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rabbitz 18th November 2007 09:43 AM

Summer Punting Comp?
Any interest in a saturday betting comp
$300 a week(all unitab Venues)
Running until last Saturday in January
Commencing Saturday 24 November

Need at least 8 people I'll tally the results each week unless someone else wants to do it

crash 18th November 2007 10:12 AM

I'm in as long as it's not a luck-fest comp. [able to spend all the $300 on exotics], where one lucky punter gets a big pay out and from then on the only way to possibly catch up is with exotics betting only [boring as watching paint dry]. Why not win and place bets only?

Nutter1 18th November 2007 10:47 AM

Im in, im new to the site and am very impressed with everyones tips and ideas, I can normally pick a good winner myself but not so far on here, it will make me study the feilds just that little bit longer just so I can keep up with you guys

rabbitz 18th November 2007 11:27 AM

I agree what about win/place betting only no quinellas,exactas etc but you are allowed allups
OK ?

Chuck 18th November 2007 11:31 AM

how about we do what we used to do a while ago (but with bigger numbers :p)

you can do:

5 bets of $60 each
3 bets of $60 and one special of $120

win or each way is allowed


Mr Quaddie 18th November 2007 12:08 PM

Since its called summer punting comp, how about have it for 1st december 2007 til february 23rd 2008. That will cover the full summer period. Thats 12 weeks of punting action. we then can have one for autumn, winter, and spring.

If we have 300 a week to play with, we should have 4 x 50 bets, and then one big bet of 100 to equal 300.

people can punt in any combination they like 25/25, 50 straight, 50 place, 10/40, 40/10.

the big special bet can be 100 straight, or 50/50, 10/90, any combination the punter chose as long as it equals 100. and the total bets equal 300.

simple win and each way betting should be allowed.

crash 18th November 2007 01:28 PM

Originally Posted by rabbitz
I agree what about win/place betting only no quinellas,exactas etc but you are allowed all-ups
OK ?

Sounds good to me. You should think about setting a max. and min. bet. Say, $25 to $50 bets for all-ups with a max. of $100 from the $300 total for that bet type. $25 to $100 bets for both win or place. Something simple like that[?]. It will make sure there isn't too many or too few bets and make your scoring task easier, which is important too.

It's your call anyway, but I'd advise to keep it simple and easy to score. I'm not sure but, you might want to think about breaking it down to 2x6week comps. too. 3mths for 1 comp. seems too long for a result [?]

Mr Quaddie 18th November 2007 01:32 PM

have two tables, one for amount earnt, and one which has record.

someone who wins might of bet 100 on a 50/1 shot, seems impressive, but not when their record comes out at the end displaying something like 60 starts 2 wins, 1 second 0 thirds.

another person might have 60 starts 30 wins 5 seconds 3 thirds yet didnt win.

crash 18th November 2007 01:41 PM


I think you would get everyone betting on odds-on favorites with that method wouldn't you? A score on a 50/1 shot IS impressive!

Spartacus 18th November 2007 04:17 PM

i'm in. We better get some rules up for the comp.
Well done for adding it all up rabz - what a sport!

rabbitz 18th November 2007 04:40 PM

Do we have to join b4 the first saturday or should we allow ppl to join all the way
I would like the comp to run for 10 weeks Nov 24-Jan 26
$300 each week
Max bet $100 for each horse split in any way you like but in multiples of $5
i.e. 50/50,20/80,45/55 etc
No exotics apart from all ups Max $50
All venues covered by unitab(within australia:no NZ,Hong Kong,Singapore etc)
Bets to be placed before 1pm on each saturday

I will tally results but will be away for a week over New year so Crash,Chuck or someone else can do the calcs for that week

PS Any other suggestions welcome and will kick it around some more

Please put names in before Saturday if you can

Mr Quaddie 18th November 2007 05:37 PM

Will it just be racing, or will it include pacing and chasing?

There will be a minimum of 3 bets since 100 goes into 300 three times. How about a maximum? If someone bets 5 each bet that will be a maximum of 60 bets for the saturday.

Late punters should be allowed to join, but they start on $0.

Horse Whisperer 18th November 2007 05:43 PM

yeah im keen to enter but im going on holidays from tuesday till monday so can i put my bets on the noms with a couple of subs for ones that wont start?

or if you wanted to start it the following weekend that would be good to with sydney and brisbane back online

crash 19th November 2007 06:30 AM


You must be a masochist mate. Sydney and Brisbane? Boy, is there going to be a lot of fat horses running around. A form students nightmare and a bookies smorgasbord!


Your on the right track with the rules. Your better off leaving the Comp. open to anyone for the 3mths. Punters tend to miss meeting here and there and also drop out completely. You don't want to end up with only a few players toward the end.

As a bit of a rule guide, throw in a rule that the Fav. will be a Sub. for all scratchings unless a player replaces it and set a min. bet for win and place bets. Say, $20 or $25 min. bet. You don't want to be scoring 30 $10 bets [or worse] :-)

YoungBuck 19th November 2007 08:36 AM

I would like in.

rabbitz 19th November 2007 08:38 AM

Ok since its $300 starting bank the minimum will be $50 each bet comprising of win only,place only Win/Place for eg $30/$20,$25/$25 etc even $5/$45 if you want to be weird
Max $100

sydney and Bris will be crap but it gives you more options then just melbourne
ok so thats it JOIN UP!

Nutter1 19th November 2007 10:04 AM

If you lose 200 in the first week does that mean you can only bet 100 the week after or is it 300 every week and your overall total goes to negitive

nathanmf 19th November 2007 11:20 AM

Originally Posted by Nutter1
If you lose 200 in the first week does that mean you can only bet 100 the week after or is it 300 every week and your overall total goes to negitive

Im in

crash 19th November 2007 12:15 PM

We would get $300 to bet with the first Sat. and win or lose, we would get another $300 to spend the following week etc. [use it or lose it]. Well I think that's how it will be[?].

rabbitz 19th November 2007 01:39 PM


Horse Whisperer 19th November 2007 04:56 PM

Ill have for this saturday if its ok

EL PRESIDENTE $100 win in the railway


Satin Robes $25 e/w - duel choice hcp
Hidden Strings $50 e/w - eclipse stks
Joontoo Gemini $25 e/w - swell time hcp

Sub Fav in the race if any are scratched or dont accept.

Thanks :)

King Cugat 20th November 2007 01:48 PM

yup count me in

However going away this weekend for a wedding & have no plans to see / watch.
I'll leave the decision to the the organisers but i guess i have 2 options.

1. leave me on $0 for this week
2. The tips i gave in my place system on trial for this Wednesday can be used as a stand in for the weekend considering circumstances?

doesnt bother me either way....happy to fit into plans

King Cugat 20th November 2007 02:13 PM

sorry guys

i saw The Horse Whisperers name below and couldnt help but post this in the middle of your organising:

Subject: The horth withperer

A guy calls his buddy the horse rancher and says he's sending a friend
over to look at a horse. His buddy asks, "How will I recognize him?"
"That's easy, he's a midget with a speech impediment." So, the midget
shows up, and the guy asks him if he's looking for a male or female
horse."A female horth." So he shows him a prized filly."Nith lookin
horth. Can I thee her eyeth"? So the guy picks up the midget and he gives
the horse's eyes the once over."Nith eyeth, can I thee her earzth"? So he
picks the little fella up again, and shows him the horse's ears. "Nith
earzth, can I see her mouf"? The rancher is getting pretty ticked off by
this point, but he picks him up again and shows him the horse's mouth.
"Nice mouf, can I see her twat"?
Totally mad as fire at this point, the rancher grabs him under his arms and
rams the midget's head as far as he
can up the horse's requested part, pulls him out and slams him on the
ground. The midget gets up,
wiping his eyes, sputtering and coughing. "Perhapth I should rephrase
that - Can I thee her wun awound a widdlebit"?

rabbitz 21st November 2007 07:39 AM

Ok seems to be some interest here
1.Saturdays (any gallop venue covered by unitab,no nz,honkers,singapore etc,although you can bet Darwin if your desperate)
2.Starting bank each week $300
3.Win place betting and all ups only..no quinellas,exactas,trifectas,first fours etc)Allups are allowed $50 Max.
4.Max bet $100 either straight out or $50 eac way,$60/$40 etc
5.Minimum $50 for win /place
6.All bets in by 1pm QLD time on race day(scratchings will go onto Unitab fav at jump time unless forumite changes them)
7.Please write venue,race no,horse no(eg MR 1 No 1 Kingston town $100 WIN)
Please don't just write Mr 1,no 1 $100 w)
8.Comp will run until at least end february
9.You can join at any time
10.I will post results either saturday nite or sunday (depending how ********ed I am)

Ok thats all I think..don't ask a million meaningless Questions..like why no quinellas etc,OR can we go all up across venues.. NO!


rabbitz 23rd November 2007 08:40 AM

so the comp begins tommorrow
so get those tips in
(read the rules in the previous post..if your NEW)

PS Sportz has dropped off the face off the earth I reckon!

Mr Quaddie 23rd November 2007 11:47 PM

morphettville race 3 number 3 YOUNG DOCTOR $50/$50
morphettville race 4 number 9 PICK THE INDIAN $50/$50
ascot race 9 number 13 KIM LUCK $50/$50

rabbitz 24th November 2007 06:15 AM

so far your leading mr quaddie..where's everyone elses tips

Chuck 24th November 2007 06:34 AM

sandown 3-3 $50 win Tremezzo
sandown 4-3 $50 win Satin Robes
sandown 8-8 $50 win Itstheone
kembla 4-2 $50 europa
kembla 9-5 $50 win Second Dimension
morphetville 3-3 $50 win Young Doctor

crash 24th November 2007 08:01 AM

3/3 Tremezzo $80
4/4 Northern Point $75
5/2 Stickpin $50
6/7 King Johannes $50

All ups:
3/3 Tremezzo x 4/4 Northern Point $15
3/3 Tremezzo x 5/2 Stickpin $15
4/4 Northern Point x 5/2 Stickpin $15

Spartacus 24th November 2007 08:20 AM

R3 #8 Willingani $100 win
R7 #9 Safari Sunbeam $100 win
R8 #5 Okay Oky $100 win

crash 24th November 2007 08:36 AM

Originally Posted by crash
3/3 Tremezzo $80
4/4 Northern Point $75
5/2 Stickpin $50
6/7 King Johannes $50

All ups:
3/3 Tremezzo x 4/4 Northern Point $15
3/3 Tremezzo x 5/2 Stickpin $15
4/4 Northern Point x 5/2 Stickpin $15

Stickpin scr. Replace with Roadhog all bets.

Nutter1 24th November 2007 09:55 AM

Sandown R2-6 Tazarina 25/25
Sandown R3-2 Just Curious 25/25
Sandown R8-8 Itstheone 25/25
Morphettville R1-1 Bundle Of Gold 50
Morphettville R4-3 The Chunkster 50
Morphettville R7-10 Sassy Senorita 25/25

YoungBuck 24th November 2007 10:11 AM

Sandown R6 N5 LIKE IT IS $25 e/way
Sandown R7 N2 LIKE IT IS $25 e/way
Rockhampton R6 N3 YUKON LAD $65 win
Morphettville R4 N3 THE CHUNKSTER $65 win
Morphettville R6 N3 MERLOT NOW $70 win

YoungBuck 24th November 2007 12:01 PM

I meant AMBERINO in race 7.

Goldcoaster 24th November 2007 12:19 PM

MR2-4 Little Boy Blue
MR2-5 Marveen

MR5-1 Cocinero
MR5-10 Escadaire

MR6-4 Shinzig

All $60 win

rabbitz 24th November 2007 12:41 PM

MR 6 no 7 King Johannes $50x$50
Mr 8 no 3 Mettre en jeu $50x$50
Ar 6 no 7 savlate $50x$50

rabbitz 24th November 2007 03:57 PM

Some reasonable punting so far with a couple of races left
Gold coaster is the only one in front for the day so far

rabbitz 25th November 2007 07:48 AM

Results Week1

1.Gold Coaster $450
2.Young Buck $424
3.Horse Whisperer $340
4.Nutter 1 $202.50
5.Chuck $125
6.crash $0
6.Mr quaddie $0
6.Rabbitz $0

Horse Whisperer 30th November 2007 03:28 PM

br3 growsir $50 e/w
br5 quizzical lady $50 e/w
br7 picardi run $50 e/w+

sub fav

crash 30th November 2007 04:43 PM

The Valley:
2/3 Desireux $100w
4/8 Partiva $100w
5/6 Perusen $50 e/w

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