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rabbitz 28th September 2007 06:01 PM

Originally Posted by rabbitz

mr 1- first four



might put more bets on tommorrow

stoopid 11..missed out on 1/4 f4 by a whisker

Sportz 28th September 2007 06:08 PM

Originally Posted by Usurper
I assume I can have a bet tonight, and another tomorrow, Sportz (ie another post)...


Horse Whisperer 28th September 2007 06:58 PM

mr4 tease me $50 e/w
mr6 activation $50 e/w
mr7 murtajill $50 w

Sportz 28th September 2007 07:23 PM

MR 6-15 PACINO $10 WIN

MR 7 TRIF 5,8,9,10,11 x 50c ($30)
MR 7 QUIN 5,8,9,10,11 x 50c ($5)
MR TREB 8 / 10 / 9,11 X $6 ($12)

Sportz 28th September 2007 08:51 PM

Originally Posted by Magivor
hi guys, im away for a few days, could i please have $100 win on Barbaricus in the Stutt Stakes

Stop it, you're killing us!!!

Brilliant tipping, mate.

Sportz 28th September 2007 09:07 PM

After tonight:

$20,797.70 . Magivor
$1,183.70 . Spartacus
$961.00 . Syllabus23
$837.95 . Maverick1993
$627.30 . Chuck
$262.00 . Horse Whisperer
$148.00 . Raw Instinct
$141.00 . Usurper . ($406.00)
$135.00 . Goldcoaster
$81.00 . Rabbitz
$30.00 . Wise One
$0.00 . Sportz

These are the people with money left to bet tomorrow.

Usurper $141
Goldcoaster $135
Rabbitz $81
Wise One $30
Spartacus $2 :D

Incredible performance, Magivor. Well done!!!

At this stage, it looks like Spartacus will be the other person going through to the finals from this month, but who knows. Maybe one of the other 4 people left can change that.

Usurper 28th September 2007 11:14 PM

Going to be hard to Usurp that 20k lead.

westman 28th September 2007 11:55 PM

Originally Posted by Magivor
hi guys, im away for a few days, could i please have $100 win on Barbaricus in the Stutt Stakes

:) thanks.

That was an ace tip, Magivor ;)

Magivor 29th September 2007 12:02 AM

id say it was again luck that got me home, tipping so far out i was just lucky it fell into place, do i still have $150 for tomorrow sportz?

if so,

All Mornington
All Up Win
R2 N5
R3 N5
for $10($10)

R2 N5
R4 N5
for $10($20)

R3 N5
into R4 N5
for $10($30)

R2 N5
R3 N5
R4 N5
for $10($40)

R6 N1
$10 win($50)
R6 N1,2,5
$5 Quinella ($65)

R5 N3,4
$5 Quinella($70)

R1 N6
$5 e-w($80)

R2 N5, R3 N5, R4 N5
all $10 win.($110)

R7 N1
$10 win($120)
R7 N1,11
$5 quinella($125)

R8 N6
$10 win ($135)
R8 N3,6
$5 quinella($140)

R6 Trifecta 1,2,5 boxed
$1 ($146)

R8 Exacta 3 to beat 6

Magivor 29th September 2007 12:03 AM

Originally Posted by westman
That was an ace tip, Magivor ;)

an acetip before it was announced ;)

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