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Barny 9th March 2013 08:08 PM

Originally Posted by bernie
Hi speedy. How long is a piece of string? I've been studying systems for over 45 years and I'm still to be convinced there is a winning system or Holy Grail. Yes, I agree there is luck and some have it, most don't.

There is a system posted on this forum some time ago that I thought was a winner. I recorded results for over 1,000 races. For the first 500 races it was making about 15% POT but after that it was all down hill. I tweaked it this way and that but could never get it back on track. So, in answer to your question, the sky's the limit. There is no test of time. Gambling is gambling and we know who wins in the end. Very seldom is it the punter although many like to make out they do in the anonymity of forums like this.

By the way, I'm always available to meet with anyone who wishes to prove otherwise. Those avid gamblers will have heard of a guy named Turbo Genius, a man who said he never lost whenever he played roulette. I offered to pay his airfares from the States and accommodation also if he could prove it. I'm still waiting.
Bernie, I'm of the opinion that it's impossible to win at roulette, so we agree there.

Could I indulge you to post the system that you mention that was on this forum that you thought was a winner. It would be a beaut case study and I'm sure many on here would be only to pleased to test it and discuss it. You've got nothing to lose here Bernie as you're not punting it, what about it ??

Barny 9th March 2013 08:11 PM

Originally Posted by CosMos
.I have been studying systems for a long time and I have shared here before but no one answered.
Heard that one many times CosMos, but I believe that many take notice, they just dont get involved. Years ago they did, now they don't. Personally I've resisted posting on the Top 10 Sires thread in fear of attracting a few / quite a few (lol) that don't like my posts / me, and subsequently destroying the thread.

Barny 9th March 2013 08:32 PM

You're on a game show and you have to pick one of three doors for the prize.

You pick door 1.

The host says to open door 2 and of course door 2 does not contain the prize (because the host knows). The host asks you if you'd like to switch your choice from door 1 to door 3 ?? The correct answer is that you should switch to door 3.

The reason is that the host "knew" that one of the two remaining doors (the ones you did not choose) did not contain the prize, so the process was not random and the odds had indeed changed. If the probability of the prize being in door 2 or door 3 is 2/3rds, then given that it's not door 2, then the odds of the prize being in door 3 is 2/3rds.

That's why you cannot win at Roulette ......... sigh ;)

The Ocho 9th March 2013 09:21 PM

Originally Posted by bernie
No, not too close to the bone laddie. If you bothered to look at my posts you would see that I don't gamble. Gambling is for losers unless you have found the Holy Grail. I prefer to keep my money in the bank.

I just get sick of the same old story time after time. Some here, probably the newbie's, get something out of your ramblings. Some it appears would agree with me. Move on print something constructive. How about your picks for today or the coming week? Nah, never happens eh Barny.

If you don't gamble, bernie, then what the h ell are you doing lurking on this website wanting someone to show you a winning system?

And, by the way, I've tried to show people that you can make money trading although I doubt you would make any doing that. You wouldn't have the right attitude.

SpeedyBen 9th March 2013 09:36 PM

Good point, Ocho.
I live off my gambling Bernie but as you said you don't believe it. I guess I follow a system of sorts, more than one in fact, but will the same ones work forever? Impossible to prove that isn't it Bernie? I've just posted a 1000 bet trial of a laying system which was highly successful. Will it work forever? Probably not, but I'll bet you won't be the one to find the perfect system with your attitude. Now that is a perfect prediction.

Barny 9th March 2013 10:08 PM

Hang on a sec ..... I can see the winds of change here and ganging up on Bernie is bullying. He's ripped in to me on occassions but I'm fair game the way I post. He's entitled to his opinion.

The Ocho 9th March 2013 10:20 PM

Originally Posted by Barny
Hang on a sec ..... I can see the winds of change here and ganging up on Bernie is bullying. He's ripped in to me on occassions but I'm fair game the way I post. He's entitled to his opinion.

And so are we.

beton 9th March 2013 11:41 PM

Originally Posted by Barny
Hang on a sec ..... I can see the winds of change here and ganging up on Bernie is bullying. He's entitled to his opinion.

I agree fullheartedly on both accounts. Unfortunately sometimes people post without thinking or without concern for their fellow posters. Sometimes they make unfounded assumptions and post them. Which can be like a red flag to a bull (red flag - bull?? - they are colourblind)

CosMos 10th March 2013 04:18 AM

Bernie made allegations of me taking and not giving which is untrue Barny...I will stand up for myself as he made no attempt to ask me about any system I may have. I post here to have some fun and to learn and share but I guess that may change as I have better things to do than defend myself. No bullying by me by the way.

Moderator 3 10th March 2013 07:40 AM

This thread has gone off the rails with nothing to do with Betting Systems and folks just having a go at each other.

It has now been closed.


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