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Mr barry 18th October 2010 04:51 PM

Look guys I thought this was a serious forum.
Management help please?.

darkydog2002 18th October 2010 05:02 PM

Ok .Good luck with it .
There,s not much simpler than eliminating a horse with a particular letter in its name.
Only 2 horses won today with a M in its name.
As larry said there,s not much simpler than a punter so simple systems should be their forte.Glad your aboard.

Mr barry 18th October 2010 05:06 PM

Here are Saturdays to again show how genuine I am.

asc R01 # 1 Insurgency

asc R02 # 3 Greatwall Of China

asc R03 # 3 Oscar Wildly

asc R04 # 1 Revy Jay

asc R06 # 8 Colour Correct

asc R07 # 2 Mister Moneypenny

asc R07 # 9 All Friared Up

asc R08 # 5 Blacksmith

asc R08 # 8 Wolfe Dreams

asc R09 # 2 Hallowell Express

bed R05 # 2 Captanpauli

bed R07 # 2 Twichintime

bed R08 # 2 Sir Charlemagne

cau R07 # 8 Purple

cau R07 # 7 Ginga Dude

cau R09 #12 Believe 'n Achieve

cau R09 # 3 Culminate

eaf R01 # 1 Random Orbit

eaf R03 # 2 Friday Nights

eaf R07 # 2 Raeburn

eaf R07 # 6 Sea Skye

eaf R08 #11 Temple Of Boom

fab R01 # 1 Rocky Bay

fab R01 # 3 Kingsford

fab R02 # 2 Hostile Element

fab R02 # 3 Royal Steal

fab R03 # 2 Messi Magic

fab R03 # 3 Mondello

fab R05 # 2 Chevrolet Lad

gco R05 # 1 I Need To Fly

gco R07 # 2 Falvelizabeth

gco R08 # 2 Triskele

ham R04 # 1 Danzin Heart

mop R01 # 3 Anguissola

mop R04 # 2 Ocsmepop

mop R04 # 6 Tuscan Wonder

mop R06 # 3 Dr Doute's

mop R08 #16 Alkhafif

new R01 # 5 Soi'vebeentold

new R02 # 2 The Last General

new R04 # 2 Silent Symphony

new R05 #10 Zastava

new R07 # 5 Merger Benefits

new R08 # 6 Romanus

new R08 #11 Admiral's Cup

ran R02 # 3 Mr Edison

ran R04 # 4 Legsman

ran R05 # 1 Buffering

ran R05 # 4 Obsequious

ran R08 # 3 Ego's Dare

roc R02 # 4 Cote Du Rhone

roc R03 # 4 Boberg

roc R05 # 3 Kalkie Miss

tbc R01 # 2 Sheldon

tbc R02 # 9 Heza Flashman

tbc R03 # 2 Renmark

tbc R04 # 7 Nastro Blu

tbc R05 # 4 Grey Mambo

tbc R06 # 1 Dusty's Felt

tbc R07 # 9 Pampered Lass

darkydog2002 18th October 2010 05:19 PM

Sorry,Just having a bit of fun.

wesmip1 18th October 2010 07:35 PM

Mr Barry,

I thought Kelly staking was proven to be the optimal strategy for betting if you are confident your pricing is more correct then the public. There has been about a thousand research papers on it. If you have somehow mathematically proven that you can beat the kelly staking over 1 million bets then you could write a research paper and have world fame. I for one would be very interested in it.

Any chance you could explain it a little bit for me, either in email or here on the forum.

partypooper 19th October 2010 12:41 AM

G'day again Mr. Barry well ok, In can see that what you, said about leading the horse etc etc. holds DEFINITELY true.

On my part I tried to get you to see that ANY staking plan is really only increasing stakes, .... you refuse to see it, in other words you refuse to drink!

As a last word, I know you are wrong about 1 thing, that is that I haven't learnt anything in 48 years, cos one thing that we seen over, over, over again on this forum is the MILLION DOLLAR ideas that have "ALL" shrunk into oblivion, now I know you will only take that as a knock, when all darky, me, etc were trying to do in the first place is give you a helping hand.

Mr Barry, these are the facts for a place bettor long term (and I'm talking about 20,000 bets up) 4% Profit on turnover LEVEL STAKES, is the ultimate, for win betting, the absolute BEST in the country would make 8-10% POT. Even Betfair is happy with 5%, most of the opinion bookies I suspect would be happy with 10%, gee even the ************ tote only makes 15% gross!

Even ************ CROWN casino is ecstatic with 2% (about)

But if Mr Barry can beat all that GREAT, you will have a great sailing future on something that rivals Gregs "canoe"

Just as an explanation, what we mean by POT (profit on turnover) is the % profit on all bets, i.e say on your staking plan you have a TOTAL stakes of $100,000 (ALL BETS ADDED UP) and you have shown a profit of $5,000 so you have a POT of 5%. (thats just for those that don't know)

Now I would never expect that you would reveal the golden goose to the likes of us at ANY price , (now that would be the act of an absolute nutter)

But, just to humour, if you can post b4 the races as you have been doing (credit where its due) and show a level stakes profit, over say a modest 1000 bets I will eat humble pie till I throw up!

Because NO-ONE has ever managed not even 10% of THAT.

You have a challenge!

PS are you a Kiwi?(Maori)?

Mr barry 19th October 2010 03:42 AM

Originally Posted by wesmip1
Mr Barry,

I thought Kelly staking was proven to be the optimal strategy for betting if you are confident your pricing is more correct then the public. There has been about a thousand research papers on it. If you have somehow mathematically proven that you can beat the kelly staking over 1 million bets then you could write a research paper and have world fame. I for one would be very interested in it.

Any chance you could explain it a little bit for me, either in email or here on the forum.
Sorry but I must respectfully decline your request, I suggest you just keep watching and learn.

Mr barry 19th October 2010 03:45 AM

Very long post Partypooper, I took just 2 things out of it.
1) You don't like Kiwis
2) You don't like Cuzzies

Oh and do you like your Pie warm?.

Stay tuned for Wednesday when I will place the bets up before the first race.

wesmip1 19th October 2010 06:53 AM

Originally Posted by Mr barry
Sorry but I must respectfully decline your request, I suggest you just keep watching and learn.

Mr Barry,

You said part of your technique is the stakng plan. Withoutb revealing it I have no way to learn. :(

Mr barry 19th October 2010 09:11 AM

Gentlemen and Darky out of the generosity of my heart are today's investments. As stated before I wont be in all likelihood taking them all, but the majority will in all probability be selections.

bat R03 # 2 Chalfont

bat R03 #11 Comedy Express (Darky's Posts)

bat R04 # 2 Drop Of Magic (thats this investment method)

bat R05 # 2 Bellshasar

bat R07 # 3 Natural Star (Me)

bat R08 # 1 Grand Cause

gra R01 # 4 Precious Qualo

gra R01 # 8 S********s (This wont copy over due to over policing rules, but you know who it is)

gra R02 # 2 Faker (Darky you are popular today mate)

gra R04 # 1 My Opinion (Not interested in it Partypooper)

gra R07 #13 Ratanga

gra R08 # 3 Rodeo Playboy (No this isn't you Darky)

gra R09 # 6 Subculture (Some punting forums are like this)

kyn R03 # 8 Ruby Slippers

kyn R05 # 2 Viallico

kyn R05 # 4 Pliers (to open Darky's Wallet with)

kyn R06 # 1 Reflection (many of you need to do this with your punting to become winners)

kyn R07 # 1 Kimorra

mac R01 # 3 Heart In Tennesse

mac R02 # 1 Frigid (One of your horses is it Darky?)

mac R05 # 1 Achill Island

mac R05 # 2 Gaseosa

mac R05 # 7 Umbrage

mac R06 # 3 Blitzkrieg

Had to play around lads with some of the Platinum's selections names today for a laugh.

partypooper 19th October 2010 11:19 AM

Love Kiwis/NZ, spent 2 years in Takapuna my eldest daughter was born there.

whats' a cuzzie? (I've led a sheltererd life)

Looking forward to that pie (1000 bets/level stakes remember)

Mr barry 19th October 2010 05:05 PM

Originally Posted by partypooper
Love Kiwis/NZ, spent 2 years in Takapuna my eldest daughter was born there.

whats' a cuzzie? (I've led a sheltererd life)

Looking forward to that pie (1000 bets/level stakes remember)
1000 bets? I passed that years ago. And you didn't listen did you, level stakes is for pretenders.
A cuzzie is a Maori.

Mr barry 19th October 2010 05:07 PM

Originally Posted by wesmip1
Mr Barry,

You said part of your technique is the stakng plan. Withoutb revealing it I have no way to learn. :(
Even following Poopers level stakes dream today you would have made a few quid.

Mr barry 19th October 2010 05:12 PM

Ok I think you are starting to get the picture after another superb winning day with the Platinum, of course most of you dreamers like Wesmip1 have decided to sit back and wait until I have had the 1000 bets at level stakes and proven nothing that I didn't already know. Those who were brave and intelligent enough waded in and got the chocolates.
I will sit back and again wait for the boot to go in.

darkydog2002 19th October 2010 05:44 PM

NZ eh.I remember it well from the 70,s.Used to belong to the Morons Motor Cycle Club.
I hear they,ve disbanded and moved to Australia to become Graffiti Artists.

wesmip1 19th October 2010 06:10 PM

Mr Barry,

If you past 1000 bets on this method years ago then I have to aska a few things.

1. Why aren't you rich already?
2.What is your base bet? If you are not using level stakes you truely are not betting at any decent money. You can't run any loss chasing plan with more then maybe a $2 base bet.

If you want credibility then do something like "Arakaan'sSearch For Money" or "TheAnalyser tries Laying". Both threads from a different forum (sorry) but they provide detailed profit loss figures every day and post all their selections before the race with no statements like "I won't be taking all of them". If you don't have a rule before the race on whether the selection is being taken then its worth crap posting it. I could just provide a list of all favs here and say "I won't be taking all of them" and then only count the winners.

By all means provide the selections, the rules on which horses should be backed if its based on price and the staking method and then you will be given credit where credit is due (if it shows a profit). No one can learn anything from you if you don't provide these things.

partypooper 19th October 2010 06:18 PM

Well Mr. Barry, I would always be the first one to say that 1 days results means nothing, a bad start but we forgot to tell you about the "forum curse"

No dreamer here, cold hard facts are: your bets today:

Win Bets 21..Hits 5... S/R 23.81%...Rets 15.30 W/L -5.70 %POT = -27.14%

Place bets21..Hits..10 S/r..47.62%..Rets..17.00 W/L - 4 %POT = -19.05%

I've used BEST TOTE there as well, now unless I've missed a winner or two you were a long way from a level stakes profit (today that is)

I acknowledge that it would have only taken one of those bigger priced place getters to have got up and it would have been a different story, but that's the old story eh?

Mr barry 19th October 2010 06:23 PM

Originally Posted by partypooper
Well Mr. Barry, I would always be the first one to say that 1 days results means nothing, a bad start but we forgot to tell you about the "forum curse"

No dreamer here, cold hard facts are: your bets today:

Win Bets 21..Hits 5... S/R 23.81%...Rets 15.30 W/L -5.70 %POT = -27.14%

Place bets21..Hits..10 S/r..47.62%..Rets..17.00 W/L - 4 %POT = -19.05%

I've used BEST TOTE there as well, now unless I've missed a winner or two you were a long way from a level stakes profit (today that is)
Poopers have you been drinking?. Recheck the results mate I think you will find possibly why you have not won for the last 40 years, you are even struggling with basic calculations.

be a little bit more forgiving to poopers as a few of the races had more than one selection so s/r doesn't prove much, a race s/r rate would be a little bit fairer.

Mr barry 19th October 2010 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by darkydog2002
NZ eh.I remember it well from the 70,s.Used to belong to the Morons Motor Cycle Club.
I hear they,ve disbanded and moved to Australia to become Graffiti Artists.
Still the head honcho aren't you mate?.

Mr barry 19th October 2010 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by wesmip1
Mr Barry,

If you past 1000 bets on this method years ago then I have to aska a few things.

1. Why aren't you rich already?
Who says I am not?.

Mr barry 19th October 2010 06:35 PM

Originally Posted by wesmip1
Mr Barry,

If you past 1000 bets on this method years ago then I have to aska a few things.

2.What is your base bet? If you are not using level stakes you truely are not betting at any decent money. You can't run any loss chasing plan with more then maybe a $2 base bet.

Thats none of your business and has no relevance, I repeat again I am not using a loss chasing plan, read my first post again.

Mr barry 19th October 2010 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by wesmip1
Mr Barry,

If you past 1000 bets on this method years ago then I have to aska a few things.

If you want credibility then do something like "Arakaan'sSearch For Money" or "TheAnalyser tries Laying". Both threads from a different forum (sorry) but they provide detailed profit loss figures every day and post all their selections before the race with no statements like "I won't be taking all of them". If you don't have a rule before the race on whether the selection is being taken then its worth crap posting it. I could just provide a list of all favs here and say "I won't be taking all of them" and then only count the winners.

I am not after credibility, now come on most of my bets today were not short priced favourites.

Mr barry 19th October 2010 06:37 PM

Originally Posted by wesmip1
Mr Barry,

If you past 1000 bets on this method years ago then I have to aska a few things.

By all means provide the selections, the rules on which horses should be backed if its based on price and the staking method and then you will be given credit where credit is due (if it shows a profit). No one can learn anything from you if you don't provide these things.

What do you think I am a fool and have you and plenty of others erode my profitability.

partypooper 19th October 2010 06:54 PM

My apologies Mr Barry, (though you make it hard) yes I copied and pasted your selections and some how it didn't copy the last 2 at Mackay , I'll blame the comp. Anyway here are the very impressive corrected results:

Win Bets 24..Hits 7... S/R 29.17...Rets 40.3 [W/L +16.3 %] POT = +67.92%

Place bets24..Hits..12 S/R..50.%..Rets..23.3 [W/L -.70 % ]POT = -3.33%

As I said before 1 days results means nothing,Looking forward to much more pie!

PS just one question, didn't you say that you had twigged on this brilliant idea a week ago? just wondered how you managed to get in over 1000bets in a week?

Mr barry 19th October 2010 07:05 PM

Originally Posted by partypooper
My apologies Mr Barry, (though you make it hard) yes I copied and pasted your selections and some how it didn't copy the last 2 at Mackay , I'll blame the comp. Anyway here are the very impressive corrected results:

Win Bets 24..Hits 7... S/R 29.17...Rets 40.3 [W/L +16.3 %] POT = +67.92%

Place bets24..Hits..12 S/R..50.%..Rets..23.3 [W/L -.70 % ]POT = -3.33%

As I said before 1 days results means nothing,Looking forward to much more pie!

PS just one question, didn't you say that you had twigged on this brilliant idea a week ago? just wondered how you managed to get in over 1000bets in a week?
Yes sorry PP I need to point out that in my original post that I twigged to the idea a week ago to posting the platinum on here to help some others but by the looks of some of the posted replies help is not needed as many are doing very nicely thank you already.

wesmip1 19th October 2010 07:14 PM

Keep the selections coming please.. always interested to see what people are tipping.

partypooper 19th October 2010 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by Mr barry
Ok I have twigged to an idea that is GOING to make me millions, I am currently looking at launches on the web that I am LIKELY to be able to afford in the next week or so the way things are going, when I get over the mega winning day today I will post some of the results for you. It has been killing it for OVER A WEEK NOW and THIS TIME I am sure I am onto the NEXT big thing.

Have a good evening, more tomorrow.

Goodonya, Mr barry

We all love to see a winner, it gives us hope!

moeee 19th October 2010 08:25 PM

When someone comes along and brings life to the Forum, its always the case for plenty members to destroy them and drive them away.
And drive their winning tips away.

This bloke is doing very well and is providing much to everyone prepared to look and possibly profit from.

Its a shame he won't provide more information on how the selections came about , rather than the selections themslves though.

Because I can see he gonna fall on his ******** as well , but I'm not hoping he will , its just enevitable.
It happens to all of us.
Thats why we here.
To seek comfort and solace in knowing we aren't the only Losers on this planet.

Mr barry 20th October 2010 03:43 AM

Poopers you have to start reading what is in front of you and interpret or assume.
My post as you highlight says it has been killing it for over a week now, it DOES NOT say that I have been only doing it for a week.

Please refer to this, read and absorb.


wesmip1 20th October 2010 05:31 AM

Mr Barry,

Please keep posting selections. Surely ou have some for today at Geelong (and other tracks)?

Mr barry 20th October 2010 07:29 AM

Originally Posted by wesmip1
Mr Barry,

Please keep posting selections. Surely ou have some for today at Geelong (and other tracks)?
give me 2 hours and they will be up.

Mr barry 20th October 2010 11:06 AM

asc R04 # 9 Regol Street

asc R04 #10 Sealynx

asc R06 # 4 Fumio

can R02 # 7 Bedouin Express

can R03 # 1 Future Solution

can R04 # 2 Milanesa

can R06 # 6 Mafia Miss

eaf R01 #11 Miss Cutie

eaf R02 # 7 Warringah

eaf R03 # 3 If It Can It Will

eaf R04 # 2 Metallurgical

eaf R05 # 8 Win A Million

eaf R06 # 2 Sway To Go

eaf R06 # 3 Imagery

eaf R07 # 3 Aquaterra

gee R01 #11 Kookaburras

gee R03 # 2 I'm The Fiddle

gee R04 # 8 Brampton

gee R07 #11 Princess Narine

gee R08 # 3 No Wine No Song

gee R09 # 6 Cyclone Al

gee R09 # 7 Garozzo

str R02 # 1 Cosmic Ruler

str R05 #10 Schoorwin

str R06 # 3 Vinard

str R07 # 7 Hold That Conquest

str R08 # 5 Budriguez

darkydog2002 20th October 2010 11:09 AM

Take a tip from this old Master Punter .
Eliminate any horse without a "R" in its name., and under $8.
Only too pleased to add my professional assistance and good luck today.
Gees I,m good to you.

Mr barry 20th October 2010 11:18 AM

Post deleted. Flaming.

darkydog2002 20th October 2010 11:37 AM

But Barry where would you get any ideas if I didnt stimulate your brain.
In all forms of betting one has to take the longterm view (not as in your case a couple of successful races)


darkydog2002 20th October 2010 12:01 PM

Cripes Bazza 95 % on TO in the 1st race (I can call ya Bazza cant I seeing we,re old mates)
I take it that this is a Stop At A winner Plan.
Or is this a Stop at a PLACE Plan.?

partypooper 20th October 2010 12:07 PM

Aw, c'mon Mr Barry just a bit of funny stirring, and anyway I feel that you are ******** bent on making me eat that "pie" and I hope you do!

wesmip1 20th October 2010 05:34 PM

Cmon guys give himself a chance to prove himself.

Tough day today though with 21 bets and only 2 winners at $1.80 and $3.60.

darkydog2002 20th October 2010 05:54 PM

Yeah.We were all dreamers once and it does keep the system sellers and Rating men in cash.
The reality is that its more likely (if your lucky) to have realistic profit figures like these ( from a Free daily Best Bet and one of the better ones)
131 bets /Turnover $9825 /Profit $266.
Unfortunately unless your betting 100,s of thousands in bets one wont make a decent living from punting and your money is best invested in a account that has reasonable interest.

Mr barry 20th October 2010 05:59 PM

Post deleted.

If you feel another user is an idiot, that's your business. No-one cares. Don't post about it in the forums. Add them to your ignore list if you feel strongly about it. If you feel the user has violated the Terms of Use, report it via the TOU violation function.

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