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Real money??
If not..............waste of time IMO. None of the pressures of being behind, the do I don't I keep going, etc |
There is real money going on all selections but not at the same level. It will eventually get there and the bet sizes are growing. |
Excellent stuff UB.
Day 25 - Aus Market Update
Starting Bank: $46571 Profit for the day : $1796 Wage Deducation : $200 Closing Bank: $48167 I held a position in 19 races today and made a profit in 17 of them. Both losing markets were only a loss of $40. Keeping to the first 4 races has again worked today. The account is moving in the right direction again. If I have another good day tomorrow then there is a chance of hitting the 50K mark over the weekend. A few races left to go today. I'll update the stats if any bes are placed. |
Well done UB. Going great guns. :)
Thanks Ocho and Mark for the words of encouragement.
Day 26 - Aus Market Update Starting Bank: $48167 Profit for the day : $580 Wage Deducation : $200 Closing Bank: $48547 I held a position in 20 races today and made a profit in 15 of them. A couple of losing races today but they didn't do too much damage. Our biggest losses were in Canberra Race 4 and Ballina Race 2. Total Wages paid so far is $5200 which is not bad for less than a months pay. |
Day 27 - Aus Market Update
Starting Bank: $48547 Profit for the day : $28 Wage Deducation : $200 Closing Bank: $48375 I held a position in 32 races today and made a profit in 26 of them. Most of the damage was done in the photo finish at Belmont Race 2. I was showing a very nice profit before 2pm today and then I went 10 races for a profit in only 5 of them. The combined loss over those 10 races after 2pm was $1976. |
I didn't get a chance to update so this is 2 days worth:
Day 28/29 - Aus Market Update Starting Bank: $48375 Profit for the day : $(2984) LOSS Wage Deducation : $400 Closing Bank: $44991 I held a position in 31 races today and made a profit in 26 of them. We start the slow process of building up towards $50K again. Before taking the losses I was showing a new high for the bank and that is a positive thing to take out of the last couple of days. The negative is that a few bad races can really hurt. An analysis of the data I have shows that generally its like this movement, lots of little gains then a large loss that takes back 80-90% of those gains. Then every so often you get the good week with no losers and the bank shoots up to a new level. I'll perservere for a lot longer. On another note I am close to having a UK method ready for testing. This means it has passed my paper trial and it ready for real money testing. I still need to automate these selections but I should have them ready very soon, maybe even tonight. One thing I have found is the UK market is much better at giving the right odds to a horse and the angles are a lot harder to find, but they are still there but fewer horses are mispriced. |
For those interested I'll be laying the following tonight. I have not yet checked prices or scratchings.
Day 30 - Aus Market Update
Starting Bank: $44991 Profit for the day : $248 Wage Deducation : $200 Closing Bank: $45039 I held a position in 13 races today and made a profit in 11 of them. Thats 30 days of testing and in that time I have made : $6000 in wages $5039 in profit A total of $11,039 or a little over 27.5% in one month. I will bank the $5039 profit now and restart the next 30 days with a new bank of $40K. I am doing this to show myself over any 30 days I should be able to make a profit. Although I will be away soon for about 10 days on a trip paid for partly from the winnings here (although a smaller amount). |
Hi UB,
This is the closest thing I have seen here to a system which replaces a daily wage and/or generates a sustained run of profits UB. I'm sure its happening elsewhere, just not fully disclosed like yours. Top effort mate. LG PS incidentally... what level of confidence would you say you would have in laying 20-30-40% of the field with longer term success on carefully selected races - I appreciate that POT would be heavily down but do you think you could carve out a positive return over say a month or does 1 or 2 accidents kill one's chances. I ask bc i have little = no idea on the laying strategy per se? |
It depends on what your laying and how your laying. if your laying 40% of the market and break even on three of those, lose a small amount on the fav, and make a lot when they all lose then you might be able to do it. Each person needs to find the method that suits them. For example Mark likes to create a book and heavily focuses on the shorter end of the market for laying, whereas I like the longer end of the market becuase I like the consistency. Doing your own research and feeling comfortable with the method is the key. |
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