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Shaun 22nd May 2014 08:40 AM

Puntz, i use a similar code but don't bother with the loop or count.

If ThisWorkbook.Connections.Count > 0 Then ThisWorkbook.Connections.Item(ThisWorkbook.Connect ions.Count).Delete

I also delete the queries right after i have imported data.


Puntz 22nd May 2014 08:52 AM

Shaun, initially the Loop was added because there were so many connections at the time when the sluggishness was discovered, but yeah if the query tables are deleted right after as suggested, Loop method can be optional.
All well and good.

Rinconpaul 22nd May 2014 09:05 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by evajb001

RCP on a side note if you look at SR7 yesterday, see how there is a significant gap on the scatterplot between the runners with the highest odds and all the fancies below that. Is this what your looking for when laying longshots?

Basically was just wondering what the significance of the scatterplot was for you? Obviously don't have to go into huge detail as its something you've clearly researched but just interested.

I guess the main point of this exercise is to look for patterns that are easily identified and show a profit by either laying longshots and/or betting exotics. In the attachment you'll find four races wherein the longshot won (red), so it's not perfect, nothing ever is in this game. But despite the accidents it might still show a profit (research req'd, hence the aim of this thread to facilitate that). Given that our only filters here are pattern, price and field size. No form or ratings. Without the last bit it makes it harder but you can still make money. I have a bot set at a min price running 24/7 just Laying Aus, NZ trots and UK racing. Now it doesn't make much, $25 a day for $1650L, but multiply that by 365, throw in a couple of accidents and you've got nearly $6k, enough for you and your girlfriend to fly around the world economy class!

So if you can identify price parameters and strike rates per field size and country you'll do OK, add exotics and pattern recognition, who knows, a 1st class ticket RTW???....:)

Thanks for that extra script, I'll throw it in now.

Rinconpaul 22nd May 2014 09:16 AM

Shaun, there are probably two types of macro enabled excel excercises appearing out of all this. There's a pre race visual pattern recognition system as in what Josh's provided (also able to be back tested) and a longer term build a database system for analysis. Similar to what Betfair provides. You would have column headings:
Full Race description
Race No.
Selection name
No. of Runners
Tote Win price
Win Flag
Any others people consider important.

From that you could query the datatbase like:
Find all UK selections between $1 and $1.5 in 8 horse fields and from that determine the strike rate.
What do you think?

Shaun 22nd May 2014 09:36 AM

Yes that is kind what i was thinking, i can put together the pre race part easier enough i think, just need to understand the format.

As far as a data base i will have to give some thought how best to set this up, i could use the built in fetures but i also could code it, at least with coding we have a little more control on the output, designed my own in the past for a stable of runners so am sure i can come up with some ideas.

Rinconpaul 22nd May 2014 01:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I've attached a mockup Database and Pattern analysis, on Sheet 2, of todays races thus far.

Still a lot of manual work to do to transfer the info from Josh's page to here. A lot of pasting, sorting, graphing. Ideally this could be streamlined heaps. You'll notice two plum quinella, trifecta patterns in NR1 & 2. Once all sorted the database would be awesome.

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