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Brosco 25th July 2011 11:23 PM

Statistics Rating Program
Hi all, I have just joined this forum after reading many previous threads and getting lots of ideas and hope to get more from future threads.

Over the past 18 months I have been developing a program that rates purely on statistics, and while its not a 'winner' at this point, its doing better than I normally achieve without it. The problem though is not so much with the program, but with the rating system just coming up with similar selections to most tipsters and other ratings systems. I have been getting reasonable results from backing my top selection for a place and using the winnings to fund betting on long shots that get selected from time to time.

I am currently doing a complete rewrite of my program based on my experience to date and when completed (probably in about 6 months) I will make the program available to all to build their own database.

To give an idea of the way the program builds the database:
1) RaceCard and past Form
CentreBet.com (Same source as SportsBet but available sooner)
2) Opening markets and form comments
3) Results
4) Other
Possibly UniTab ratings.

The information at each of these sites will be downloaded automatically by the program.

The database will not be SQL because of many reasons that any programmer will give you. However, if there is interest, I may make an 'Export to SQL' function so people that want this can use it.

The reason I posting this is to see if anyone has other info that needs to be included in the Database. Please tell me now, because in 6 months time it will be a lot more hassle to add it in.

Best regards and good luck to all

Bhagwan 26th July 2011 01:10 AM

It would be good if there was a pre-post market included similar to say racingandsports

max 26th July 2011 11:08 AM

escpecially prepost at 10minutes out, 5 mins out, 1 mins out etc.

Bhagwan 26th July 2011 06:15 PM

Hi Max ,
That is a live market with live fluctuations your talking about , no pre-post.
e,g, newspaper prices.

It would take a lot of extra programming to do that.

Brosco 26th July 2011 08:45 PM

Originally Posted by Bhagwan
It would be good if there was a pre-post market included similar to say racingandsports

Yes, that would be possible, in fact, just taking the info from the racingandsports website.

Thanks for the input.

Brosco 26th July 2011 09:07 PM

Originally Posted by Bhagwan
Hi Max ,
That is a live market with live fluctuations your talking about , no pre-post.
e,g, newspaper prices.

It would take a lot of extra programming to do that.

You are right Bhagwan - additionally, there is the problem that if the program wasn't active at the time there would be 'holes' in the database for these figures.

I will keep it it mind tho, as it would be very handy for a quick reference to where to get the best price just before the 'off'.

Users would need to be aware that constantly refreshing several sites info every few minutes would have dramatic implications on any download limits imposed by their ISP.

A very good thought, but one that will be considered in a future version of the program.

Thanks for your thoughts Max

max 27th July 2011 10:30 AM

I did see a site a while back that showed the market price at various timed intervals prior to jump. Cant remember where it was but maybe a download from there after the fact would help find trends and then you could dowload just prior to the jump to apply those trends and make your selection?

TWOBETS 27th July 2011 01:33 PM

What about ?
Originally Posted by max
I did see a site a while back that showed the market price at various timed intervals prior to jump. Cant remember where it was

I saw something like that on WA Tab.

Brosco 28th July 2011 08:20 AM

I have searched the web and cannot find any site that records fluctuations with past results. Unless someone else can find one I will probably need to poll for this info live. This has problems (as I mentioned before) and I would probably restrict this to one site/bookmaker. One possibility would be to use live-odds at aussportsbetting as they show sportingbet, totes, fixed odds from online bookies, and betfair prices. When I get closer to programming this I will run some tests to see how much overhead this would create.

On another issue - how many people here know and use SQL? Would being able to export all (or a subset) of my database to SQL be any use to anyone?

M60 29th November 2011 04:38 PM

Hi Mate just need a little help..is there any easy way you could show me to import the horse s form to excel..and extract the info to my excel sheet to do all the cal.. auto..Thanks M60...

lomaca 29th November 2011 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by M60
Hi Mate just need a little help..is there any easy way you could show me to import the horse s form to excel..and extract the info to my excel sheet to do all the cal.. auto..Thanks M60...
Search for "Shaun-Excel-automatic" or similar on this forum.

I'm sure he posted a, then, working version, even if it's not accessing the sites you want, it would still be a very useful start and easy to modify.

Hope it helps

Chrome Prince 29th November 2011 06:44 PM


This will work beautifully :)

Stix 29th November 2011 07:28 PM

Originally Posted by Chrome Prince
Nice work Chrome!!

Shaun 29th November 2011 08:03 PM

I will post my current sheet in a short a time with instructions.

M60 29th November 2011 09:11 PM

Thanks lomaca
thanks for quick reply but need something in the KISS principle ...M60 hope Shaun see it...

M60 29th November 2011 09:22 PM

Thanks Stix
l'll be looking at that site some time tonight...just hope its easy to understand...for this old greyhair..took me months to get the excel talking but boy ..am pleased with the it..next challenge to make it talk to the form guide...

Shaun 29th November 2011 09:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Sorry to disappoint if you were after an easy fix, i don't know easy but may be able to help if you explain what you need.

Here is the sheet for anyone interested, is a bit complex but easy to follow as the flow of the program runs with the flow of macros.

Shaun 29th November 2011 10:05 PM

Oh, forgot to mention in the "Copy" and "Copy2" macro the part in red on this line needs to be changed.

fName = "F:\Files\Form Ratings 2010\Form Factor Ratings 2011" & Sheets("MainSheet").Range("AA16").text & ".txt"

it refers to where the file is stored, stick it in your C drive and replace the line with this.

fName = "C:\Form Factor Ratings 2011" & Sheets("MainSheet").Range("AA16").text & ".txt"

M60 30th November 2011 07:57 AM

EXCEL example
Hi Chrome Prince.....well l went o.k with the example writing every thing in it ...then took me a long while to do that button..which l found in the Devloper....manage to put the button on and then it all went pear shape....could you please email me a copy..for l spent hours trying to make it go pass the button stage no luck.....e-mail is blkscoutm606768@yahoo.com.au be much appreciate if you could..Thanking you M60

Stix 30th November 2011 11:30 AM

I'm getting a system error :(

System error -216697210

is the data still viable

Sub LoadRaceField()
Dim xmldoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument
Set xmldoc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
xmldoc.async = False
xmldoc.Load ("http://tatts.com/pagedata/racing/2010/6/28/VR6.xml")
If (xmldoc.parseError.ErrorCode <> 0) Then
MsgBox ("An error has occurred: " & xmldoc.parseError.reason)
Set runnerList = xmldoc.SelectNodes("//Runner")
For i = 0 To (runnerList.Length - 1)
Set runner = runnerList.Item(i)
Set runnerNumber = runner.Attributes.getNamedItem("RunnerNo")
Set runnerName = runner.Attributes.getNamedItem("RunnerName")
Set runnerWeight = runner.Attributes.getNamedItem("Weight")
Set riderName = runner.Attributes.getNamedItem("Rider")
If Not runnerNumber Is Nothing Then
Sheet1.Cells(i + 1, 1) = runnerNumber.Text
End If
If Not runnerName Is Nothing Then
Sheet1.Cells(i + 1, 2) = runnerName.Text
End If
If Not runnerWeight Is Nothing Then
Sheet1.Cells(i + 1, 3) = runnerWeight.Text
End If
If Not riderName Is Nothing Then
Sheet1.Cells(i + 1, 4) = riderName.Text
End If
End If
End Sub

Chrome Prince 30th November 2011 02:02 PM

No, it's just the old data doesn't exist on the new site like that.
It will work for anything in the future.

Stix 30th November 2011 02:37 PM

Originally Posted by Chrome Prince
No, it's just the old data doesn't exist on the new site like that.
It will work for anything in the future.
So you're saying just change the date?
Thanks Mate

Stix 30th November 2011 06:11 PM

Originally Posted by Stix
So you're saying just change the date?
Thanks Mate
Works nicely now, anyone have the code to do a whole meeting/day? :o

The Elk 1st December 2011 09:28 AM

Stix, change the addy to something recent (like todays for instance):

note: no leading zero's in the date

When Tatts were changing over from UniTAB, nor all of the history was moved.


Doh!!!! forgot I was still viewing the previous page when I replied

jazzy 1st December 2011 10:13 AM

G'day Brosco

That's a kind offer of yours.

Just as a matter of interest, what db are you using, and what language are you writing in?


Shaun 1st December 2011 11:47 AM

I will take a look at that stuff on Unitab as i would say it is similar to what i have on my sheet, easy to put together.

mattio 5th December 2011 09:53 PM

Hi Shaun,

I'm trying to get your sheet to work but it keeps coming up 'Invalid Meeting'. I've changed the macros as you said to do, reading your instructions I can't see any dropdown boxes you refer to, maybe I am doing something wrong.



Mundi 5th December 2011 10:42 PM

Hmm... same problem here

Shaun 5th December 2011 11:46 PM

What version of office do you have?

mattio 6th December 2011 12:04 AM

I have 2007

Shaun 6th December 2011 04:07 AM

Strange no drop down box, when you click on the cell next to the venue on the left should be drop down there to select the correct venue.

if you can't see them i will make a bypass to some degree.

Mundi 6th December 2011 07:52 AM

Excel 2010.
I get the drop down box to select venue but still "invalid meeting" when I try either auto or manual scans

Shaun 6th December 2011 10:26 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I have made the changes needed, so lets see if we can get this to work for you.

Mundi 6th December 2011 09:07 PM

Thanks Shaun, I'll try it later

mattio 7th December 2011 12:14 AM

Still doing the same things Shaun, no dropdown box (where exactly is this supposed to be?) and saying invalid meeting after I press Automatic.

Shaun 7th December 2011 12:23 AM

When you press "Meetings" it will download the days meetings, takes about 30 seconds, then you should see a screen with 2 rows of boxes, on the right you will see the days meetings on the left will be blank.

What you need to do using today as an example is next to Townsville on the left if you click you should have it drop down with a list of meetings.

Ignore any of the jackpots if they are there and scroll down till you get Townsville(QR) and click on it the box should be populated now, do this for each venue so they match up then you are good to go.

As mentioned on the instruction sheet if there are races you don't want to rate then remove the race numbers from the meetings1 sheet.

mattio 7th December 2011 12:31 AM

Ok mate, I'll try again and see how we go.

mattio 7th December 2011 12:42 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Shaun this is the screen I get after I download the meetings, no dropdown boxes unfortunately.

Shaun 7th December 2011 02:16 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok i made a work around, just highlight the meeting over on the far right in the list, hit "Copy" then highlight in the left box next to the correct meeting and hit "Paste" do this for each meeting needed.

The issue is with older excel version using Data Validation that are on different pages.

mattio 7th December 2011 01:19 PM

Thanks Shaun, that has worked.

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