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partypooper 9th February 2012 12:14 AM

Gawd, Bhagwan, are you REALLY serious? POT means PROFIT ON "TURNOVER" i.e the TOTAL amount staked , (regardless of what your fictitious bank is.

eg. You started with $100, and made @2000 $1 bets , now your bank stands at $150,.......... GREAT you made a profit ...........but that profit is $50 on a turnover of $2000, = 2.5%, NOT 50% of your original (fictitious) starting bank.

Bhags, you are not THAT dumb,.... just get real!!!! please?

Barny 9th February 2012 07:31 AM

Holy Cow ! I know they're just descriptive words, BUT, a lot of what we do is based on the fact that we all are able to communicate effectively, and I would have thought PROFIT in any sense of the word was an easy figure to work out ..... It's the relationship between the amount in EXCESS of the amount of money you've spent over a period of time.

In terms of explaining that as a ratio, so that we can make comparisons, we have the term POT. Invested $1,000 over six months, after six months you now have $1,100 = 10% POT.

We also have ROI or Retun on Investment (not as widely used or as valuable a ratio here I wouldn't have thought) = Invested $1,000 for a return of say $925 so ROI = 92.5% or a LOT of 7.5%

Shaun 9th February 2012 09:11 AM

The ROI is common outside of Australia, seams we may be the main users of this term for gambling.

Bhagwan 9th February 2012 11:15 AM

Of course it does Party.

Everyone knows what POT is.

The man wanted clarity .

We were trying to keep it simple..

I am unsure as to the point you are pressing.

I'm getting a real feeling you are allowing yourself to become agitated & aggressive over the term Profit On Turnover - Please!

Is there a reason as to why are you attacking people of late ?

partypooper 9th February 2012 11:27 AM

Funny you should say that Bhags, my missus is always telling me I'm turning into a grumpy old Man!

Whilst I'm totally non aggressive and non-violent in the physical sense, I do tend to emphasise my frustration verbally.

In my case, MY POT cost me a lot of money, and just about makes me a contender for "biggest loser" hee hee!

Barny 9th February 2012 12:48 PM

If I may wade in here ..... it's not the best method of communication here as you cannot see someone's body language. We all take responsibility for 'how' we post, but geez it's difficult when you're picked for YELLING or whatever, when it's more of an aaarrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh, with no malice or angst intended.

Chrome Prince 9th February 2012 01:04 PM

Yes, you really don't know whether someone is being aggressive, tongue in cheek, sarcastic or just frustrated.
I've often had some posts taken the wrong way.


Puntz 9th February 2012 03:30 PM

52% is POT

The other one is N POT
Net Profit on Turnover, means after expenses are subtracted.

So when they say 52% POT they have not subtracted expenses.


Barny 9th February 2012 03:42 PM

So that's Gross Profit On Turnover or GPOT, throw an S somewhere in that acronym and you'll have the attention of a lot of us here.

................ Woopeeeeeeeeee

Chrome Prince 9th February 2012 04:06 PM

You'll have more trouble finding it, than the next winner at Bulli greyhounds :D

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