OZmium Sports Betting and Horse Racing Forums

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Mr J 12th April 2007 01:13 PM

What's wrong with 11 bets a day??!?!? Sounds like solid turnover to me, throw in 6% ROI and you have a licence to print money...

wesmip1 12th April 2007 06:03 PM

Mr J,

Nothing wrong with 11 bets a day in fact I prefer higher turnover systems to those that are restrictive for 2 reasons :

1. They revert to the mean ROI quicker so if its a losing system you usually pick it up in your test periods.

2. You can put smaller amounts of money on them and still get a substantial return at the end of the year.

Good Luck

Mr J 12th April 2007 06:12 PM

I'm always on the lookout for new opportunities so feel free to keep us up to date :)

Ricardo8 12th April 2007 07:51 PM

can u divulge how you 'automate' it wesmip....what program perhaps and a general rundown of it. tks.

wesmip1 13th April 2007 07:38 AM


I wrote the program myself so it is not a tool you can download or use.

Good Luck.

Chiquita 26th February 2008 11:17 AM

So wesmip1, still going strong?

wesmip1 26th February 2008 08:07 PM

Still going very strong .... In fact its showing a better pot these last 6 months then it has since I started betting it.

Good Luck

Shaun 26th February 2008 10:56 PM

Would you be willing to share some of the info on the automation side of things.

wesmip1 27th February 2008 08:39 PM


Everything I have done is written in Java. It automatically makes the selections each night after hours of processing ( these are not the same selections as i post elsewhere). It spits out a large number of bets each day. For example today it had 17 possible contenders. It then scans betfair and unitab and a couple of bookmakers for odds and only places the bets when everything lines up.

It sources information from a variety of sources all of which are freely available. Its basically a set and forget program and I have confidence in its ability in making money. This is why I don't share it around.

But I am always looking for new techniques to bet along side it so I am always searching forums and testing systems ... its always a great thrill to find winning techniques.

Good Luck

Shaun 28th February 2008 12:56 AM

I am not so much interested in the selections as i am in the automation of placing bets

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