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lighthuman2010 30th October 2010 06:48 PM

Post deleted. If you feel a post is not worth reading after the first line that's your business. Don't post about it in the forums. Add the poster to your ignore list if you feel strongly about it. Click User CP link at top left then scroll down to Buddy/Ignore Lists link. If you feel the user has violated the Terms of Use, report it via the TOU violation function. Thanks.

TheNeedle 30th October 2010 07:14 PM

Well it was a tough day on the punt today but working hard to obtain the best prices and only betting the value ensured a profit was had. Onward to tomorrow.

partypooper 30th October 2010 08:02 PM

ok, lets put it another way, IF your strategy shows a profit at level stakes then yes you can increase profits (but probably not the POT) with just about any staking plan. IF your strategy does not show a profit at level stakes ......no staking plan will turn it around , long term that is.

Chrome Prince 30th October 2010 08:36 PM

Originally Posted by lighthuman2010

You would need a huge amount of luck to make a full time income from a bank of under $10k without going bankrupt first. Unless you consider a full time income to be around $100 per week?

You just need an advantage and to turn over your bank x number of times to derive a good income. Luck is not a factor.

Assume that a bank of 10k and your edge is a mere 2%. (mine is a lot higher than 2%).
Turning over your bank once, your profit is $200.
Hardly a wage, however, suppose you could turn over your bank 10 times in a week, suddenly your wage is 2k from a mere 10k bank, even though the edge remains 2%.

2% is amazingly conservative.

The above also assumes 2% of bank level stakes, not staking plans or higher percentage of bank bet which increases risk.

partypooper 30th October 2010 08:45 PM

2% GUARANTEED large volume would suit me Chrome! (the Casinos edge; that'll do)

lighthuman2010 30th October 2010 09:40 PM

Originally Posted by Chrome Prince
You just need an advantage and to turn over your bank x number of times to derive a good income. Luck is not a factor.

Assume that a bank of 10k and your edge is a mere 2%. (mine is a lot higher than 2%).
Turning over your bank once, your profit is $200.
Hardly a wage, however, suppose you could turn over your bank 10 times in a week, suddenly your wage is 2k from a mere 10k bank, even though the edge remains 2%.

2% is amazingly conservative.

The above also assumes 2% of bank level stakes, not staking plans or higher percentage of bank bet which increases risk.

Chrome Prince,

Betting 2% of your bank is allowing for a maximum drawdown of only 50 units.

If you are going to turnover that $10k bank 10 times in a week as you say, that is 500 bets.

Now, 500 bets in a week is a high turnover method in anyones language. If you think 50 units drawdown is conservative on a high turnover method like that, you are dreaming.

So again, I would strongly encourage newcomers to ignore your post as you would need a huge amount of luck to not go bankrupt.

lighthuman2010 30th October 2010 09:49 PM

Post deleted. If you think a user is an idiot or their post is not worth reading that's your business. Don't post about it in the forums. Public ridicule is not permitted. Add the poster to your ignore list if you feel strongly about it. Click User CP link at top left then scroll down to Buddy/Ignore Lists link. No more warnings about this. If you feel the user has violated the Terms of Use, report it via the TOU violation function. Thanks.

lomaca 30th October 2010 09:50 PM

Originally Posted by lighthuman2010
Chrome Prince,

Betting 2% of your bank is allowing for a maximum drawdown of only 50 units.
I'm risking an accusation of flaming here but mate, you either can't read, don't bother reading posts or just plain lack comprehension!

CP was talking about making 2%, (minimum, he says he is making much more) not betting 2 % of the bank.

lighthuman2010 30th October 2010 09:52 PM

Originally Posted by lomaca

I'm risking an accusation of flaming here but mate, you either can't read, don't bother reading posts or just plain lack comprehension!

CP was talking about making 2%, (minimum, he says he is making much more) not betting 2 % of the bank..

Originally Posted by Chrome Prince

The above also assumes 2% of bank level stakes, not staking plans or higher percentage of bank bet which increases risk.
I'll accept an apology at any stage lomaca

lomaca 30th October 2010 09:54 PM

Originally Posted by lighthuman2010
I'll accept an apology at any stage lomaca
you'll have a long wait matey!

Being a betting man I'd say never!

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