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crash 8th November 2007 04:43 PM

Last Ladder:
Syllabus $1100
Goldcoaster $910
Horse Whisperer $470
Crash $355
Real Deal $315
Chuck $300
Rabbitz $145
hardlyhawk $128.90
Oaksnaf $90
Crash $760
Rabbitz $505
Horse Whisperer $440
Gold Coaster $440
Latest Result:
Gold Coaster $1350
Crash $1115
Syllabus $1100
Horse Whisperer $910
Real Deal $315
Chuck $300
Rabbitz $650
hardlyhawk $128.90
Oaksnaf $90

Good going Gold Coaster [Crash did OK too]!

hardlyahawk 9th November 2007 11:55 AM

Sorry crash, I missed yesterdays kiss comp but happily backed miss marielle home for enough to keep me happy this week. Looks like you had a good day aswell.
So I guess I'll bomb out of this comp now sorry to waste your time. I'll promise to be more dedicated next time.

Raw Instinct 9th November 2007 12:13 PM

Race 6: Roving trifecta for a half 14/ 1,2,3,5,6,8,11,12 = $84
Race 7: Roving Trifecta for a half 5,15/ 1,2,4,7,8 = $15

Race 3: #4 Utility $50 e/w (I know he has no hope but I don't want to tip my main bets it seems to be working)
Race 5: #1 Swick $100 win

rabbitz 9th November 2007 04:05 PM

mr 8-6 desert master $50x$50
mr 9-13 moonloushe $50x$50
mr 6-8 shinzig $100 place

Horse Whisperer 9th November 2007 07:28 PM


Real Deal 9th November 2007 11:03 PM

50 ew Cocoa tycoon
100 w niconero
100 w completion

crash 10th November 2007 09:10 AM

A lot of tired horses running today desperate for a paddock. Trying to work around them.

r3 Extend $100
r6 Roman Squire $18w
r7 Red fo Lou $50w
r8 Desert Master $100w

r6 Tri: 5/14 x 2/5/7/10/14 x 2/5/7/10/11/14 $32 for 1 unit

Goldcoaster 10th November 2007 09:18 AM

MR2-4 $50 win $50 Place
MR8-4 $50 win $50 Place
MR9-9 $50 win $50 Place

syllabus23 10th November 2007 10:55 AM

Race3 #5 Pacino $100 Win

Race4 #1 El Mandon $100 Win

Race5 #5 Sonic Quest $100 Win

Good Luck All.

crash 10th November 2007 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by crash
A lot of tired horses running today desperate for a paddock. Trying to work around them.

r3 Extend $100
r6 Roman Squire $18w
r7 Red fo Lou $50w
r8 Desert Master $100w

r6 Tri: 5/14 x 2/5/7/10/14 x 2/5/7/10/11/14 $32 for 1 unit

I'm changing one of my bets: Out Red for Lou, in R7 Cancanelle $50

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