No worries garyf, pity is that I could have saved you purchasing FMP as I can develop runtime solutions for as many of you as required without the need to actually own a copy of the software.
I have the Advanced Developer Licence, which enables me to do this. However, before you do anything mad like return it, we would need to discuss exactly what you want. Probably in terms of automation, coding , or just data analysis. There are certain automation limitations that only additional plugins will give you, which may require another coder. But that's an unknown at this point. Leave it all to you. |
Metro Tracks
Group One Favourites 33.57% Group Two Favourites 33.31% Group Three Favourites 30.59% Listed Race Favourites 30.15% Quality Race Favourites 30.14% Open Class Favourites 31.88% Maiden Class Favourites 34.74% Interesting! |
No worries CP. Matt will be in contact with you shortly, He hasn't purchased one yet & I have stopped. Him for the moment, see what eventuates. Cheers. Garyf. |
No worries at all. I may or may not be able to help, but I am a developer, so there might be a significant saving if I can help.
That time frame is well within reason, would expect it to take no more than a few weeks. |
The importance of data when testing systems.
Here is an example of how important it is to have enough data when backtesting systems.
I was trialling a system and looked at the results for 2014. There are benchmarks I use such as minimum number of selection to base a method on, at the pointy end of the market, I'd suggest a minimum of 2,000 selections, but I now advocate a minimum of 1,000 winners regardless of market price. I feel this gives a much more accurate picture of chances of ongoing performance. Of course, it going to be pretty difficult to get 1,000 winners out of most methods on outsiders. But that's my thoughts on why so many systems collapse even though "I have 3,000 races and it shows a profit." The answer invariably is that of the 3,000 races, the profit is based on one or two outsiders. This is why RaceCensus has a System Viability calculation, which is the profit divided by the maximum win dividend. It tells you how many winners make up your profit. <pre>2014 Only WIN PLACE Bets: 263 260 Winners: 98 176 S.R.: 37.3% 67.7% Outlay: 263.00 260.00 Return : 262.60 264.54 Profit : -0.40 4.54 P.O.T. : -0.2% 1.7% </pre> <pre>2007 to 2014 WIN PLACE Bets: 2902 2889 Winners: 960 1857 S.R.: 33.1% 64.3% Outlay: 2902.00 2889.00 Return : 2580.90 2713.54 Profit : -321.10 -175.46 P.O.T. : -11.1% -6.1% </pre> |
I've got to respect anyone that amasses a database. I've just spent a solid week collecting a years data with only 3 variables, that's the boring part. Then you start trying to disseminate that data and you start to find all these anomalies. Selections with equal rankings, late scratchings, incorrect source data..... The list goes on. All combine to throw out the true representation of what's really going on.
'All Hail' the database builders, a lot harder than it would appear. |
Especially if you have little bit of OCD and are a perfectionist - it's brutal!
I've got to respect anyone that wins without a database. That's impressive.
The database part is by far the most boring thing that I do. It's just mind-numbingly boring, it takes everything I have to not fall asleep at the computer. |
I think that a touch of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a necessary prerequisite for the resume Unlike me, whereby I'll collect 100,000 selections, break them up into 8 groups and they combined add up to 92,354.....******!!.......Aw that'll do, close enough :) |
Yep, I'm a tad obsessive about numbers adding up.
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