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AngryPixie 16th November 2012 12:00 PM

Is this what you mean when you say free?


This is the only free stuff I know about and this can be used from any of their locations. Did you choose the right location when you set it up? It defaults to US east coast I think.

Shaun 16th November 2012 12:15 PM

Yes, i will see if i can have it in a different location, will send them an e-mail.

AngryPixie 16th November 2012 12:18 PM

No they will not move it for you.

Just terminate it and spin it up another either here or Ireland.

Select the location from the top right corner of the console. Near Help.

Shaun 16th November 2012 12:29 PM

What do you use to upload your files?

Shaun 16th November 2012 01:00 PM

Ok done, i suppose there is no way to transfer the data from that other server, it is still running right now.

I did change ther config to the 2008R2 64 bit on this new server located in Sydney.

AngryPixie 16th November 2012 01:02 PM


I don't. I just download the bot from the vendor and plug in the settings. Don't use it for anything else. I do copy the bot logs down to a local spreadsheet though.

What else are you wanting to do?

Kill the US server by selecting terminate from the menu. It'll hang around for a short while but will eventually disappear.

AngryPixie 16th November 2012 01:09 PM

Originally Posted by Shaun
Ok done, i suppose there is no way to transfer the data from that other server, it is still running right now.

I did change ther config to the 2008R2 64 bit on this new server located in Sydney.

The memory management is much better under R2 so 600 odd MB of RAM is suitable for a dedicated purpose but things will slow if your wanting to run Office and a bot etc.

Shaun 16th November 2012 01:10 PM

Same as you, but i need excel to run my bot as i use Betting Assistant, i might look at open office but i don't think my excel sheets will integrate very well with it.

I also need to change this disk size or change back to 32bit as i have almost used all the disk space before i add office files.

AngryPixie 16th November 2012 01:14 PM

Yep I use a 60GB disk. It's configurable during setup.

Shaun 16th November 2012 01:18 PM

Do you use the 64bit edition? if so what sort of disk space do you have left, if we have to add updates later down the track it could become cramped for me with 6.5 gig left.

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