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Duritz 12th February 2005 11:57 PM

My God I am going horribly in this comp

Mark 13th February 2005 09:43 AM

LOL, you certainly are Duritz. The only one worse than me !

Racer 13th February 2005 11:14 AM

Off Topic - Smilie inclusion ?
Mark,Sportz or any of the lads here,

Can you give me the drum on how one includes an icon\s in a post please - as in how can you put them wherever you want, after mouse dotting whichever one\s you want to use ?



Mark 13th February 2005 09:19 PM

Racer, can't help you with moving them around, but they are just below the text box.

See, just down here.

La Mer 17th February 2005 04:44 PM

This week's meeting is Warwick Farm.

Still not too late to join in - the rules can be found earlier in this thread.

Originally Posted by La Mer
Ladder after week 2:
Name Return
Mr Selby $153.00
Chuck $124.00
Racer $93.00
Heavyweight $92.50
Martin Friedman $60.00
Feather $53.50
Quick Fun Bet $40.50
Zev Friedman $32.00
La Mer -$6.00
Brave Chief -$49.50
Nulla -$57.00
Carol Friedman -$64.50
Mark -$72.00
Duritz -$116.00

QuickFunBet 18th February 2005 08:17 PM

Lay These
Race 4
1. Set Up
9. Mikan

Race 9
2. For Valour
7. Count Luskin
10. Pekalan


Chuck 18th February 2005 08:25 PM

1-2 Lord of Lords
1-6 Belhari
1-7 Caught at Dawn

9-2 For Valour
9-9 Bit of Knowledge
9-11 Penny Opera

La Mer 19th February 2005 09:07 AM

Warwick Farm:
Race 6
Hugs Dancer
Our Egyptian

Race 8
Perfect Promise

Racer 19th February 2005 09:47 AM

Warwick Farm

R1 ~ No.2 ~ Lord Of Lords

R5 ~ No.2 ~ Lotteria

Mr Selby 19th February 2005 10:26 AM

R4- 5.court of appeal, 8. rock cafe, 10. grandview.

R8- 3. Hec of a Party, 10. Zin Zin, 15. Danni Martine.

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