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Bhagwan 21st May 2011 10:28 PM

Sorry , I've made an error.

We apply the rules to the top 3 Favs.

It becomes a qualifying race if there is a $4.50+ 2nd Fav in the race.

If that 2nd Fav is any shorter than $4.50, we ignore the race.

We bet the $3.00 on the 1st fav regardlees of its price.

Bet 3+2+2

Target first 6 races of the day in chronological order, only.

This is from our original posting about the rules.

Apply the pricing rule to the 2nd Fav .
2nd Fav must be $4.50+
otherwise, no bet race

Bet $3 on 1stFav (regardless of favs price)
Bet $2 on 2ndFav
Bet $2 on 3rdFav

Pauls123 23rd May 2011 03:53 PM

This sounds rather interesting. I think Benny and Bhagwan are doing two slightly different things here. Bhagwan is looking at the price of the second fav to determine if its a bet or not, as opposed to Benny who is looking at the price of the fav, to determine if its a bet or not.

Then Bhagwan has 3 bets if his second fav is $4.50+,..........whereas Benny might have 2 or 3 or 4 or even 5 bets if his fav is $3.50+

Interesting, might have to have a closer look at this,


max 23rd May 2011 07:51 PM

I am tracking both systems and neither are in profit since I started. That is not say they can't be with a little tweaking. I did notice that dropping the 3rd fav from Bagwan's works better as they have not yet won in the data I have so far.

Bhagwan 24th May 2011 02:10 AM

Sorry Max, but you mention the word data , as in data base.

Are you inferring 3rd Favs don't seem to win, therefore, feel they should be dropped ?

Is that conclusion based on 1 day ?

If it is , it can hardly be called data.

Please say it's not.

So, I am confused as to what is meant.


reded 24th May 2011 10:27 PM

Originally Posted by Bhagwan
Hi Ma x /
That's right 2nd fav 9/2+ (4.50)

I always thought 9/2 was $5.50 but i could be wrong.

Bhagwan 25th May 2011 10:33 AM

Sorry Red , my typo mistake.
7/2 is 4.50
9/2 is 5.50

max 25th May 2011 11:32 AM

Great! Now I am totally confused and all my results so far will need to be redone.

So 3/2 is 2.50, 5/2 is 3.50 and 7/2 is 4.50?

=> Bagwan, my data is simply all the days racing from each day (except Sunday) for the past 3 weeks. A lot of racing but not quite the "database" you would be used to running through.

stugots 25th May 2011 11:55 AM

always add 1 to the division result as this is the return of your stake

jose 25th May 2011 03:24 PM

3/2 Max????
Try 6/4.

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