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beton 5th July 2012 09:28 PM

Originally Posted by Star

I think everything what you and others have said are all part of the 100%. Unless we know all or most of the key ingredients in my opinion it is impossible to break it all down to 20/80.

Thanks and keep on " unzipping the lip " this thread is really enjoyable and I for one am getting a lot out of it.


Star. What you have missed is that the Privateer's method of selection, his Pareto Rules, were stat based. Pure numbers based on past performance. He worked out where 80% of the income came from the 20% of data. The adding of recent knowledge, or the present, is a totally different equation. If you are going to apply the Pareto principle to the total sum OLD + NEW then you have to apply it to each then add them together. Beton

Star 6th July 2012 06:21 AM

Originally Posted by beton
Star. What you have missed is that the Privateer's method of selection, his Pareto Rules, were stat based. Pure numbers based on past performance. He worked out where 80% of the income came from the 20% of data. The adding of recent knowledge, or the present, is a totally different equation. If you are going to apply the Pareto principle to the total sum OLD + NEW then you have to apply it to each then add them together. Beton
Thanks Beton.

What I have missed is Privateers Paretto thread. Counting backwards I am now down to page 199 and have only seen references to it. But all going into memory bank.

But I have found some great reading on the way through, thanks for the heads up. It is appreciated.

Possibly Privateers 20% will not fit in with my plays because of personal preferences and personalities, Bank, time and perceived and actual outcomes.

Were all different, which makes forums like this great because they help to widen ones outlook .


wise one 6th July 2012 06:37 AM

Hi Star
One of Privateer's rules is never ever bet on a rain affected track. Also he only ever bet Saturday Metro races.

I think people should go back and read his posts as there is a lot of very helpful information in them. From the stats he worked out a very good selection method that picked winners so long as you considered to win money from the race you didn't have to be first past the post.

I know this because back in 2008 he sent me his selections each Saturday morning for about 10 weeks and never had a losing day. You have to stick to the betting rules (never on rain effected tracks, never bet on the favourite and bet a 1 to 3 win place ratio)

And if you are still out there Privateer I hope you are still sticking it to them

beton 6th July 2012 07:09 AM

O Wise One. Thanks I missed that one. "Never bet on the favorite" although at >$4 it would be hard to do.

Star. When you research do the following. Copy and paste to another page and paste into order i.e. put all the references to weight together and all references to price together etc. The original post has been deleted hence the rules are alluded to. They are all there but some posts are a little sneaky because of the response he got and the realization that he had given too much away. Beton

Barny 6th July 2012 02:07 PM

I've put Privateers info (got heaps of it) into my database and have come out with a loss !! However, one of his 20% was to keep an eye on trackwork, and he said some of his better winners were first up, so there's got to be some"judgement" in there somewhere. Surely trackwork cannot be stat based ??

Barny 6th July 2012 02:10 PM

Quote Privateer "But should mention that my extensive trackworkand trial logs wouldn't fall under the heading of "basichandicapping" and they are the key to this little method."

Barny 6th July 2012 06:17 PM

Quote Privateer "FWIW, I do not factor the pace of a race into any methodthat I apply to punting. I find that it is too unpredictable and steers themind away from the issues that ARE predictable and recurring."

Barny 6th July 2012 06:35 PM

Quote Privateer "Lastly, I do not consider all races at all metrovenues. I rarely bet in Adelaidefor example. I find better quality fields produce the best result for me. Thereare certain races that I never consider and certain track conditions that Iavoid at all costs. Hope this helps."

Star 6th July 2012 07:00 PM

Thanks for the little pieces of information.

Basically all I was looking for when I started this thread was to simplify the imputs to the most critical and not add heaps of stuff that interferes with other qualifiers and you finish up " with a dogs breakfast " so to speak.

When Privateer's Paretto thread was mentioned it real opened up here for some lively imput.



I have been playing around with some info from Privateer and others who replied to his thread.

However, he says no wet tracks, I have taken that as heavy, so a lot of soft tracks tomorrow.

I have five paper selections for Saturday. No Adelaide or Perth. I think the second quickest way to kill a system is to place the selections on here in advance.

Then if that doesnt work put your money on and show the selections again. If a system can overcome those qualifiers you might be onto something.

Flemington R2 No 5

Eagle Farm R2 No 11

Eagle Farm R6 No 9

Rosehill R4 No 2

Rosehill R5 No 9

All $1 win --- $3 Place


Barny 6th July 2012 07:15 PM

Originally Posted by Star


..... and it will ..... lol

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