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Horse Whisperer 26th November 2006 09:36 PM

ive been jibbed $60!! geez thats a carton of coronas :P

crash 27th November 2006 05:59 AM

Originally Posted by diggo
Crash, just letting you know that you skipped one of mine:

Btw, is this comp just week by week or are you keeping an overall tally?

Geez mate, you posted your bet at 5pm. No wonder it missed the list.

It was BEFORE the jump wasn't it? :-)

nearly forgot to use my last $200:
Albany 26/11
R4 #5 Shenay's Boy $100ew [2.30p]

For the week:

Alzor 1370 / 50 Bonus Bet
Spartacus 1170
Chuck 1100
Kiwi 860
Leroy 690
Horse whisperer 670
Woodyman 606
Go4it 446
Crash 232
Diggo 230
Nulla 180

crash 27th November 2006 06:12 AM

Originally Posted by alzor

R7-1 Elbrus 250W, 250EW

You only had $300 to bet with and you have $750 bet here.
An obvious mistake which I had to read as 250w 50p as there was some e/w element to your bet. I think you [probably] would have bet it $150 e/w though if you had got the amount right.

A controversial decision but the 'Ashes' aren't involved so I'll have to let it ride[?].
Please be more careful with your bet amounts alzor as this one was hard to call.

crash 27th November 2006 07:10 AM

Updated totals to Monday 20/11/06

[last week / this week]

Nulla 2485 / 2665
Spartacus 1175 / 2345
Woodyman 1576 / 2182
Kiwi 1193 / 2053
Panther 1960 /1960
Horse whisperer 1000 / 1670
Alzor 300 / 1670
Serpent 1590 / 1590
Crash 1342 / 1574
Leroy 840 / 1530
Oaksnaf 1435 / 1435
Chuck 154 / 1254
Go4it 496 / 942
Diggo 900 / 900
Mr ed 882 / 882
Goldcoaster 500 / 500
Michael 314 / 314
Wombathq 300 / 300
Diogenes 240 / 240

Obviously some punters have dropped out that originally started or are still in but haven't scored yet.


crash 27th November 2006 08:48 AM

For those wondering how the scoring has been going since the start of the comp:
[fixed a couple of small errors in totals].

How things stand to Mond. 27/11/06

[week 1 / 2 / 3 / running total]

Nulla 525 / 1960 / 180 / 2665
Spartacus 525 / 650 / 1170 / 2345
Woodyman 946 / 630 / 606 / 2182
Kiwi 273 / 920 / 860 / 2053
Panther 1050 / 910 / 1960
Alzor nil / 300 / 1370 / 1670
Horse whisper 270 / 730 / 670 / 1670
Sepent 1365 / 225 / nil / 1590
Crash 546 / 796 / 232 / 1574
Leroy 70 / 770 / 690 / 1530
Oaksnaf 1154 / 281 / nil / 1435
Chuck 154 / nil / 1100 / 1254
Diggo 365 / 535 / 230 / 1130
Mr ed 882 / nil / nil / 882
Go4it 170 / 236 / 446 / 852
Goldcoaster 500 / nil / nil / 500
Michael 260 / 54 / nil / 314
Wombathq 300 / nil / nil / 300
Diogenes 240 / nil / nil / 240


alzor 27th November 2006 09:02 AM

sorry crash, i dont know what i was thinking at the time..

crash 27th November 2006 10:03 AM

That's fine mate, we all have 'peculiar' moments [wait until you hit my age, they really kick in then!].

OK, so next week to be fair to those who don't bet on Sundays and are probably praying for all the punting sinners out here [betting on Sundays], this week if you don't want to bet on Sunday, you can bet $200 on the Sat. [applies to the sinners too] I think that's fair enough.

crash 27th November 2006 07:05 PM

Tues. 28/11

r4/1 Destina $40w
r5/2 New York Express $30w
r6/6 Monte Palatino $30w

kiwi 28th November 2006 01:13 PM

R.3 H 11 Gretchenella 20 win

R.4 H 1 Rednrich 20 win

R.5 H 9 Reverenza 20 win

R.6 H 2 Danoserie 20 win

R.7 H 6 Running Reign 20 win

crash 28th November 2006 03:45 PM

r5/2 New York Express $30w [$4w]

Better than a kick in the head I suppose.

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