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Chrome Prince 19th December 2007 11:45 AM

Angry Pixie an Dr Ron,

I have something that might interest you, if you'd like to send me an email to racestats at hotmail dot com, I'm prepared to share it with you off forum.

P.S. I got a whopping $2.20 about at $1.40 shot in the USA this morning, gotta love it :D

salty 19th December 2007 05:34 PM

Angry Pixie

Can you explain what the Far and Near price means, and also how you get them up on the screen.
I had a go last night. Got the SP up allright, but couldn't find any Far and Near.The timing was a couple of hours before the first race, could that have anything to do with it?

AngryPixie 31st December 2007 11:50 AM

Originally Posted by salty
Can you explain what the Far and Near price means, and also how you get them up on the screen.
I had a go last night. Got the SP up allright, but couldn't find any Far and Near.The timing was a couple of hours before the first race, could that have anything to do with it?

Salty sorry only just saw this.

The FAR price is derived from bets at SP only whereas the NEAR price is a combination of SP and current Exchange prices. Did you work out your interface problem?

Chrome Prince 31st December 2007 12:18 PM

Hi Angry Pixie,

How you going with that angle I gave you.
I've been cleaning up - going to be a very good year ;)

AngryPixie 31st December 2007 12:24 PM

Chrome. Great many thanks! Works for a few others in the market too. I'm seriously considering giving up the Australian market altogether. When there's close to AUD$2,000,000 of turnover on a Pommie Sunday Novice Hurdle you've just got to get heavily involved.

brownie 3rd January 2008 06:32 PM

This sounds great.
Could someone please advise me as to how to display the SP.

In the more options section I have selected
Display Near/Far Odds
Under the heading
Projected Odds (SP)

But it says
Displays only when Betfair Starting Price (SP) is selected.

How do I select this?

I don;t see anyway to activate this.


salty 5th January 2008 04:30 PM


Get out of more options , and back on the normal screen you will see choices to tick re Back&Lay, Market Depth, and SP. - just above all the prices. Good luck.

Angry Pixie
Thanks for your reply. I've finally got it worked out and might have a go at it tonight. Are you still doing well with it?

brownie 5th January 2008 06:30 PM

Hi Salty
Thanks for the reply
Yea, both those are ticked.
I am thinking it is a browser version issue.
I am running IE 6

AngryPixie 5th January 2008 06:58 PM

Brownie, you'll only see this on English races. Browser version shouldn't be an issue.

brownie 5th January 2008 07:42 PM


I think that might be the issue AP

Thanks, I'll look tonight.

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