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Real money??
If not..............waste of time IMO. None of the pressures of being behind, the do I don't I keep going, etc |
There is real money going on all selections but not at the same level. It will eventually get there and the bet sizes are growing. |
Excellent stuff UB.
Day 25 - Aus Market Update
Starting Bank: $46571 Profit for the day : $1796 Wage Deducation : $200 Closing Bank: $48167 I held a position in 19 races today and made a profit in 17 of them. Both losing markets were only a loss of $40. Keeping to the first 4 races has again worked today. The account is moving in the right direction again. If I have another good day tomorrow then there is a chance of hitting the 50K mark over the weekend. A few races left to go today. I'll update the stats if any bes are placed. |
Well done UB. Going great guns. :)
Thanks Ocho and Mark for the words of encouragement.
Day 26 - Aus Market Update Starting Bank: $48167 Profit for the day : $580 Wage Deducation : $200 Closing Bank: $48547 I held a position in 20 races today and made a profit in 15 of them. A couple of losing races today but they didn't do too much damage. Our biggest losses were in Canberra Race 4 and Ballina Race 2. Total Wages paid so far is $5200 which is not bad for less than a months pay. |
Day 27 - Aus Market Update
Starting Bank: $48547 Profit for the day : $28 Wage Deducation : $200 Closing Bank: $48375 I held a position in 32 races today and made a profit in 26 of them. Most of the damage was done in the photo finish at Belmont Race 2. I was showing a very nice profit before 2pm today and then I went 10 races for a profit in only 5 of them. The combined loss over those 10 races after 2pm was $1976. |
I didn't get a chance to update so this is 2 days worth:
Day 28/29 - Aus Market Update Starting Bank: $48375 Profit for the day : $(2984) LOSS Wage Deducation : $400 Closing Bank: $44991 I held a position in 31 races today and made a profit in 26 of them. We start the slow process of building up towards $50K again. Before taking the losses I was showing a new high for the bank and that is a positive thing to take out of the last couple of days. The negative is that a few bad races can really hurt. An analysis of the data I have shows that generally its like this movement, lots of little gains then a large loss that takes back 80-90% of those gains. Then every so often you get the good week with no losers and the bank shoots up to a new level. I'll perservere for a lot longer. On another note I am close to having a UK method ready for testing. This means it has passed my paper trial and it ready for real money testing. I still need to automate these selections but I should have them ready very soon, maybe even tonight. One thing I have found is the UK market is much better at giving the right odds to a horse and the angles are a lot harder to find, but they are still there but fewer horses are mispriced. |
For those interested I'll be laying the following tonight. I have not yet checked prices or scratchings.
Day 30 - Aus Market Update
Starting Bank: $44991 Profit for the day : $248 Wage Deducation : $200 Closing Bank: $45039 I held a position in 13 races today and made a profit in 11 of them. Thats 30 days of testing and in that time I have made : $6000 in wages $5039 in profit A total of $11,039 or a little over 27.5% in one month. I will bank the $5039 profit now and restart the next 30 days with a new bank of $40K. I am doing this to show myself over any 30 days I should be able to make a profit. Although I will be away soon for about 10 days on a trip paid for partly from the winnings here (although a smaller amount). |
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