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beton 26th April 2011 09:16 AM

I just downloaded the trial version of BetBotPro onto my desktop.
Everytime I go to authenicate it my Norton antivirus blocks it and removes it. I have sent an email to BetBotPro but no answer as yet. It solution has to be easy.
Regards Beton

The Ocho 26th April 2011 10:03 AM

Hi beton, I don't know much about this stuff but have you tried to white list (or whatever it's called) the application so it allows it to work? Or, have you tried to temporarily disable your antivirus to see if betbotpro will work?

marksto2 28th April 2011 07:34 PM

Hi, I've just downloaded the geekstoy software but can't for the life of me work out how to set limit orders. Where these orders lay a runner at 10 seconds before the event at a set price flat stake.

Does anyone know or offer any advice on this if you have this free application?

Bhagwan, not sure if you know?


Bhagwan 28th April 2011 07:54 PM

Hi Mark
Its got me beat how anyone gets that Geek thing to work.

They should call it pain in the as s

It seems very unstable so I gave up on it.

Hi Beton,
Its very common for Norton to conflict like that, with a lot of racing programs.

It played up terrible on me when running various racing programs in the past ,so I swapped it over to AVG & everything works perfectly & runs much quicker.

Maybe ring Norton & they will walk you through the process to make it accept that program.

Shaun 28th April 2011 08:31 PM

Better still uninstall Norton before they send you a virus and get a good antivirus that works like avast, it is not the only good one there are others and they are free, avoid AVG as it will bog down your system.

The Ocho 28th April 2011 08:33 PM

Originally Posted by marksto2
Hi, I've just downloaded the geekstoy software but can't for the life of me work out how to set limit orders. Where these orders lay a runner at 10 seconds before the event at a set price flat stake.

Does anyone know or offer any advice on this if you have this free application?

Bhagwan, not sure if you know?


Hi marksto2, I have used The Geeks Toy but I have no idea about limit orders 10 seconds before the off. It is a trading application. It sounds like you might need a bot.

If you want to bet on something with the geeks toy you can set it to take the starting price (SP) for either your bet amount or set to liability. You would simply put your lay order in under the current odds (or back bet above the current odds) and have the SP button checked (there should be 3 buttons - cancel, keep & SP). If your set up to lay to liability then you should be right. Try it with small stakes (you can bet under the minimum $5 amount with it - even 1c if you want).

The SP option is for horse racing (not for greyhounds and not sure about other sports).

beton 28th April 2011 08:34 PM

Thanks Guys.
It is Norton, program works when it is off.

Chrome Prince 28th April 2011 08:49 PM

Originally Posted by Shaun
Better still uninstall Norton before they send you a virus and get a good antivirus that works like avast, it is not the only good one there are others and they are free, avoid AVG as it will bog down your system.

I second that Avast is good, Norton and AVG bog down your system and Kaspersky is just plain annoying with gazillion prompts about safe processes!

marksto2 29th April 2011 07:38 PM

Hi, So can anyone recommend a free betting bot that can trigger a lay bet 10 seconds before jump at a limit of $10??

I uninstalled the Geek toy as it does not have the above functionality. I am at a loss. Does anyone use a free bot that can do the above? Could you kindly recommend??

Thanks in advance!

stugots 29th April 2011 07:49 PM



dusting off your wallet is your only option I would suggest

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