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Bhagwan 9th January 2010 12:15 AM

No.1 Place Rank System
This method has been created using Online System Creator ( Google)


Betting all states.

Place Ranking No.1

Dist 1100-2240m

Days last Start 10-16

Won Last start by 2.5+ Lengths

Result 42% SR
POT 22%

Longest run of outs 11

Bet 1/40th of bank not reducing, level stakes.

See if you can improve on it.

partypooper 9th January 2010 12:27 AM

22%, wow! sounds like a tough task there Bhags, but I'll have a go, just one question though is that unitab divies or what?

thorns 9th January 2010 07:18 AM

Dunno what I'm doing wrong, but I get a 5% LOT using those rules.

Bhagwan 9th January 2010 11:56 PM

Divs based on UniTab prices.

Hi Thorns.
Were you using System Creator or something else.

Stix 10th January 2010 10:57 AM

Originally Posted by Bhagwan
Divs based on UniTab prices.

Hi Thorns.
Were you using System Creator or something else.
Neat little site that Bhags...thanks - hours of fun ahead of me :D

thorns 10th January 2010 11:06 AM

Yip using the online builder. I get a 14.2% POT for the win and a -4 POT for the place.

Chrome Prince 10th January 2010 03:58 PM

Ran it through 11 years of metro data.
-3.98% POT @ tote prices.

It's not as good as first thought, but it's a goer for sure taking top fluctuation or Betfair prices I think.

lomaca 10th January 2010 04:12 PM

Originally Posted by Bhagwan
Divs based on UniTab prices.

Were you using System Creator or something else.
Hi Bhagwan, when using the SC I got exactly the same results as you did, but when ran it through my database over just a couple of years it was a loser.

don't know if he has a problem with his algorithm or not, but I can check my results on black and white, ie. look back on the race and horses and check manually.

Still if it works good luck, would be careful to check it out before parting with the dosh though!


AngryPixie 10th January 2010 10:43 PM

Bit "iffy" that System Creator
1 Attachment(s)
All Tracks
Career Starts <> 0
Days Since Last Race < 60
Win Amount > $5.51

100% strike rate. How did I miss that one :rolleyes:

schmucta80 11th January 2010 02:21 AM

Originally Posted by AngryPixie
All Tracks
Career Starts <> 0
Days Since Last Race < 60
Win Amount > $5.51

100% strike rate. How did I miss that one :rolleyes:

When you put a figure in the win amount section, it only shows you the winners. There is an explanation next to it.

Please note that if you enter something in this field it will only show previous winners. Entering something in this field will never display any horses in the 'This Week' section. (Displays UniTAB prices).

I must say though, when I did it the first time, I too thought I had struck a 100 percent winning system lol.

AngryPixie 11th January 2010 09:37 AM

Yep I see that bit of text now. So then if I was to do something like

WIN AMOUNT < $11.01

I should only see the winners, not all the other runners it displays that didn't win. :confused:

Don't get me wrong I'm not hanging it on the bloke, it's great that somebody would provide something like this for free. I'm just alerting the punterazzi to some inconsistencies. As I say bit "iffy" but probably useful as a starter to more detailed reseach but nothing to be relied upon at this stage I think :(

thorns 11th January 2010 09:44 AM

Originally Posted by AngryPixie
Yep I see that bit of text now. So then if I was to do something like

WIN AMOUNT < $11.01

I should only see the winners, not all the other runners it displays that didn't win. :confused:

Shame it doesn't include non-Mtro meetings too. As I say bit "iffy" but probably useful as a starter to more detailed reseach but nothing to be relied upon at this stage I think :(
No, it will show all horses that won paying under 11.01, but also any horse that didn't win paying from $0 to infinity. I was confused by it to start with, and to be honest, I dont see the point of this feature at the moment. I have asked the creator if he is going to fix this and it is on the list of things to do. He very approachable and happy to hear feedback and suggestions which is good, and has already inplemented one of the suggestions I made to have the option of running all states at once. Have a look on his forums and make any suggestions there, he replys pretty quickly usually.

AngryPixie 11th January 2010 09:49 AM


Ok got that. But huh???? Why???

I don't expect you to answer that ;)

Bhagwan 11th January 2010 10:14 AM

Thanks guys for the input.
Its all interesting stuff.
Funny how others get different figures.

I have since added rule
Dist + or - 400m

This improved the SR by 1 point.

One thing the Online System Creator is also good for is creating Lay Systems.

Its amazingly quick, & makes for a great starting point for system creation to see if any ideas have any legs at all.

lomaca 11th January 2010 12:39 PM

Originally Posted by AngryPixie

Don't get me wrong I'm not hanging it on the bloke, it's great that somebody would provide something like this for free.
Well it's not free actually,

quote from an Email sent out from the website.

"you have been given a 1 months free trial"

"The subscription entitles you to be able to see which horses your systems select for the up and coming weekends racing (incase you want to bet on the selected horses). If you do not enter the confirmation code you will be prompted for payment to view this weeks racing selections."

Don't misunderstand me, I'm in the IT game myself and I'm perfectly happy to charge for my work, and expect him to do so as well, just be careful when you say it's "free", it may be free for ever for back testing, although I doubt that.

See how we go heh?

Good luck

AngryPixie 11th January 2010 12:50 PM

Originally Posted by lomaca
Don't misunderstand me, I'm in the IT game myself and I'm perfectly happy to charge for my work, and expect him to do so as well, just be careful when you say it's "free", it may be free for ever for back testing, although I doubt that.

Iomaca, yes it was the back testing I was meaning :) Don't think there's enough there that would make me part with any cash.

I've worked in IT for a long time, and happy to charge as much as I can get away with :D

Glen 11th January 2010 08:44 PM

I guess i should stop "lurking" and actually post seeing as you are all talking about my site.

First off can i just say that originally i started this out as just a bit of fun so that i could check my systems while i was away on holidays. Since then it has just grown unbelievably.

Originally Posted by lomaca
Don't misunderstand me, I'm in the IT game myself and I'm perfectly happy to charge for my work, and expect him to do so as well, just be careful when you say it's "free", it may be free for ever for back testing, although I doubt that.
I am also in the "IT Game" and my only goal with the site at the moment is to make enough money to keep the site running. Currently i run the site at a large loss.
Because it is an interesting hobby that keeps me busy and also so that others can build horse racing systems without having to have an IT degree.
If i could earn enough money to cover my costs from advertising then i would make the whole thing free.

Originally Posted by Bhagwan
Funny how others get different figures.
I honestly don't know how this is possible. I have run MANY systems through that website and am pretty sure there are no bugs left *Oh god please let there be no more bugs left!* ;)

Originally Posted by AngryPixie
As I say bit "iffy" but probably useful as a starter to more detailed reseach but nothing to be relied upon at this stage I think
If you can show me where the data is incorrect i would be most interested. The "Win Amount (historical data only)" field is only there for people to check results against. Just incase someone doesn't think the data is accurate they can return all winners and check against the UNiTAB website.

Originally Posted by thorns
No, it will show all horses that won paying under 11.01, but also any horse that didn't win paying from $0 to infinity
It only does what you tell it to do. If you return < 11.01 then 0 is < 11.01. If you were to try (Between 1 and 11.01) i think you will find the results to be what you are looking for. Incidentally you will notice that the strike rate for the Place is not 100%, this is because there are some races (only a couple of runners) without a place dividend and if the place is equal to 0 then it counts it as a loss.

Anyway, i hope this cleared up some of the confusion and if there is something you would like added just let me know. I'm always keen on adding new features to the site.


AngryPixie 11th January 2010 11:43 PM

Hi Glen

I think many of us look at a horses starting price and use this as an input for our systems. As it stands at present it looks as though you're only recording the winner and place getters UniTAB dividends, so if your users are interested in seeing *ALL* the runners that started at, above or below a particular price they can't. Frankly in my view just showing the winners is of little use.

It must be alot of work and thank you for making it available.

All the best.

PS: I'm not questioning the validity of the data, just the usefulness of some of the outputs. :)

Glen 12th January 2010 07:20 AM

Starting price can be one of the best fields to use in systems, i completely agree. I am currently waiting on my host to fix the use of cron jobs so that i can implement starting price as an option (with real time odds).

Bhagwan 12th January 2010 10:42 PM

Thanks for your input Glen & thanks for creating such an interesting interactive site.
With the massive amount of technology , there are very few interactive sites out there for horse racing ,in the world .

There is one in the UK by Adrian Massey (Google) which is good.
But Glen's has the potential to be even better.

It takes a lot of work & expense to create such things.

The SP prices will make a huge difference once sorted.

Its only early days so far , with heaps of potential in its functionality & popularity.

I am amazed how fast it is , compared to say, GTX which is considered to be the Rolls Royce of data bases, & premo price.

I can see this site becoming very popular with many punters, because system creation can be quite addictive to a number of punting personalities.

Here's a quick Lay plan I invented using the site, just for the fun of it.
Remember, the fewer the rules , the better the chance of a system repeating itself in the future.
.Target races with 13+ runners
.Must be barrier 9 only.
.Must have run 4th-9th last start.
.Price 9.80 & less
.Bet .6% of bank, level stakes.

2.5% Winners
82% LOT
We now Lay bet these.

This shows the potential to create some impressive lay results.

Well done again Glen.

partypooper 13th January 2010 01:16 AM

I just want to compliment Glen for all the work, the input and making it all available, thanks mate!

thorns 13th January 2010 08:42 AM

Originally Posted by Bhagwan
Thanks for your input Glen & thanks for creating such an interesting interactive site.
With the massive amount of technology , there are very few interactive sites out there for horse racing ,in the world .

There is one in the UK by Adrian Massey (Google) which is good.
But Glen's has the potential to be even better.

It takes a lot of work & expense to create such things.

The SP prices will make a huge difference once sorted.

Its only early days so far , with heaps of potential in its functionality & popularity.

I am amazed how fast it is , compared to say, GTX which is considered to be the Rolls Royce of data bases, & premo price.

I can see this site becoming very popular with many punters, because system creation can be quite addictive to a number of punting personalities.

Here's a quick Lay plan I invented using the site, just for the fun of it.
Remember, the fewer the rules , the better the chance of a system repeating itself in the future.
.Target races with 13+ runners
.Must be barrier 9 only.
.Must have run 4th-9th last start.
.Price 9.80 & less
.Bet .6% of bank, level stakes.

2.5% Winners
82% LOT
We now Lay bet these.

This shows the potential to create some impressive lay results.

Well done again Glen.
I dont think those results are quite accurate. I ran that as well, and again entering the SP odds doesnt work properly. If you look in the results, there are horses which placed paying $7 plus, so am sure that they jumped at longer than $9.80.

I ran it through bet selector and these are the results I got from April 2008, saturday metro only:

Races Bet: 68 68 68 68 68 65
Races Won: 6 25 4 2 1 0
S.R./Race: 8.8% 36.8% 5.9% 2.9% 1.5% 0.0%
Outlay($): 68.00 68.00 363.00 363.00 1590.00 5220.00
Return : 37.90 56.60 83.50 137.00 92.20 0.00
$ Profit : -30.10 -11.40 -279.50 -226.00 -1497.80 -5220.00
% P.O.T. : -44.3% -16.8% -77.0% -62.3% -94.2% -100.0%

Still shows a overall profit, however due to the low turnover, the last 9 months of 2009 were showing a positive POT.

thorns 13th January 2010 01:19 PM

All venues 7 days a week since April 2008

Races Bet: 717 717 717 716 717 681
Races Won: 102 282 126 66 37 16
S.R./Race: 14.2% 39.3% 17.6% 9.2% 5.2% 2.3%
Outlay($): 717.00 717.00 3791.00 3785.00 16400.00 52440.00
Return : 543.80 607.34 3567.30 3303.10 8509.60 34958.60
$ Profit : -173.20 -109.66 -223.70 -481.90 -7890.40 -17481.40
% P.O.T. : -24.2% -15.3% -5.9% -12.7% -48.1% -33.3%

Definitly something there. Should make a profit on betfair prices.

thorns 13th January 2010 01:30 PM

Interesting, it seems targeting the shorter ones seem better. It cuts a lot of the action out but here are the figures for SP $4 and less

Races Bet: 216 216 216 216 216 204
Races Won: 47 117 52 27 15 9
S.R./Race: 21.8% 54.2% 24.1% 12.5% 6.9% 4.4%
Outlay($): 216.00 216.00 1108.00 1108.00 4600.00 13800.00
Return : 136.80 177.04 877.60 766.00 3308.80 7934.80
$ Profit : -79.20 -38.96 -230.40 -342.00 -1291.20 -5865.20
% P.O.T. : -36.7% -18.0% -20.8% -30.9% -28.1% -42.5%

Glen 13th January 2010 09:32 PM

partypooper / Bhagwan

No problems guys. I'm just glad other people enjoy using it as much as i enjoy programming it.


Bhagwan 13th January 2010 11:15 PM

Thanks for those interesting figures Thorns.

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