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tragic 26th September 2003 10:43 PM

tragic has left the building

partypooper 27th September 2003 02:11 AM

Gotta take this oportunity to tell the tale about the "one that got away", A couple of years ago I was following PPM selectios (sorry Kenschar) anyway one saturday they came up with a clear selection for a horse called "Inspire" (I think it ws at Ipswitch)as well as another selection contending the same race (sorry can't remember the name) my bets were $20 win at the time. At the same time I was following a an old system of mine backing any horse that had won 3 on the trot (for a place)
As I placed my bets I realised that I had 3 in the same race and the DEFINITE thought crossed my mind that I should take all 3 in an all ways trifecta, well, of course I didn't do that or I wouldn't be writing this would I???

The result Inspire @66-1 ($20 win) the other PPM selection 2nd at enormous odds (can't remember the name) and my system horse 3rd , also at enormous odds (sorry can't remember the name as well)

wait for it!!!!! the TRI paid $73,000.

By the way just in case you thought this was a plug for u know who? it wasn't bcoz despite Inspire I still lost backing their selections!!!! iuf anyone wants the details I would be only too pleased to oblige (in the hope that it stops anyone on this forum falling for their bull********)

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