OZmium Sports Betting and Horse Racing Forums

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Tipsy 5th January 2016 10:35 PM

Got my update thanks Chrome Prince.

What your database has done for me more than anything else is:

* Provided me with an understanding that a run of outs is inevitable and manageable, psychologically speaking
* Provided discipline to my punting
* Shown that systems can and do work provided there's logic involved and we're comparing apples with apples
* Saved me a fortune by adopting a methodical approach

I've got one ring ding of a system that wuz conceived in the 70's that would work underwater in the near vicinity of an unknown volcanoe!!!!!!!!

Anyone who really likes stats ought to get this database!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chrome Prince 5th January 2016 10:46 PM

Thanks Tipsy, appreciate the feedback.

evajb001 14th January 2016 10:32 AM

Chrome Prince,

Been doing some testing with the older version I've got and one query I had was when filtering by the last 600m time, is that time based on the horses individual time or the races time, i.e. time between leader entering the final 600m and a horse winning the race.


Chrome Prince 18th January 2016 11:31 PM

Sorry for the late reply Josh, it is the race time sectional.
I recognise that the individual horse sectional would be better to have, however, there are problems with getting this for all meetings, and also makes some horses look better or worse than they are depending on tempo or pace.

Having said that, you'll notice that the final 600m sectional system rules, still works after more than 15 years. :)

evajb001 19th January 2016 08:18 AM

No worries CP, thanks for the reply :)

Chrome Prince 4th February 2016 12:01 PM

RaceCensus has been updated to 31/01/2016.
Updates have been posted out to clients yesterday.
RaceCensus now has over 2.50 million records and more than 241,000 races.
Compatible with all versions of Windows.

Don't forget you can earn a $100 cash rebate on your purchase.
Email Guy only please http://www.propun.com.au/contact.html and ask how to qualify.
(Before or after purchase).
Also applies retrospectively to past purchasers.

Tips and notes:
Weight ratio - previously weight ratio has been the difference between the weight carried by the topweight and the weight carried by the second topweight. It was only recorded for the topweight. A potential customer has asked if he could test races where the topweight was carrying more than a certain weight above the rest of the field. Previously, you couldn't include all runners in the race, just the topweight difference, so this has been copied down to all runners, so you can now test any runner in a race where the topweight is carrying x amount above the second topweight.

For example, you can test if a favourite is down in the bottom of the weights, and the topweight is carrying 2kg above the rest of the field.

Defragmenting: For best performance of the database, as it's getting quite large now, I recommend Smart Defrag by IOBIT. It is completely free and I've been using it for years. You can set it to auto defrag when the system is idle, you can also manually defrag your system. I recommend using defrag and fully optimize your system setting.
It is ad free and no spyware is in it.

Please note: I have been using this product for years, but hold no responsibility if your drive is on the way out, you have a virus or spyware existing on your computer.

evajb001 12th February 2016 02:44 PM

CP I have a query that you may or may not be able to answer but I didn't really want to start a new thread as I figure its possibly a pretty simply answer for someone who has the data available (possibly yourself).

I'm looking at implementing some systems and I recall someone saying top tote is better than betfair SP in about a 65%/35% ratio or something similar. My query is at what point does this becoming approximately 50%/50% as I assume betfair SP is best once you get to longer shots.

i.e. is there a point where you can dictate i'll place top tote bets below X and betfair SP bets above X. I was thinking somewhere around the $15 or $20 mark would be appropriate but someone may have a more accurate answer.


Chrome Prince 14th February 2016 06:22 AM

Well, there is no exact price cut off.
If it were top fluctuation, then there is a cut off, but top tote versus Betfair SP is not comparing apples with apples and I'll tell you why....
It depends (even with favourites) whether it is a firmer or a drifter.
After commission at the short end you often get poorer value after commission with Betfair, than you do with Top Tote.
That's the reason you can't just arb, Betfair versus Top Tote at a certain price cut off.

evajb001 15th February 2016 09:52 AM

I thought it would be comparing apples for apples because they are both determined at the time of the race starting (net of commission)?

I also hope its clear I don't plan on doing any arbing, I'm purely looking at the backing side of this.

Basically the test is, when a horse is <$4.00 top tote, top tote provides a higher return then betfair SP 64% of the time.

Ok lets move the price higher, when a horse is <$10.00 top tote, top tote provide a higher return then betfair SP 53% of the time.

Getting closer, continue testing. Now the figures above are all made up because I don't have the data. I'm just wondering if anyone has the data to be able to do that kind of test and find a rough guide for a cutoff point. Obviously it can only be a rough guide because prices firm or drift as CP said but say the cutoff is $15.00 and you know your horse is going to be paying $40-$50 then you know straight away I need to place this on betfair SP. vice versa if you know the horse is likely to start fave at <$4.00 odds then you know straight away ok I'm likely to get more value on top tote so i'll place it with a corporate.

Hope that all makes sense. Once again any help hugely appreciated and sorry for the posting in this thread CP. Can start a new thread if you wish?

Chrome Prince 15th February 2016 01:20 PM

No, you can add to this thread if you like.
Even though they are both determined at the start of the race net of commission as you say, if a horse is $10.00 into $5.00 for example, top tote is going to be better, because the Betfairians will have it less than top tote after commission.
If it's $5.00 out to $10.00, the Betfairians will have it way over top tote even after commission.

However, if you want a cut off regardless, then you're best to download the data from Betfair and I'm sure someone on the forum might have that data, sorry I don't have that data, just closing single tote prices and SP prices on course.

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