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Stix 30th March 2006 02:48 PM

you blokes have lost it........ seriously lost it...... keep it going its brilliant !

KennyVictor 30th March 2006 03:01 PM

Don't know about tinned food and the rest but I've got two cupboards full of adult disposable nappies. You don't think the sewerage system's going to work do you?

crash 30th March 2006 04:18 PM

This one covers your stock option and portfollio in case the 'biggy' hits:-)


kenchar 30th March 2006 04:25 PM

Originally Posted by crash

Shotgun cartridges, yep stocked up on those too so don't try to 'visit' :-)

If nothing happens [ho ho], we can always donate the supplies to charity or just eat them.

Good luck boyo's.

If you eat the cartridges, please don't stand in front of me if you drop one.

That would be just my luck Crash and I beat the bird flu, wer'e camping out I'm having a snooze, and Crash is bending over the billy making a cup of brew after eating some of the baked beans he has stored away.

Bye Bye Kenchar.:rolleyes:

crash 30th March 2006 04:41 PM

I'll blow my head out of my a...

Won't come soon enough the Handbrake says:-)

partypooper 30th March 2006 06:03 PM

Crash, what I want to know is if you ever do that naked run through the main street of Melbourne, would it be considered to be a "winning STREAK"?

crash 30th March 2006 06:18 PM

With my body image Party? I don't think so :-(

On a more serious note. Does anyone read: http://www.counterpunch.org/ ? A top site for writers and journalist to air their views on current affairs outside of their newspaper policies. On there I found the below disturbing article on the Bird flu. Very well thought out and written. Bit of a freak-out. Quite a bit of a freak-out actualy. I'ts what got me going here on the subject.

The CP interview: Dr. Michael Osterholm of the University of Minnesota's Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy talks about the flu bug that could bring the world to its knees.


Duritz 30th March 2006 07:32 PM

So, MadGambler, I hope that answers your initial question then!

crash 31st March 2006 06:06 AM

Originally Posted by Mad Gambler

My question is that I''m going to do a dry run on paper using 2 banks of $500 of which one will be a reserve bank and bet 3% of the bank.
Any thoughts on this? Mad Gambler

Meanwhile, I have been giving some thought to Mad gambler's question. And now he has his food bank, the other 2 banks are ready to swing into action !

There has been talk here of reducing, non reducing and 1 or 2%. I think Mad's idea of 3% flat stakes probably reflects preferred bet size for a $500 bank to bet from: $15 bets.

Originally he had bets in 130 races for 48 winners for 218 selections in 3 months. That works out at about 18 bets a week or $270 a week in bets of $15

out: $218.00
in; $263.30
I'm sure Mad means units here and not $ unless he is having $0.50c bets. [I'm not knocking the 50c punter but they don't need a betting bank, just a spare change piggy bank].

The fact that Mad is in a position to put aside a $500 bank as a spare means his life is not hanging on his betting bank, so for him to have a realistic betting experience, 1% of bank would be 'safe' but at $5 a bet, too low a bet amount for him I think.

I'd plumb for 2% $10 bets non-reducing [keeps the betting simple] as it is a reasonable bet amount and as Mad obviously by his SR figures, bets around the shorties, there is nothing too risky going on regarding runs of outs, nor with his betting habits. Having a $500 spare bank is a good move for 2% bets.

3% of bank is pushing the envelope unless bank renewal is no big deal or hardship.

So there you go, food bank and betting bank sorted :-)

Duritz 31st March 2006 07:05 AM

Mad I've been giving it thought too. Over the last 24 hours I've had a great deal of thinking time, as I toiled in the back yard digging my "bird flu shelter", completely quarantined from the outside world, and as I set up my patented state of the art "Duritz's Water Purifier and System Staking Plan" which runs in tubes in concentric circles around my Quarantine Shelter, and I've come up with this for you, Mad:

You've got two banks, $500 each. I think there's some truth in what Crash says, that you've picked 3% because you don't want to have too tiny a bet on the horse, $15 keeps you interested, $5 does not (which is 1%).

However, I still think at some point you'll slaughter yourself with 3%, even with a high strike rate of 35% odd. So here's what I suggest:

Take your two $500 banks, and merge them, marry them if you will. Hell, we can have a ceremony in my Quarantine Pit, the marriage of Mad's banks, Crash can be the priest.

So, marry them, and you have one bank, $1000. I know you therefore won't have a backup, but you won't need it.

Now, because you've got a high strike rate, you can start out a little bit more aggressively than the 1% I advocate, so start at 1.5%, increasing/reducing. Co-incidentally, this equals $15. So, you start out at $15, and also make this your minimum level. If you go below $1000, keep it at $15 because you want to have a little bit of action. It's all very well having an increasing/reducing method but no-one can get on for 20c bets.

So, make it a 1.5% increasing/reducing stake, with a minimum of $15. Now, here's the safety bit, ASSUMING (and that's a big assumption, nothing personal, just that 99.99% of systems fail) that your bank grows, build a safety somewhere for yourself. IE, set a figure at which begin to drop the % you have on from 1.5% to 1.0%. It's safer, and it's all very well punting aggressively but you can't punt aggressively if you don't have a $ to punt with.

Do that, Mad, if your system works, that'll work, and keep us posted with how you're going.

Oh yeah, and if the bird flu comes, stay away from my Quarantine Pit come Water Purifier and System Staker method, patented, dammit!

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