apology for your comments in earlier posts!
Refer to "Smart Punting" thread387 which was posted on 17.10.07 at 2:15p.m.AEST..a good five minutes before post-time!
What is this reference to 8:15 etc?
Where are you posting from...England or U.S.A.?
Was that a post from "drunk and dumber?"
My update gave any alert punter plenty of time to place their wager....so...mate....your head is up your *!#"%*#!
How dare you try to "stir the pot" by suggesting such things which are so blatantly incorrect!
I suppose if you are outrageously jealous of others' success you would resort to such things wouldn't you?
It could be said that you are...weak....weak!!!
I will be watching for your next post with great interest!

Are you aiming this at me???
I never said you posted after races had already began or anything of the sort. And as for jealous i am not jealous but greatful to any punter who consistantly provides profitable tips.

rabbitz 14th November 2007 02:42 PM

xanadu,phar from oz,nathan m-f please continue this thread as desperate housewives is nearly over today and i'll have nothing to watch until tommorrow :D

nathanm-f 14th November 2007 02:46 PM

Originally Posted by rabbitz
xanadu,phar from oz,nathan m-f please continue this thread as desperate housewives is nearly over today and i'll have nothing to watch until tommorrow :D

Hahahaahahh lol
Fair call... You hear that guys we sound like a bunch of old women

rabbitz 14th November 2007 02:53 PM

nathan..a word of warning..Xanadu is a respected form student on this forum..has been for months now....don't know his real identity but i do know that he is frought between whether to have his centrefold of greg childs nude on sunline or his other one of michael rodd aboard efficient on his bedroom wall...he roused on me once and will probably do so again but that's only because i'm an illiterayte forumite of only 2000+ posts
so grain of salt my friend grain of salt

nathanm-f 14th November 2007 03:03 PM

Originally Posted by rabbitz
nathan..a word of warning..Xanadu is a respected form student on this forum..has been for months now....don't know his real identity but i do know that he is frought between whether to have his centrefold of greg childs nude on sunline or his other one of michael rodd aboard efficient on his bedroom wall...he roused on me once and will probably do so again but that's only because i'm an illiterayte forumite of only 2000+ posts
so grain of salt my friend grain of salt

I dont see what the big deal is i was just telling him to put all his tips in one place so they can easily be followed

xanadu 14th November 2007 03:16 PM


I agree with the consensus of opinion and...truce...OK?
Not that such a dramatic conclusion was necessary but it helps to clear the air.
Don't forget..our sole aim in this forum is to back winners and maybe help other forumites to do the same.
Oh yeah, good one rabbitz...you forgot the "action hero figurines!"
Have a good one.


odericko 14th November 2007 06:51 PM

case in point ive made money from xanados fisho posts ..ty very much... ithink you are being unfairly bagged

Dancing Sun 15th November 2007 09:20 AM

Xanadu is from Newcastle, so enough said, what a legend, i have been following Xanadu for quite a while now and made some very nice profits. I think its great to have difference of opinions, but a little respect will go along way!

crash 15th November 2007 02:45 PM

Originally Posted by nathanm-f
I dont see what the big deal is i was just telling him to put all his tips in one place so they can easily be followed

Xanadu is entitled to put his tips anywhere he likes on this forum, just like anyone else. None of us here do 'tipping service' to order. If anyone would like it that way, write your directions onto $50 notes and send them in to the relevant member C/O- this forum.

Moderator 3 15th November 2007 10:29 PM

Please note Forum Terms of Use do not permit "Personal abuse or unpleasantness."
Thank you for your cooperation.

xanadu 17th November 2007 11:39 AM

Thank you fellow forumites and your point has been noted Moderator,
We'll now get on with the real task at hand...hopefully backing winners.


xanadu 22nd November 2007 02:19 PM

The favourite was backed late and was given no chance in the run.
It finished on to run 4th, yet the "jockey" gets his riding fee and the punters get "squat!!!"
It was a "barry" of a ride yet he goes home with cash in his pocket and the punters.......?
Make your own mind up.


crash 22nd November 2007 04:57 PM

It's only my opinion [and what a jockie I once knew told me and which of course I can't verify] and not an accusation, "country jockies don't make their money from riding fees and city jockies often don't either"!

Have a look at some of the jocky rides around the state. Hundreds of Ks. for often 1 or 2 rides. $65 a ride? Ms J D Rose, 2 rides at Mornington today, one at $22w. Yeah, right! I see it so often it makes me ill.

xanadu 24th November 2007 02:06 PM

Just an observation....today in two separate races in Melbourne the well-fancied runner "played-up" at the barrier and missed the start thereby effectively negating any chance of winning.
To any impartial observer...how is it that the number of runners which do this are disproportionately represented by the favourite or well-fancied runner?
Hmmmm....something for we punters to muse over.
By the same token it is my belief that some horses have "gone over the top" after a gruelling Spring campaign and the trainer may "take them to the well" just once too many times.
That is only a human trait whereby the trainer attempts to get another win out of one of his/her charges before the horses go for their spell.
However, it leaves a somewhat sour taste in the "poor suffering betting public's mouths" as they feel they may have been duped.
Surely the publication of blood counts would allow the public to make up their own minds.


crash 24th November 2007 03:13 PM

Spells used to be 3 mths. Now they are more likely to 4 to 6wks. Blame the cost of owning a horse. Young horses are flogged to death while they are still maturing to get early $ returns to the detriment of the horse's future.

xanadu 24th November 2007 03:28 PM

Yeah, I agree crash....but I can't see things changing in the foreseeable future. Put ourselves in the position of an owner of a horse that cost $100k's(we wish!), we would want an early return on our investment and hopefully the horse's value may have increased proportionately-that's just human nature.
However, we continually see the overseas raiders coming here and scooping the pool in our middle to long distance races because they have put their youngsters out until they are a late 3YO or in some cases a 4YO.
Yes, there is a high attrition rate due to the pressure placed on young horses but as they say...that is racing...no-one ever said it was an easy game.


xanadu 29th November 2007 01:54 PM

how could some of our top hoops allow the tearaway leader to get out to such an immense lead.....hmmm...you work it out.


xanadu 29th November 2007 02:21 PM

Mackay R3,
the favourite nearly falls at the start thereby taking no further part in the race......go figure....!
Again......it is the favourite......maybe laying them in Qld would be more profitable...but then again.....maybe, some "smarties" are already doing this.
As I've stated previously-if you continue to bet up there then be prepared for some meals at the St. Vinnies soup kitchen!
You work it out......hmmmm.


xanadu 1st December 2007 12:19 PM

So it continues......!
SR1 4 Fizeau bungles the start and plays no further part in the race....why does it nearly always seem to happen to the favourite?.....you'll have to make your own mind up.
Fizeau did finish on very hard to the line although finishing unplaced..hmmm, maybe next start?
Keep an eye on him.
NB. I'm not talking through my "kick" as I also backed No.5 Universal Magic($4.6w$1.7plNSW).


xanadu 1st December 2007 01:43 PM


The favourite in a field of five runners, misses the start and tails out last yet usually leads or races in the leading bunch. If one was cynical he/she could reach the conclusion that this horse was ridden "upside-down."
Again, it happened to the favourite but that's racing isn't it......?
If this type of rubbish continues to be dished up to the betting public the consequences may be more dramatic than the repercussions of EI.


King Cugat 1st December 2007 01:47 PM


Missed it by 3-4 and won >> short priced fav.

How ever i do agree with some of your stuff. When you introduce a place where people can make money for a horse getting beaten then its a given that some will go that way.

I watch the money on betfair but again >> would be happier to see it dissapear

You lead the fight........i'll fetch the torches and be right behing you

mjr 1st December 2007 02:30 PM

Hey Xanadu if you want to smell the fishes have a look at MR4, no form, money on, kid rode like George Moore and gets the money. Must be the ocean air. Same kid MR2 rides like me on a pushbike after two days and nights on the turps. Go figure?????

xanadu 1st December 2007 04:09 PM

King Cugat,
thanx for the support because if we do not hold the officials to account then this rubbish will continue. As I have stated forcibly in previous posts I believe that an ICAC officer should be appointed to the Steward's panel and he/she will act independently from that panel but report to that panel and the relevant Minister.....can anyone see any problems with that?
For example, the ICAC officer may decide to investigate the plethora of such incidents and decide this warrants further investigation.
Look at Hong Kong-where this system works in an exemplary manner.
No, I didn't hear that race - please explain.....(where have we heard that before)?
that's OK, an excellent ride on a horse that was primed to win on the day and a credit to it's trainer.
However, as sure as night follows day....if you continue to support 3kg apprentices on topweights then your xmas dinner will be served by that excellent organizaion: the Salvos!
Have a good 'un!


mjr 1st December 2007 06:56 PM

The race involved the same kid ripping along the first 1000m in .7 seconds outside of Miss Andrettis track record, no wonder the horse finished at the tail of the field after that sort of effort. He then comes out and rides the perfect race on a horse that after its last two starts you could only back if you followed topweights or was partial to a horse being improved by the seaside air. I agree with you about backing 3kg apprentices,but when they put in two different rides like that in back to back rides they should be sent back to the provincials for more education or back to school to learn how to count.


discipline pays 1st December 2007 07:09 PM

Last race Adelaide today, jockey gets pulled up fav so it could get beaten, was actually watching screen to make sure the other horse was coming, very similar to one K Fallon IMO

xanadu 2nd December 2007 11:18 AM

Yeah, I know how you feel mate but all we can do is move on. I suppose with apprentices they just do what they are told to do.

discipline pays,
Yeah, I saw that race and the rider was given 2 months to contemplate his actions. Some commentators tried to justify the rider's actions by saying he was watching the infield big screen and it was an error of judgment....but he still gets his riding fee.....what do the punters get...a hole in their wallets!
Yes, it had a bit of the Kieran Fallon about it(it's always the fav).
Anyway..I suppose that we'll still back up today and tomorrow... etc


mjr 2nd December 2007 11:50 AM

Good to see the jock in Adelaide get two months, also good to see young Hamilton get 8 meetings for knocking down the other to get to the lead. Maybe he will take the time to learn how to count. What I didnt say about the race was it looked like it was put on for the favourite, bute jock got caught on the fence and didnt quite make it just going down. Next time make sure everyone knows what is going on.

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