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Sportz 11th April 2005 10:30 AM

Originally Posted by Sportz
You can give tips on any Australian TAB meeting.

When I say that I mean any Australian meeting covered by the TAB of choice. Which one is that, Duritz?

Duritz 11th April 2005 11:12 AM

Well I am taking the dividends from Supertab, however we'll make it any meeting in Australia that NSWtab covers. If there happens to be a winner tipped on a meeting that NSW covers but not SUPERTAB, I'll take the dividend from NSW.

OK well I am going to change the comp in line with what we have been discussing.

Here's what I am going to make the new rules:

1 - You can tip ANY day of the week.
2 - You don't HAVE to tip on a Saturday if you don't want to.
3 - You must put in a minimum of 5 tips a week, maximum 20.
4 - If you neglect to tip for the week, first time you get 5 losers, second time you get 20 losers as your total. (this will ensure people tip, which makes for a healthy comp).
5 - If you neglect to tip 5 horses for the week (ie only do one or two) then the balance of horses untipped are considered losers. (ie if you only tip two horses for the week then you automatically get another three losers)

The other rules remain the same, ie meetings covered by NSW tab etc.

I'll change the spreadsheet so it includes number of horses tipped for the week also.

Sorry Chuck, we aren't going to start it today. This would be blatantly unfair to those who have not logged on. We will start it next Sunday, and the week will run Sunday to Saturday. Still tip for this Saturday of course, but this Saturday won't be included in the weekly tally. The new rules will only come into effect starting Sunday MORNING. That means the old rules still apply for this Saturday.

IMPORTANT: To REAL DEAL and RAW INSTINCT - you MUST tip this Saturday as you missed last Saturday, or else you'll get 10 losers, as per the old rules. I don't want to have to give you 10 losers, so whack something in. Even if you're away from Thursday to Saturday, just tip on Wednesday without knowing who the horses will be. Tip the toppies or something.

As I said, the new rules will start this Sunday, so the bets for the week tally will begin then too. Saturday's bet's WON'T be included in the bets for the week, as the new week starts on Sunday.

I think I have covered everything, but I'll no doubt think of something else the moment I hit Submit Reply.....

I welcome ALL thoughts and suggestions, I am keen to make this a good, flowing, live comp. As it was, there was too much downtime for the comp. Now, it will be a continuous, growing thing. The rules above aren't yet carved in stone (I don't have a stone, nor a carver), so give me all your thoughts, discussion can only lead to the better evolution of this comp.



Sportz 11th April 2005 12:22 PM

Yeah. Pretty good. I'd been thinking of doing something like this, but I wanted to make sure it wouldn't disadvantage those Saturday only punters.

Duritz 11th April 2005 12:26 PM

Actually a thought occurs to me - I hope this won't tread on the toes of your Daily Challenge comp. Tell me if you think it does.

Personally I don't think it does b/c people don't HAVE to tip everyday. Your comp is an absolute tipping orgy, whereas this one offers a choice of heaps or little, so I think they can co-exist, don't you?

Your comp is a good one, but I am not in it b/c I just couldn't do a tip in every race!!! In that respect, my comp will probably get those punters who like me don't want to tip in each race, so b/w yours and mine we might have a good spread.

What do you think?

Sportz 11th April 2005 12:32 PM

It's only on Saturdays anyway, but I'm thinking of forgetting about that competition due to underwhelming lack of interest. :o

Chuck 11th April 2005 12:49 PM

no, please don't pull the plug in THAT one!!!

Duritz 11th April 2005 01:16 PM

Ah I see, I didn't realise it was only a Saturday thing, I thought it was daily. I think with that again the prob is having to tip in so many races.

In that case my comp won't be treading on your comps toes at all, given that your one is only on Sat.


PS - One can be overwhelmed, and one can apparently be underwhelmed, but is one ever merely whelmed?

Sportz 11th April 2005 04:36 PM

Originally Posted by Duritz
One can be overwhelmed, and one can apparently be underwhelmed, but is one ever merely whelmed?

And if you aren't disgruntled, does that mean you are gruntled? :D

marcus25 11th April 2005 05:05 PM

Originally Posted by Sportz
And if you aren't disgruntled, does that mean you are gruntled? :D

gruntled = adjective "HUMOROUS" happy or satisfied:

"Although he wasn't actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled."

"whelmed" has actually has no meaning by itself.


marcus25 11th April 2005 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by Sportz
And if you aren't disgruntled, does that mean you are gruntled? :D

gruntled = adjective "HUMOROUS" happy or satisfied:

"Although he wasn't actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled."

"whelmed" has actually no meaning by itself.


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