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darkydog2002 26th March 2012 01:43 PM

I,ll tell you a true story re the above post.
A few years ago a mate and I shared a subscription to the Propun Ratings When it was a paid service.
One of the tips was offered at 30/1 by the bookies.
My mate words were"That cant win Propun must think I,m silly"
It duly won of course.
Now this mate would be forever writing abusive letters telling how paying for the subscription was the worst thing he ever did etc etc .
He made nothing while with the same selections I was a mile ahead.

Barny 26th March 2012 03:39 PM

Thanks for that darkydog2002

norisk 26th March 2012 03:53 PM

Originally Posted by darkydog2002
The silliest thing in this game is restricting yourself to a odds range.
i.e $3 - $10.

very true darky, very true - just my observations but I often see most value in the $8-$16 range, esp for the place

Bhagwan 26th March 2012 08:23 PM

Yes that Place market in the $2.00+ range can be very good.

axledog 26th March 2012 09:14 PM

I agree to dis-agree. Many systems , rules , thoughts or ideas
posted here are just personal opinion. Thus a forum. I take all
on board and no-one can be guilty of error , how crazy the idea!
Any one claim to live off the punt , and relay the message publicly
on this or any other forum is a madman! I live to read new messages and
any in sight i gain is a bonus. Some systems ARE fanciful to say
the least , but some i can relate to , and if not using the entire system ,
adapt the reasoning behind the concept of why a certain rule
was put in the system ,(why was it was put there?) Sometimes these repeat , others dont.
Some systems good , others not. So i conclude (opinion only)
Do your own research (agree) but dont shut out ideas that you
yourself may have overlooked. These people on here could be the
answer your lookin for.

Good luck to everyone!

darkydog2002 27th March 2012 09:04 AM

Well put Axle.

Bhagwan 28th March 2012 03:22 AM

Well said Axledog.

The crazy ideas are often the more interesting to read about.

They tend to run hot & cold performance wise , but I still like to read about them, no matter how wild they are.


Here's one mad idea that tends to work on its good days.

Target a Tipsters Top selection to win.

Must be an Odd TAB number
e.g. 1 3 5 7 9 ect

If Tipsters Top selection is an Even TAB No. e.g. 2 4 6 8 ect - No bet race

Price 2.60+

Why it works , I dont know.

Like any idea put forward, in the form of a System or Method.
Do your own research first, before committing any real money.
One can often improve on an idea put forward ,while doing this checking process.
One can often add someone's idea to your existing approach, so as to maybe improve on it.
So try & keep an open mind, no matter how wild it may sound.

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