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Tubby 3rd March 2006 10:54 PM

I dont'even know where to start on that Duritz. Has a Queenslander stolen your girlfriend?

Duritz 3rd March 2006 10:56 PM

Speaking of monkeys, where else in the world but in monkey Queensland would the abbreviation QLD represent Queensland??

What happened there - the pollies said, "Well, Queensland is so hard to pronounce, let alone spell, for our voters, lets give them something to shorten it to."

And so they discussed it - the public wanted it to just be one letter, because that would be easier to remember, and of course the natural letter to choose in that case would be K - cos that's how most of them incorrectly began the spelling of their state name.

Others said, "No - let's make it two letters!" (Queensland intellectuals!) and their suggestion was therefore KW, being the first two letters of how most of them incorrectly started their state name.

If the rest of the country took the Queensland approach to abbreviations, we would have VTN, NUS, NOY, SHA, WNA, TNA (who cares about them!) and ANY.

That's yet another argument for the pile of arguments as to why Queenslander's shouldn't be allowed to vote, hold a license, hold a gun (God help us all!) breed, speak, sing, write or produce racecallers.

Eventually, luckily for all, the politicians asked a Victorian, "What would be the best abbreviation?" He replied, "SHTVL"... which they ended up shortening, to QLD.

Duritz 3rd March 2006 11:01 PM

LOL nah - I have a wife, and as far as I know she's not been tainted by the QLD brush..... (although she comes from northern NSW...)

I don't know why I wrote that stuff - I'm having a beer and being cheeky mainly, listening to music, have been doing form but have finished that (for Caulfield) and am letting mind wander. Unfortunately you guys copped the wanderings.

Tubby 3rd March 2006 11:04 PM

Originally Posted by Duritz
Queenslander's shouldn't be allowed to .... hold a gun (God help us all!)
Scarily enough enough we do have guns. Something to do with protecting the queen's country during WWII

That was a fantastic post Duritz. It might not last too long though if the moderators are consistent.

Tubby 3rd March 2006 11:08 PM

Missed your last post Duritz. I figured you were kidding. Just cause it is dark here at 6.30 already and i don't want daylight savings doesn't mean I am a bad person.

I am having a beer too and pondering a great days worth of punting.

burnt_offering 4th March 2006 07:45 AM

Futurity Stakes

Perfect Promise
Fields of Omagh
Live in Vain

xptdriver 4th March 2006 08:09 AM

To Duritz..
I musta been asleep for a few months... is it State of Origin already? :)

kiwi 4th March 2006 08:12 AM

Aqua D'Amore
Perfect Promise

Raw Instinct 4th March 2006 08:15 AM

Originally Posted by Raw Instinct
Great is Great
Perfect Promise

Fields of Omagh

Any chance that I can swap Confectioner and Headturner around?

if not no big deal

Sportz 4th March 2006 08:30 AM

Yeah sure thing:

Raw Instinct's tips
Great is Great
Perfect Promise

Fields of Omagh

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