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Mr barry 9th October 2010 06:52 PM

Mr Barry's Pot O Platinum Thread
Ok I have twigged to an idea that is going to make me millions, I am currently looking at launches on the web that I am likely to be able to afford in the next week or so the way things are going, when I get over the mega winning day today I will post some of the results for you. It has been killing it for over a week now and this time I am sure I am onto the next big thing.

Have a good evening, more tomorrow.

Mr barry 9th October 2010 06:54 PM

PS: Now I know from experience that many of you wont believe me but I swear its all above board and its a sure fire big earner based on the last week.

luv2bet 9th October 2010 08:00 PM

based on the last week??
surely this is a joke

darkydog2002 10th October 2010 02:19 PM

Is it based on logic like the "Infallible" .

Mr barry 10th October 2010 04:25 PM

Hi Darky yes it is very sound exactly like the Infallable.

darkydog2002 10th October 2010 05:07 PM

Well it would have to be better than my old mates method (anything would be )of betting odds on horses for the PLACE on Betfair.

Hope you were on all the longshots today.Today would give any smart punter the Bank to try any method.

I,ve just booked my trip to Canada for next month on todays winnings.


Hey .I,ve just about to put a "GOLD" system to the smart SATURDAY punters.

Moderator 3 12th October 2010 04:52 PM

Mr Barry, we welcome your posts.

However, please take note of the Forum Terms of Use at http://www.ozmium.com.au/terms.html

Here are some things not permitted:

Promotion of other sites ...

Public notices and announcements. Before posting, for advice on what is acceptable please contact OZmium management.

Promotion of 'get rich quick' schemes or e-mail solicitations to join such schemes.

Unpaid advertisements or spam.

Mr barry 12th October 2010 06:42 PM

Post deleted. Please do not flame another member. Thanks. Moderator.

Moderator 3 12th October 2010 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by Mr barry
Ok I have twigged to an idea that is going to make me millions, I am currently looking at launches on the web that I am likely to be able to afford in the next week or so the way things are going....
In view of the above where you indicated that you hope to launch your betting method on a web site that you will be "able to afford" we thought it timely to give you a friendly reminder of this Forum's Terms of Use.

Hope you continue to win heaps with your selection method.

Shaun 12th October 2010 09:13 PM

hahahahahahahahahahahahah i think you stuffed up, the way i read it he is looking at boats that he will be able to afford when this so called method returns him heaps.

He is in dreamland let him enjoy his time.

Mr barry 13th October 2010 03:40 AM

Originally Posted by Moderator 3
In view of the above where you indicated that you hope to launch your betting method on a web site that you will be "able to afford" we thought it timely to give you a friendly reminder of this Forum's Terms of Use.

Hope you continue to win heaps with your selection method.
Sorry I should have said Catamarans and yes thank you I continue to amass from it. I will reveal more at the weekend.

wesmip1 13th October 2010 12:36 PM

I thought this whole thread was a "joke" thread. Ie Mr Barry was making fun at himself and others.

Management 13th October 2010 05:54 PM

You are probably right Wesmip1.

Though at this time of the year - Caulfield Cup, Cox Plate, Melbourne Cup - we have had quite a few people registering for the Forum using their horse racing business e-mail addresses. Before their registrations have been approved we have welcomed them, but also asked them to confirm that they are going to use the Forum for recreational puposes and not to promote what their racing business is selling.

Most have declined to do this. Guess they wanted free advertising.

Mr barry 17th October 2010 09:34 AM

Originally Posted by Management
You are probably right Wesmip1.

Though at this time of the year - Caulfield Cup, Cox Plate, Melbourne Cup - we have had quite a few people registering for the Forum using their horse racing business e-mail addresses. Before their registrations have been approved we have welcomed them, but also asked them to confirm that they are going to use the Forum for recreational puposes and not to promote what their racing business is selling.

Most have declined to do this. Guess they wanted free advertising.
Sorry Management, certainly was not about promoting anything or any website.
To show that I am genuine I have included a list of all possible contenders, those who are taking this very seriously can follow along today and see how I go.

bal R01 # 1 Currajar

bal R01 # 8 Threebigrivers

bal R04 # 3 Bradfield

gos R01 # 1 Able Red

gos R02 # 4 Fulmination

gos R02 # 6 King Richard

gos R05 # 5 She's A Rock Star

gos R07 # 4 Shannara

hor R04 # 7 Sizzlin Bacon

hor R05 # 1 Express Star

hor R08 # 2 Divine Force

pij R04 #14 Zentusi

pij R05 # 1 General Mosville

pij R05 # 2 Zebook

pij R06 # 6 Traxa

pij R06 # 7 Flirty Lady

pij R07 # 5 Dark Money

pij R09 # 3 Master Tenby

pip R01 # 1 Let's Talk

pip R02 # 5 Zabullion

pip R05 # 2 Audit

pip R05 # 4 Scat Singer

pol R01 # 5 Final Dynasty

pol R02 # 2 Harreb Lady

pol R03 # 3 Toolora Starr

pol R04 # 5 Snaamar

pol R05 # 1 Double Cover

pol R06 # 2 Miss Eliza

pol R07 # 3 Stella's Pearl

pol R07 #11 Northside Star

sey R01 # 7 Reallen

sey R03 # 7 Miss La Frenz

sey R05 # 7 Jewel Thief

sey R06 #10 Super Scud

sey R07 # 5 Conquering

sey R07 #10 Wind Shear

sey R08 # 3 Dad Knows Best

sey R09 #12 Guru Bob

sha R01 #10 Scoot Da Loot

sha R05 #15 Danewin Tiger

sha R06 #11 Bolero

sun R03 # 8 Bella Montana

sun R03 #13 Special Verdict

sun R04 # 3 Why Warrior

sun R05 # 7 Norocos

sun R07 #13 Bellavonane

sun R08 # 4 Craiglea Falcon

Now these are just the possible contenders, I base my bets on the above being value prices. Now I will state that I most likely will be on the majority of these with my staking plan that I have used so far to produce an incredible return to date. (The staking plan is NOT LOSS CHASING and was based around the works of KELLY,STEBBING,COTTEL and a couple of others with a bit of Parrondo and Pegasus thrown in ).

māhunga wai

Mr Barry

Mr barry 17th October 2010 04:46 PM

Darky where the ************ ******** are you mate, as you can see I am having a stellar day with the vast majority winning or placing, absolutely amazing result again today.
Especially when I take into account the exotics staking plan I am using with them.

Mr barry 17th October 2010 04:47 PM

Originally Posted by wesmip1
I thought this whole thread was a "joke" thread. Ie Mr Barry was making fun at himself and others.
Where's the appology? I am waiting.

TWOBETS 17th October 2010 04:47 PM

I'm a little impressed actually. Fire away gents.

Mr barry 17th October 2010 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by TWOBETS
I'm a little impressed actually. Fire away gents.
Its a lesson to not dismiss anything until you have read the fine print.

partypooper 17th October 2010 06:04 PM

There's no revenge like "success" is there Mr barry? Love it!

Mr barry 17th October 2010 06:51 PM

45 bets in total
10 winners
well over half my bets place (1/2 of them run in the first 2)

An absolutely magnificent day again, and I am upgrading my thinking and looking for a more expensive launch (Boat, ship floaty on water thingy, Moderator/Managament ).

Even me old cobber the D man could have turned a profit with the Pot O Platinum today.

If you hear about a guy caught running naked through the streets singing "I'm in the money" then you will know him.

moeee 17th October 2010 07:11 PM

I'm glad I never got sucked in to backing your tips :)

I figure that a dollar on each of your selections to win produces a hefty loss.
And if not for the Port Lincoln Meeting, you certainly would have been dancing naked due to losing your shirt :)

partypooper 17th October 2010 07:24 PM

I didn't even look at em, just presumed that when you said that most of them won, I figured you'd had a field day (as we say in the UK)

The ACID test is still (and always has been, always will be) level stakes on each selection , over time does it show a profit???

Bhagwan 18th October 2010 12:43 AM

Nakedness? Dancing ? Gay guys?

All over a few winners .

I think we all learnt a long time ago that there will always be good & not so good days when punting that volumn of bets .

I enjoyed a 42% SR on Sat. with a computer program I use , but thats not always the case.

I always stop at my 5th winner or 20th loser, whichever comes first on the day.

Min acceptable price is 4.00 ,othwise , no bet that race.

It works well.

Mr barry 18th October 2010 03:47 AM

Originally Posted by Bhagwan

I think we all learnt a long time ago that there will always be good & not so good days when punting that volumn of bets .
I always stop at my 5th winner or 20th loser, whichever comes first on the day.

By a couple of statements you have made Bhagwan you have learnt not much other than how to restrict your winning progress and cement in your losers.
What if your next 5 bets were winners?.

Mr barry 18th October 2010 03:51 AM

Originally Posted by moeee
I'm glad I never got sucked in to backing your tips :)

I figure that a dollar on each of your selections to win produces a hefty loss.
And if not for the Port Lincoln Meeting, you certainly would have been dancing naked due to losing your shirt :)
Moeee I think thats how investing goes mate, one or two areas or ideas often keep you in the game.

Mr barry 18th October 2010 03:54 AM

Let me later on today throw up today's selections and see if we kick butt again today.

Merriguy 18th October 2010 06:05 AM

I'm with Moeee here. Backing all the favs would, on average, give a 30 - 32% result. And a loss.

10/45 is only 22%.

Still Good Luck. Will follow with interest.

darkydog2002 18th October 2010 02:59 PM

Mr Barry,
I was discussing the Platinimum with some old friends (Larry and daughter) from the Gold Coast.Well known in the punting world.
They said your probably having too many bets.
Their suggestion is eliminating all horses with the beginning letter of the day.
i.e if today is Monday eliminate any horse with the letter M
Tuesday = any with the letter T
etc etc
And are you checking the jockey and horses Biorythms for the day.?
Hope thats of some help.

darkydog2002 18th October 2010 03:29 PM

Hey Mooee,
Would Martin Gales infallible Staking Plan improve the profit?

Mr barry 18th October 2010 04:15 PM

Originally Posted by moeee
I'm glad I never got sucked in to backing your tips :)

I figure that a dollar on each of your selections to win produces a hefty loss.
Actually I turned an incredible profit yesterday, you may be familiar with the term "You can lead a horse to water".

Mr barry 18th October 2010 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by moeee
And if not for the Port Lincoln Meeting, you certainly would have been dancing naked due to losing your shirt :)
Thats like saying if not for the winners I would have lost.

Mr barry 18th October 2010 04:19 PM

Originally Posted by partypooper
I didn't even look at em, just presumed that when you said that most of them won, I figured you'd had a field day (as we say in the UK)

The ACID test is still (and always has been, always will be) level stakes on each selection , over time does it show a profit???
That LOSS CHASING plan flat stakes? Flat stakes is for the birds. Now, even my mate BCM knows that Kelly beats flat stakes hands down. My staking plan improves on Kelly.

Mr barry 18th October 2010 04:21 PM

Originally Posted by darkydog2002
Mr Barry,
I was discussing the Platinimum with some old friends (Larry and daughter) from the Gold Coast.Well known in the punting world.
They said your probably having too many bets.
Their suggestion is eliminating all horses with the beginning letter of the day.
i.e if today is Monday eliminate any horse with the letter M
Tuesday = any with the letter T
etc etc
And are you checking the jockey and horses Biorythms for the day.?
Hope thats of some help.
Thats just plain dumb mate, do you not think this is a serious betting plan? I can assure you that the results I am seeing are very real.
PS: No surprises that you and Larry are cobbers.

Mr barry 18th October 2010 04:24 PM

Originally Posted by Merriguy
I'm with Moeee here. Backing all the favs would, on average, give a 30 - 32% result. And a loss.

10/45 is only 22%.

Still Good Luck. Will follow with interest.
Who mentioned favs? and what on earth does s/r have to do with profits.

partypooper 18th October 2010 04:26 PM

Gee, 48 years of punting and I've learned absolute Zilch (apparently)

Consider this : you are right if you have a "WINNING" plan at level stakes, a good staking plan will increase "profits" it will NOT increase Profit on Turnover, so in other words just increase stakes at levels........ same thing!

darkydog2002 18th October 2010 04:34 PM

Just trying to be helpful Mr Barry.
Why not save a $10,000 bank and test it in the meantime.
I have to agree with you re Larry.He is well known for quality information.
You dont get to fly around in Helicopters without some brains eh.

Or you could send me the rules and Larry and I could tweak it for you.

I,ve also got the Buckansneer here.That also might help you to the winning path.After all it is a ppm method.

Mr barry 18th October 2010 04:35 PM

Originally Posted by partypooper
Gee, 48 years of punting and I've learned absolute Zilch (apparently)

Consider this : you are right if you have a "WINNING" plan at level stakes, a good staking plan will increase "profits" it will NOT increase Profit on Turnover, so in other words just increase stakes at levels........ same thing!
I agree.
You have learned absolutely Zilch but you are not alone.

Ma tana ka aha

Mr barry 18th October 2010 04:39 PM

Originally Posted by darkydog2002
Just trying to be helpful Mr Barry.
Why not save a $10,000 bank and test it in the meantime.
I have to agree with you re Larry.He is well known for quality information.
You dont get to fly around in Helicopters without some brains eh.

Or you could send me the rules and Larry and I could tweak it for you
Cheers for that Darky, I will send through Bank Account details for the $10k you are offering and I will let you know the results in a weeks time.

darkydog2002 18th October 2010 04:43 PM

Probably best just to send the rules.

Mr barry 18th October 2010 04:47 PM

Originally Posted by darkydog2002
Probably best just to send the rules.
No no no Darky, I don't need you getting filthy rich on this without a kickback for me.
Here's the deal 80-20 in favour of the creator.
Besides the rules are very simplistic and I wouldn't want you to have the embarrassment of struggling with them.

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