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peter m 6th February 2010 02:37 PM

Originally Posted by Michal
Hi All ,

The old Race to race number feature some of you miss is now AT THE TOP instead, just under the Selection strip with all the Race codes for the day .
Yes, that's on the main page.
If you click on a race number you go to that particular race page. To go to the next race you have to go back to the main pagre again whereas previously the race numbers were at the bottom of any race page and you could go to any race without navigating backwards and forwards to the main page which is tme consuming and inconvenient.
I find the new site also is quite a lot slower than the old one as well.

Ah well, that's my whinge for the day ha ha!

lomaca 6th February 2010 03:16 PM

Originally Posted by peter m
I find the new site also is quite a lot slower than the old one as well.

You are not wrong there, unfortunately this applies to every site that is upgraded with lots of visual features and other useless stuff.

Just think of the old DOS programmes, doing the same as the Windows' ones, without fanfare and fast as lightning.
But for a lot of people it is much easier to use the computer today.

Add to this that our internet speeds are one of the worst in the world!

Gillies 7th February 2010 08:33 PM

I reckon the same as Baggy, thev'e gone 1 step forward and 10 backwards

Visually no where near the clarity and ease of use as the original one and that matters to me alot

Sportz 7th February 2010 09:05 PM

Silly thing is they've been advertising it as the most user-friendly betting website or something like that.

lomaca 7th February 2010 09:24 PM

Originally Posted by Gillies
I reckon the same as Baggy, thev'e gone 1 step forward and 10 backwards

Gillies having been involved in the IT industrie for some time, I have a good idea how it works.
Let's just say, people need work, and admins need to be seen to be "doing" something, so sites that work perfectly well and could easily incorporate new requirements, will be redesigned. It's called "progress"!

When the Supertab site was going to be redesigned a few years back, I talked to one of the blokes involved before it was going ahead, he said there was nothing really dramatic needed doing, but it was "due" for an upgrade.
He was happy of course and I can't blame him either.

I wish some of these teams of designers would be paid just to sit around, and only work when absolutely necessary, same as public "servants" and politicians, if we must have them, then at least let them do no harm!
Fat chance of that though.


petstep 7th February 2010 09:38 PM

new unitab site
I too agree it is much slower. Also it isn't easy for research anymore. Luckily I use their Netbet Pro for placing any bets. It's still the same as it used to be.

Gnarkley 8th February 2010 05:17 PM

If anyone needs just the placings and divs, Sportsbet goes back to 2007

peter m 19th February 2010 03:04 PM

If using this url www.tabonline.com.au/today.htm now unfortunately they have made it so you can't play around and go back to previous days for past results which makes back testing and researching ideas very difficult using the new site, if not impossible due to the slowness and inconvenience of the new site.

'Twas a black day in history indeed when they revamped the old site

Twodogs 19th February 2010 07:26 PM

Hey Peter

I have no trouble going to previous dates.

Might be worth another try.


Shaun 19th February 2010 07:29 PM



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