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maverick1993 13th August 2005 10:40 PM

i actually had a e/w on Stepping as well as a win bet on Cupboard who did nothing..and your right he seemed flat down the straight on the inside..but the last 20m or so he just jumped out of the ground..Diurnal was the same ..

actually Adelaide was the same as well,,,backmarkers seemed to struggle ..weird day today..

Svenvlad 13th August 2005 11:09 PM


Unfortunately i didn't have it, i'd had a reasonable day, so didn't try and push my luck in the last, just had a small E/W on Our Bullion - which was the wrong move :)

hope you guys had a winner....(naturally Mav won again :))


gazman 14th August 2005 08:05 AM

did you see
hey mav and all,,,,,,,,,,,,,hilton donaldson who calls the races in adelaide was
7 out of 7 in his first selections yesterday and i did''nt hear the last race in adelaide to see if he picked the card(i was to busy working out weather i should jump off the chook house roof and end the pain of it all) i would be interested to no or if any one knows if he picked the card ,,,,,,,,,,,still 7 out 7 is a great result not that i put much stock in race callers tips but he does seem more of a punter than a caller..............cheers...........gaz.......... ....

Tenacious Spirit 14th August 2005 09:53 AM

Nah mate, he missed the last.

a4brianp 14th August 2005 04:44 PM

Mav and Co Thanks for you Brissie summary i follow you guys when i can and have won so thanks again.Hope you follow my trot tips just had a nice winner at Shepparton.
cheers all

maverick1993 14th August 2005 05:09 PM

Hey Brian...had a little go at trots last year and had a shocker..i wish i had the time...i know a few brissie trainers and sometimes get the odd tip though...
Actually used to own a few trotters..still have one by "in the Pocket" that gets ridden around the trials nowadays ,,to slow for the track ..
love the standard breds ,,such a quiet breed ,,

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