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place2win 12th October 2011 08:18 PM

The Roller Coaster

Current Bank(RC).................$745.50 Current Bank(UB)........$1089.55

Positives 9 x $9.5.................+$85.50 Negatives 9 x $10.........-$90.00
Hendricus (1.69)..................- $6.90...Hendricus (1.68)..........+$6.46
Cosmonaut (3.4)..................-$24.00..Cosmonaut (3.3)..........+$31.35
W Symbol (2.5)....................-$15.00..W Symbol (2.4)...........+$13.30
F Tiger ((5.5).......................-$45.00...F Tiger ( 5.4)..............+$41.80

New Bank...........................$740.10...New Bank..................$1092.46
An up and down day for little change

place2win 13th October 2011 01:42 AM

The Roller Coaster
Thursday 13/10/2011

New Bank...........................$740.10...New Bank..................$1092.46

Unit Bet (Lay) 1% (original Bank $1000) = $10 (UB Train Back Bet =$10)
Max Lay Liability $5.00($6.00) Max Back -Alt of lay( all at 10 sec to jump time)

Wyong R 1 No 1
Wyong R 3 No 5
Rockhampton R1 No 5/6
Cranbourne R 5 No 4/5
Wyong R 4 No 3
Rockhampton R2 No 1/2/4/5
Cranbourne R 6 No 8/11/13/14/18
Cranbourne R 7 No 12
Wyong R 6 No 7
Cranbourne R 7 No 3/10
Wyong R7 No 4/5
Rockhampton R5 No 2/5/6/7/9
Cranbourne R 9 No 2/6/11
Rockhampton R7 No 9
Launceston R4 No 2/5/10
Launceston R5 No 5/6/9
Launceston R6 No 1/6
Launceston R8 No 3

Bhagwan 13th October 2011 04:48 AM

Hi Place2Win
Some impressive results there, with that Back & Lay approach.

Approx +$150 up in 2 days.

It appears, at this stage, that the majority of winners appear to come from selections priced in the <=6.00 range.

One could maybe capitalise on this staking approach, by only using the selections that fall in <=6.00 range.

That way one can maximise the leverage of the covering $10 Lay bet.

place2win 13th October 2011 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by Bhagwan
Hi Place2Win
Some impressive results there, with that Back & Lay approach.

Approx +$150 up in 2 days.

It appears, at this stage, that the majority of winners appear to come from selections priced in the <=6.00 range.

One could maybe capitalise on this staking approach, by only using the selections that fall in <=6.00 range.

That way one can maximise the leverage of the covering $10 Lay bet.

Hi Bhagwan,
So far so good, but it is early days.
As the selections are from my RC selection process which has a max
Liability of $5.00 (6/1) I don,t know how the over 6/1 would have
faired. Also I didn't know how to include multiple race selections for
staking purposes(maybe run multiple banks, but how many, the combinations could get out of hand)
Each day has had Three (3) occassions that a winning Profit has
been struck. Stopping at first win gives a minor profit, stopping at second win gives a medium profit and stopping at third gives a maximum
As each day has had a max loss run of only Two(2) the lay side
is at best a deterent as profit would have maxed further without
it. But time will tell. This needs more testing. Will continue to monitor.
Your original suggestion definately has merit, so thankyou for sharing.

place2win 13th October 2011 09:15 PM

The Roller Coaster

Current Bank..................$740.10...Current Bank..................$1092.46
Positives 5x$9.5.............+$46.5.....Negatives 5x$10..............-$50.00
Arrested for Speed (4.7)..-$37.00...Arrested for Speed (4.6)...+$34.20
Uboa (2.1).....................-$11.00....Uboa (2.10.....................+$10.45

New Bank......................$738.60...New Bank.......................$1087.11
Minimal Action for Minimal Loss

place2win 13th October 2011 09:26 PM

Originally Posted by place2win
Hi Bhagwan,
So far so good, but it is early days.
As the selections are from my RC selection process which has a max
Liability of $5.00 (6/1) I don,t know how the over 6/1 would have
faired. Also I didn't know how to include multiple race selections for
staking purposes(maybe run multiple banks, but how many, the combinations could get out of hand)
Each day has had Three (3) occassions that a winning Profit has
been struck. Stopping at first win gives a minor profit, stopping at second win gives a medium profit and stopping at third gives a maximum
As each day has had a max loss run of only Two(2) the lay side
is at best a deterent as profit would have maxed further without
it. But time will tell. This needs more testing. Will continue to monitor.
Your original suggestion definately has merit, so thankyou for sharing.
Cranbourne R5 No 5 3.2 x 20 (Loss)
Rockhampton R 2 No 4 3.9 x 22 (Loss) Lay 10 Rtnd 10
Launceston R 4 No 2 4.2 X 24 (Loss) Lay 10 Rtnd 10
Bitten x 3 STOP
Loss 66 profit 20 overall Loss 46
No luck to-day and further action would have increased the loss.

place2win 13th October 2011 09:43 PM

Further to the Back/Lay action:
If we had targeted the $6-10 range, over the past 3 days, results are:
Tuesday Bitten 3 times early for Loss $46.00
Wednesday Bitten 3 times early for Loss $46.00
Wyong R1 No 1 $9 x 20 (Loss)
Wyong R3 No 5 $7.6 x 22 (Loss) Lay 10 Return 10
Rockhampton R1 No 6 $9.6 x 24 Return $218.90 Lay 10x$9 Loss $90
Result ($218.90 -66+10-90)= Profit $72.90
Or a Loss of $19.1 over three days

place2win 13th October 2011 10:13 PM

The Roller Coaster
Friday 14/10/2011

New Bank......................$738.60...New Bank.......................$1087.11

Unit Bet (Lay) 1% (original Bank $1000) = $10 (UB Train Back Bet =$10)
Max Lay Liability $5.00($6.00) Max Back -Alt of lay( all at 10 sec to jump time)

Canberra R2 No 1/2
Taree R 4 No 2/3
Canberra R 5 No 3
Taree R 5 No 1/10
Mornington R6 No 7/12/15
Canberra R6 No 3/4
Taree R6 No 6/7/9
Mornington R7 No 6/7
Canberra R 7 No 3/6/7/11
Taree R7 No 1/6
Ipswich R6 No 4/14
Canberra R8 No 5/12
Taree R 8 No 8
Ipswich R7 No 8

Bhagwan 14th October 2011 02:41 AM

Hi Placetowin

I notice on
Wyong 1/1
Rock 1/6

That a lay bet of $10 is show where the rules state $5.00 to be Layed if =>6.00

Adj Prof today +$112.90
Instead of $72.90

place2win 14th October 2011 04:33 AM

Originally Posted by Bhagwan
Hi Placetowin

I notice on
Wyong 1/1
Rock 1/6

That a lay bet of $10 is show where the rules state $5.00 to be Layed if =>6.00

Adj Prof today +$112.90
Instead of $72.90
Bhagwan, You are absolutely right, had too many irons in the fire to-day,
completly forgot that adjustment to the lay side.
Adjustment at wyong would have been on R3 No5, as no lay bet on first race.

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