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partypooper 27th March 2007 11:19 AM

Computer help?
Any compuer buff there that can help me, my comp. is infected with something, firstly I get a pop up telling me that my comp is in danger of infection with "Spybot@MXT trojan" , then I get pop ups all over the place offering me the neccessary software to get rid of it etc etc. Also another pop up telling me that I have visited 625 "compromising" sites and that my marriage is in danger if I don't buy the software to get rid of it (hee hee)

I've got the Pop Up blocker on and I can hear it poping every few seconds. But these others seem to get around that????

I've got Norton on there as well and keep scanning, any help would be appreciated if I need to buy software etc etc

stugots 27th March 2007 11:50 AM


may be of help partyp

partypooper 27th March 2007 01:02 PM

Stugots, thanks for that , unfortunately it has added another problem as I downloaded the FREE stuff only to find in the end they want a US$100, and now I'm unable to remove it from windows or even remove the icon. so daren't try anything else from there, I suspect it will be the same story every time.
Problem is my computer knowledge is limited to switching the comp on and off!! hee hee!

As I write, the ************ thing is beeping and telling me I have a critical alert, send the $100 immediately, GRRRRRRR

mad 27th March 2007 01:33 PM

Hi PartyPooper,
Crash had a thread devoted to this topic a while back, detailing all the gadgets to have installed. Perhaps he'll see this thread and advise. In the meantime, i'd suggest getting rid of Norton as it is pure sh1t.

Try this instead:

download free month trial and see if it nails the little SOB.
Also try (FREE):

Spybot -search and destroy
ad-aware SE

and this one (not free) but V good:
Spyware doctor

These programs might help, although these type of infections can be a pain to get rid of.

partypooper 27th March 2007 02:43 PM

Mad, thanks for that, its not that I'm too adverse to paying for some decent protection, just don't wanna buy a pig in a poke!! will give the free trial a go, thanks again.

michaelg 27th March 2007 04:27 PM

Partypooper, quite some time ago I had a similar problem. If I remember correctly (I know very little about computers) I did a Restore to a previous date, and that got rid of the problem.

crash 27th March 2007 04:47 PM

OK Party, for starters... DON'T PANIC !!!

Sounds like you have a Trojan or active -X trying to sell you something.

You really do need to get rid of Norton's as it is the closest thing to a Trojan without being a Trojan that there is. To top it off they charge you money every year to use it. It is not an easy thing to remove either. In fact Nortons is a ************ to remove completely. Trojan and Active-X developers write programs specifically to get past Norton's [weak] defenses!

To remove Norton's go to: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic42247.html and follow instructions.

Before you remove Norton's download to your desktop [totally free forever] Comodo Firewall from: http://www.personalfirewall.comodo.com/ Now remove Nortons [disconnect from internet first] Make sure you do not install Comodo until you remove Norton's.

It's the firewall I now use and the only firewall in the world that passes all know leak tests. Its a bit technical as it goes into learning mode initially so it will ask for OK a lot when various programs are in use. Just keep clicking approve or OK a lot until it settles down. Just run it on recommend settings, not custom.

Also Download Comodo anti virus, it is also lifetime free and will scan your mail too: http://antivirus.comodo.com/ . Failing that I'd recommend Bit Defender anti-virus [goggle it] free edition.

Now all you need is Spyware Blaster [stops the rubbish before it gets on to your PC] at: http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html and Ad Aware SE at: http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html and the GENUINE Spybot search and destroy from :http://www.spybot.info/en/index.html When loading this program do not tick [enable] 'tea timer'.

Make sure you update the above lot and run Spybot and the Ad-Aware which should take care of the rubbish annoying you. Then run the anti-virus.

See how you go.

Chrome Prince 27th March 2007 07:25 PM


Your computer has been hijacked by Spyware.

Remove Nortons as outlined.

Download a-squared personal free edition and run it (deep scan)
Reboot and run the scan again.
Don't forget to update it online before scanning.

Download adaware personal free edition and run it (deep scan)
Don't forget to update it online before scanning.

Download Spybot search and destroy
Run online update
Immunize your computer making sure browser helper is installed
Scan and remove malware.

This should get you to a useable point to install other protection.

a-squared is really excellent and I use it everyday to clean client's computers.

partypooper 27th March 2007 10:21 PM

Firstly, really REALLY, pleased of so many people trying to help. But I fear I made a fatal mistake downloading the Kaspersky thing, as my comp was actually totally usable b4 that , now I can get to the home page of anything including pro pun but the when I try to go any further, it crashes back to my screen saver so can't get anything on the net ??? sound familiar to anyone??

PS using the lap top now

Crash, thanks havent quite absorbed that yet, still working on it!! a- squared

Chrome, REALLY appreciate the help but waht does a squared thingo mean??

ubetido 27th March 2007 11:56 PM

Hi Party

If you haven't found a way send me an email and i may be able to help. I had a similar problem.

What are you running?


mad 28th March 2007 12:18 AM

That doesn't sound good PP. I can't understand what went wrong. I use Kaspersky and never had a problem since i started with it. Hope it gets sorted quickly, sorry mate.

mad 28th March 2007 12:44 AM

Well i'm intrigued now. I assume you downloaded and ran the Kaspersky scanner. It should have found all kinds of rubbish on your 'puter if you have been running Norton. Again i'll assume you killed all of the rubbish found. Reboot and you should have been golden. Did you run Spybot and ad-aware? Perhaps found a few more nasties but i really can't see why this would cause such instability.

Did you uninstall Nortons before installing Kaspersky? Wouldn't be a major problem, but they might clash. Get rid of Norton either way.

Sometimes Kaspersky can be a little tricky if you're using an older version. You have the 6.0 version?

Other than that you could run the chkdsk command. It might not be a bad idea to do it anyway, particuraly if you have removed a lot of rubbish with the anti-virus. It's an inbuilt Windows repair command (XP).

Start menu
type: chkdsk /f

A small DOS window should open. It will tell you that it cannot perform the test at the moment as the drive is in use. It will ask you if you would like to run the test the next time the system is restarted? Type Y and reboot.

Other than that i'm not sure what the hell is going on.

crash 28th March 2007 04:51 AM

Kaspersky is a great program Mad and was what I was recommending here before I recently changed to Comodo. Comodo is free [firewall and anti-virus] at the moment only because it is new and early adopters will never have to pay.

I suspect Party tried to install Kaspersky before removing Norton's properly. That would have been nasty.


You will need more than one malaware/spyware protection program
regardless of what you use. None of them do it all.
A-Squared is a good melaware/spyware remover similar to Ad-aware. It's a goodie but costs $30US and for that there is no real-time protection which is a pity.

Spyware Baster is a real-time protection program and it's free, but it's still
worthwhile to have a couple of melaware/spyware removers as well like A-squared and Ad-aware. I use Ad-aware and Ewido because they are free [I don't think Ewido is free any longer].

crash 28th March 2007 06:14 AM

Originally Posted by partypooper
Any compuer buff there that can help me, my comp. is infected with something, firstly I get a pop up telling me that my comp is in danger of infection with "Spybot@MXT trojan" , then I get pop ups all over the place offering me the neccessary software to get rid of it etc etc. Also another pop up telling me that I have visited 625 "compromising" sites and that my marriage is in danger if I don't buy the software to get rid of it (hee hee)

I've got the Pop Up blocker on and I can hear it poping every few seconds. But these others seem to get around that????

I've got Norton on there as well and keep scanning, any help would be appreciated if I need to buy software etc etc

Initially a bit of [relatively harmless] melaware got loose on your PC. telling you lies about being infected and urging you to download there software. What you really downloaded along with the program was a nasty Trojan, Active-X or virus that now seems to have opened a backdoor for other viruses etc. to be downloaded like a rootkit, it has probably modified your IP address table to avoid certain websites and reduces any actions you can do.

If things are still serious.......

If you are using XP O/S, try to do this before installing Kaspersky:

NOTE: You must be logged in as an Administrator to do this.

If you are not logged in as an Administrator, the System Restore tab will not be displayed.

Turning off System Restore will clear out all previous restore points.

To turn off Windows XP System Restore: NOTE: These instructions assume that you are using the default Windows XP Start Menu and have not changed to the Classic Start menu.

To re-enable the default menu, right-click Start, click Properties, click Start menu [not Classic] and then click OK.

1. Click Start.

2. Right-click the My Computer icon, and then click Properties.

3. Click the System Restore tab.

4. Check "Turn off System Restore"

5. Click Apply.

6. When turning off System Restore, the existing restore points will be deleted.

Click Yes to do this.

7. Click OK, reboot.

You could try running the System File Checker [sfc.exe], this will scan all protected Windows files to verify their versions have not been overwritten or damaged, and if so will replace the compromised version with a fresh copy.

To run it, click Start/Run and type 'sfc.exe /scannow' [without the quotes but with the space between the 'e' and the '/'].

Alternatively, you can click start/Run and type in CMD and click O.K., when the black window opens type in "sfc /scannow".

You will need to insert your Windows CD into the drive to enable sfc to effect the repair.

Try to use this standalone version of ewido [a trojan scanner]: http://download.ewido.net/ewido_micro.exe , very basic start with downloading the signatures, then scan and then delete.

Now try to install Kaspersky or go to their site and run their free scan.

partypooper 28th March 2007 09:41 AM

thanks again all, everything is on hold till I try and remove that kaspersky thingo, as I can't download angthing, see how we go today

Chrome Prince 28th March 2007 09:54 AM

A-squared personal is free, it is the malware version which you have to pay for. Personal should do the job easily.

partypooper 28th March 2007 12:23 PM

ok guys, this is where I'm at, Chrome, tried to delete Kasperspy in safe mode but it can't do, so just rebooted and removed it no probs.
re insatalled the Broadband CD from aapt, and presto I'm back on line!!!

Mad, did the chkdsk /f thingo and it's rebooted. ok

Tried the Restore thingo, but it reboots and just keeps saying cannot restore to that date (any date I choose)

Norton is still on there. I can't hear any blocked pop ups and everything appears to be working fine, so maybe Kasperspy did the trick?

So what should I do as I don't wanna risk being in the same boat?

mad 28th March 2007 01:07 PM

Well that's good news PP. Was getting worried i had gotten you into worse trouble.

Kaspersky is a very well regarded program, so it was a little concerning to hear of the enhanced problems. Anyway, all's well that ends well.

Whatever else you do, get rid of Norton. Uninstall it now and never return. Use Kaspersky or one of the other anti-virus programs suggested by Crash or Chrome. Anything but Norton should see you're right.

crash 28th March 2007 01:17 PM

Good to hear your back on-line party.

If you want to install Kaspersky you MUST remove Norton's first. You cannot have 2 firewalls on the same O/S. One will try to kill the other and cause serious O/S problems ....as you now know:-)

partypooper 28th March 2007 04:23 PM

Thanks for all that Crash, I'm working through it slowly, ran the ewido thing, did the scan came up with 117 high risk items, clicked on remove, then tried to download the anti virus (no luck) have hit scan again and it seems to picking up all the same ones as first time round?

RE: Firewall, I presume you didn't mean the Microsoft Firewall as well?

Pinger 28th March 2007 04:29 PM

I run vet antivirus and have never had any trouble but before that i found http://housecall.trendmicro.com to be very helpful with viruses and its a free on line scan.

peterpan 28th March 2007 04:30 PM

Norton will stop system restore giving you restore points.

I had the same problem.

Go to http://bertk.mvps.org/html/srfail.html

Then just down from the top of the screen in red you will see another link in relation to Norton, click on that and follow imstructions.

Chuck 28th March 2007 04:46 PM

i wont be much use but as per the general thoughts Norton is rubbish. i myself use Kaspersky, which is fantastic, along with Ad-Aware SE Pro and XoftSPy Spyware remover.

crash 28th March 2007 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by partypooper
Thanks for all that Crash, I'm working through it slowly, ran the ewido thing, did the scan came up with 117 high risk items, clicked on remove, then tried to download the anti virus (no luck) have hit scan again and it seems to picking up all the same ones as first time round?

RE: Firewall, I presume you didn't mean the Microsoft Firewall as well?

No, you can leave your Microsoft firewall alone and switched on. You have not pressed 'delete' properly if Ewido is coming up with the same trojans/spayware list etc. Ewido is as good as it gets for malaware/spyware/trojans. It's the top of the tree [I wouldn't be using it otherwise].

good on you. Kaspersky [Russian] is about a good as firewalls get unless you want to move up to Commodo firewall, which is even better and still free [not for much longer] as is their anti-virus I think.

peterpan 28th March 2007 05:25 PM


I use sunbelt keiro firewall and have never had a problem, but after reading your glowing report on comodo, last night I uninstalled sunbelt and installed comodo.
Looked great with a lot of features EXCEPT it totally stuffed my email, every time I went to open it I got the windows dreaded noise and a monster error message.
Needless to say comodo is now where my norton went a long time ago and sunbelt is reinstalled and running sweetly and looking after me.

partypooper 28th March 2007 10:04 PM

Sorry Pinger but that's where your suggestion went as well .i.e."West", just stuffed everything up again until I uninstalled, guess it must be just what weve got on our individual systems (computer systems that is hahaha!)

But looks like Norton is following!!

Chrome Prince 28th March 2007 10:22 PM


I could help you further, but privacy may be an issue as I would have to remotely take control of your computer and drive it through various procedures taking some time.

As to your laptop problem you mentioned to me, that can be resolved, but you need to know the password to reset it or just do a clean install of Windows after putting the laptop hard drive in another system as a slave drive to reclaim your data.

I also have admin software to reveal your password, butcannot give the software to anyone else or I lose my dealer's licence.
There is also another way to do it, but I can't do this remotely.

Shame we live in different States :(

partypooper 28th March 2007 10:58 PM

Chrome will be in touch, in the meantime is that Spy Bot thingo supposed 2b a freebie??

Chrome Prince 29th March 2007 12:48 AM

Yes, all the programs I mentioned are FREE.

crash 29th March 2007 05:36 AM

It's very hard to give instructions to fix PC problems over a forum.
It does sound like your system restore is re-installing your problem[s]. It's the first thing I disable after installing an OS and I then use ERUNT [free] to back up my registry regularly. That way I can restore the complete registry if I have problems with anything. System restore does not 'restore' the registry properly and is a hopeless Hog of system resources.

If your still having problems you could post [cut and paste] a PC log here after running 'HighJackThis' [a tiny free download]. It will show what shouldn't be on your PC. It's then a simple matter of ticking the items and pressing 'fix' in HighJackThis.

Chrome has the best idea but you need to give him remote control of your computer :-)

partypooper 29th March 2007 10:17 AM

Thanks Men, still trying some of that, will post results

Chrome Prince 29th March 2007 11:15 AM

There is another way to get around it.

Download Spyware Doctor from pctools.

Run Smart Update.

Run an intensive scan.

It will ask you to register to fix the problems (you have to pay)

Instead maximise the little window and drag the fields so you can see the full path of the locations.

Take a screenshot and post it here or email it to me and I can help you to manually get rid of it.

You will need to export your registry and send it me me and I'll manually edit it and you can import it back. This should work ok, but you should keep a copy of the original just in case.

At this point however, I'd strongly suggest backing up everything, doing a clean install and adding the protection outlined. Comodo is also excellent way better than Nortons and better than Zonealarm.

Racer 29th March 2007 11:37 AM

Originally Posted by partypooper
still trying some of that,

Party. and anyone else trying to remove the Norton crap now or in
the future, y\all can't remove it properly without it's very own removal tool,
and until you remove it party. as you've probably ascertained the machine seems slow and hopeless. D\L, Install, and run, I suggest twice and restart each time - I then use the very dangerous Regseeker but only it's search
function, Find - NORTON, to make sure it's all gone.


crash 29th March 2007 12:59 PM

Racer is right about Norton's. As posted previously:

To remove Norton's simply go to: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic42247.html and follow instructions. The small program there does it for you.

Chrome Prince 29th March 2007 09:01 PM

Here's another alternative:



crash 30th March 2007 05:32 AM

Originally Posted by Chrome Prince
Here's another alternative:




Racer 30th March 2007 12:23 PM

Originally Posted by crash
bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic42247.html and follow instructions.

Thanks a lot for the addy Crash, something on that page helped me complete a bit of work on a young dame's machine.

Kind Regards.

Chrome Prince 30th March 2007 12:38 PM

From one of their experts:

There are alot of free Anti Virus programs that are just as good and not near the resource hog that Norton is.

Couldn't agree more!

baco60 30th March 2007 03:13 PM

Securing your computer
Securing your computer
Your computer is important for your day to day business. You use it to surf the web, check emails, do your banking and sometimes do a bit of shopping. However if you don’t protect your computer properly, you are putting yourself and possibly your family and friends at risk.

So it’s smart to protect your computer! After all, you have spent time and money on it. It would be sensible to take a little time to make sure it is protected from harmful emails, viruses and from unauthorised people getting access to your Internet connection and your information.

By following the steps below you can:

develop safe online habits and plan an effective approach to online security;
protect your computer from malicious software such as viruses or spyware;
prevent any unauthorised person from using your computer;
make sure no one can secretly use your Internet connection; and
recover important information if your computer is stolen.
Basic Steps to Secure Your Computer
Step 1: Set and protect your passwords
Step 2: Use and update anti-virus software
Step 3: Use and update anti-spyware software
Step 4: Install and use a firewall
Step 5: Safety settings for your Internet browser
Step 6: Reduce unwanted emails—managing spam
Step 7: Controlling your Internet Connection
More advanced security options
Step 8: Back-up your online data
Step 9: Smart sharing of files
Step 10: Smart wireless Internet connection
Step 11: Smart online telephoning (VoIP)
Step 12: E-security plan for businesses


crash 30th March 2007 04:32 PM

This thread is truly turning into a saga. Perhaps you could sell the film rights Party? lol.

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