OZmium Sports Betting and Horse Racing Forums

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Job123 29th August 2011 11:33 AM

The carear ratings are in another part of the rs site there are not the nuerals and 93 dollars is value . To make a point in your system tab nunbers 1 to 4 might cut out most long price winners as nearly all are down in the weights lower numbers .

michaelg 29th August 2011 11:44 AM

I know of the career ratings, but because the neurals and D.S. market changes maybe it might be worthwhile to check if it also changes.

I have sometimes looked at the career ratings but they too can seem puzzling.

Job123 29th August 2011 04:21 PM

Todays career top pick macthed with the top nurals distance found a winner at 17.10 on nsw tote in race 5 number 14 musslebrooke--- a total of 8 bets using this system means a profit of $9.10 on 1 DOLLAR WIN BETS . IF there is anyone thats has a program to test this system or maybe the top 2 of the career ratings betting only if 10 dollars tote price is given that would be a great help to me thanks .

Job123 29th August 2011 04:52 PM

I had a re look of the horses that matched the top nuarals distance and top career there where just 3 so at ONE DOLLAR = 3 dollars and a profit of $14.10 on nsw tote A even higher profit is given at the top 2 career tips today there where 24 that run a $10 or higher on the vic tote before the jump there where 2 winners paying a combined $47.30 so a profit of $23.30 was made. that is after the $ 93 DOLLAR WINNER YESTERDAY !!!! I recall the career ratings in the past have given some long price winners any one else been betting on them ?

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