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Benny 31st December 2012 09:52 AM

weekly income
I have put together a betting bank of $500 betting 2% I would like to make a weekly income of between $200 and $300 a week.

I bet 2 to 3 horses in a race e/w at the best odds.

Any ideas.

beton 31st December 2012 11:14 AM

You come across as super super careful and super super cautious. Therefore any suggestions here are not going to meet your psychological parameters and therefore a waste of time. Going from memory you want low turnover and high POT in lieu of high turnover and low POT. Hence your opportunities are limited. You are faced with increasing your stake or the number of bets.

What ever you are doing now is working so continue it increasing your bets as a percentage of your bank. As your bank builds so will your profits. This will not be fast but it will meet your psyche. The otherway is increase the number of bets. I don't think that you are going to accept a lower POT so you have to find more systems that suit, and thus increase your number of bets. Happy New Year

beton 31st December 2012 11:28 AM

At $10 per bet and 50% POT you are going to need 40 bets a week or 1 race in every 8 to win $200 per week. You sound like you want to have this as income. You should at least leave $50 per week to build up your bank. Have you got enough systems to give you 40 bets per week? Do your systems give you 50% POT? At $15 per you need 27 bets per week and $20 you need 20 bets. So you have to grow your bank to make it easier. The bigger the POT the larger the runs of outs which means greater the draw down.

You have to give a bit more info.

moeee 31st December 2012 11:38 AM

Originally Posted by beton
Do your systems give you 50% POT?

Do YOURS Beton?
I have fooled myself into thinking I was making 16% POT.
But what happened was I just picked a suitable Time frame.
I can't be actually losing because My Bank is still higher than it was when I started - but the 16% was just wishful thinking.
But 50% is unrealistic , and I suggest you improve your record keeping if you think you are anywhere close to that figure.

Benny 31st December 2012 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by beton
At $10 per bet and 50% POT you are going to need 40 bets a week or 1 race in every 8 to win $200 per week. You sound like you want to have this as income. You should at least leave $50 per week to build up your bank. Have you got enough systems to give you 40 bets per week? Do your systems give you 50% POT? At $15 per you need 27 bets per week and $20 you need 20 bets. So you have to grow your bank to make it easier. The bigger the POT the larger the runs of outs which means greater the draw down.

You have to give a bit more info.

I have 3 systems that average around 50 bets a week. I bet 10 e/w either the tote or fixed.

beton 31st December 2012 11:54 AM

Originally Posted by moeee
Do YOURS Beton?
I have fooled myself into thinking I was making 16% POT.
But what happened was I just picked a suitable Time frame.
I can't be actually losing because My Bank is still higher than it was when I started - but the 16% was just wishful thinking.
But 50% is unrealistic , and I suggest you improve your record keeping if you think you are anywhere close to that figure.

You are jumping in again and firing from the hip. I would sooner back or lay at 10% POT and have volume. The issue is not about me or what I do. I am very satisfied with what I do. You have NO IDEA what I do NOR HOW I DO IT. the issue is about Benny. If you go back on Benny's previous posts you will know that Benny has stated that he prefers high POT and has several systems that he is working with. You will also know that he started with pennies and now got to $500. Better than most. Some of my bets are $500.
Benny has asked for advice and I have attempted to give him some. Why don't you do likewise.

aussielongboat 31st December 2012 12:15 PM

Originally Posted by Benny
I have put together a betting bank of $500 betting 2% I would like to make a weekly income of between $200 and $300 a week.

I bet 2 to 3 horses in a race e/w at the best odds.

Any ideas.

in the fullness of time you will be lucky to see 5% POT.
and i mean lucky.
- and you can take that to the bank.

assuming that though - to make 250 per week you will need to T/O 5k per week.
you will need a bank of about 200x or 300x your bet size.

if you think you have a POT greater than 10% just let it run for a bit longer and see how it goes.

most important ingredient is where you place the bets.
best tote or BF can improve that heaps. but the Corporate bookmakers will close you if you look like you can win or at least not consistently loose.

my opinion on the 2nd part - cast iron on the first re POT.
all this talk about 50% POT well that's just data fitting and back fitting at that.


moeee 31st December 2012 12:32 PM

Originally Posted by beton
Benny has asked for advice and I have attempted to give him some. Why don't you do likewise.

I have no further advice for Benny.
But have advice for you Beton.
Take some chill pills.
We all have losing periods , but this Festive season you appear to be slamming members that disagree with your thoughts.

Mr. Logic 31st December 2012 03:14 PM

Originally Posted by Benny
I have put together a betting bank of $500 betting 2% I would like to make a weekly income of between $200 and $300 a week.

I bet 2 to 3 horses in a race e/w at the best odds.

Any ideas.

My comment:

Now where shall I advertise, "Fed up with working. Or are you unemployed? All you need is a $2000 betting bank and I'll show you how to make a tax free income of $800 to $1200 a week!"

SpeedyBen 31st December 2012 03:25 PM

Originally Posted by Benny
I have put together a betting bank of $500 betting 2% I would like to make a weekly income of between $200 and $300 a week.

I bet 2 to 3 horses in a race e/w at the best odds.

Any ideas.
Good luck with that, Benny. If you are able to win $200 to $300 per week from a $500 bank I'll salute you as a wonder punter.
I aim for $150 per day, 5 days per week but you could add a couple of zeros to the bank size you quoted.

moeee 31st December 2012 03:26 PM

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
My comment:

Now where shall I advertise, "Fed up with working. Or are you unemployed? All you need is a $2000 betting bank and I'll show you how to make a tax free income of $800 to $1200 a week!"

Well i have a little more than that to invest , and would be happy with a return similar to what Benny suggested.

Where do I apply Mister?

Benny 31st December 2012 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
My comment:

Now where shall I advertise, "Fed up with working. Or are you unemployed? All you need is a $2000 betting bank and I'll show you how to make a tax free income of $800 to $1200 a week!"

I retired early due to a slight heart attack. I have $3000 in one of my online bookie accounts. Now how do I make the income you suggested. Please let me know.

beton 31st December 2012 04:11 PM

What are the SR and POT of each of your systems and how many bets for each system per week?

moeee 31st December 2012 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by beton
What are the SR and POT of each of your systems and how many bets for each system per week?

Now you got the right approach Beton.
I figure these details may not be forthcoming though.

Benny 31st December 2012 04:22 PM

Originally Posted by moeee
Now you got the right approach Beton.
I figure these details may not be forthcoming though.

they will as soon as I unpack everything. I recently moved into a 2 bedroom unit.

moeee 31st December 2012 05:04 PM

You have been TOUd. Post moderated. Sexist posts are not permitteed here. Moderator.

ianian 31st December 2012 07:00 PM

why not
I look at it this way – 500 bank-250 a week – double your bank each fortnight- I month 2000- next month 8000 – -32000 – 125000 bad month – $500000 – – all this 5 months – and you only wanted 250 per week

aussielongboat 1st January 2013 05:50 AM

Originally Posted by ianian
I look at it this way – 500 bank-250 a week – double your bank each fortnight- I month 2000- next month 8000 – -32000 – 125000 bad month – $500000 – – all this 5 months – and you only wanted 250 per week

and never lose and no run of outs.
it is so simple

macs 1st January 2013 06:49 AM

Benny, if you don't use software and have access to a $3,000 bank I would suggest taking a look at short priced place systems. The returns per race are small but so are the outs and with 3 grand you'll make your $200-$300 per week. If you can't find what I'm talking about PM me here and I'll point you in the right direction.

moeee 1st January 2013 09:08 AM

Originally Posted by macs
I would suggest taking a look at short priced place systems. The returns per race are small but so are the outs and with 3 grand you'll make your $200-$300 per week.

If it were as simple as that wouldn't everyone be doing it?
Perhaps this area doesn't suit everyone.
A bit like being offerred a job cleaning toilets.

Benny 1st January 2013 10:05 AM

Originally Posted by macs
Benny, if you don't use software and have access to a $3,000 bank I would suggest taking a look at short priced place systems. The returns per race are small but so are the outs and with 3 grand you'll make your $200-$300 per week. If you can't find what I'm talking about PM me here and I'll point you in the right direction.


macs 1st January 2013 10:11 AM

You have been TOUd. You are welcome to disagree, but please be polite about it. Post deleted. Moderator.

moeee 1st January 2013 11:01 AM

Off topic. Moderator.

macs 1st January 2013 01:24 PM

I've sent you 2 emails Benny, the second has an attachment but it's virus free.

Jack 1st January 2013 05:34 PM

short priced place systems
Originally Posted by macs
I would suggest taking a look at short priced place systems. The returns per race are small but so are the outs If you can't find what I'm talking about PM me here and I'll point you in the right direction.
Hi macs,
Please advise of the of the place system that you speak of or where is it found.


Jack 1st January 2013 05:42 PM

short priced place systems
Originally Posted by macs
I would suggest taking a look at short priced place systems. The returns per race are small but so are the outs If you can't find what I'm talking about PM me here and I'll point you in the right direction.
Hi macs,
Please advise of the of the place system that you speak of or where is it found.


agean31@optusnetdotcomdotau (cryptic)

shifty 1st January 2013 06:14 PM

Post deleted. Referring to a now moderated post. Moderator.

lomaca 1st January 2013 06:38 PM

Off topic. Moderator.

shifty 1st January 2013 06:44 PM

Off topic. Moderator.

lomaca 1st January 2013 06:49 PM

Off topic. Moderator.

mattio 1st January 2013 08:24 PM

Off topic. Moderator.

Lord Greystoke 1st January 2013 09:01 PM

Thinking cap on now - here goes...

What I think happens in a forum like this is that comments can very easily get misconstrued. One reason is that without seeing a person's face or hearing the tone in their voice, body language etc... we will often use other clues to come to conclusions about what a person actually means by the words they post. eg previous posting history, style, reputation etc

Having said that, I have observed that one or 2 posters often appear to post without thinking of the context of the thread and the thoughts, feelings, preferences of other posters - just their own particular preferences and style and motives i.e. "it's all about me"

I have nothing against freedom of speech and expressing one's thoughts, ideas etc but what I object to is people who don't mind stomping all over someone else without giving that person a reasonable degree of respect as an individual, no matter what their point of view or preferred focus - whether that be in here or the real world out there.

Somebody once said that the true meaning of a message lies in the message received (rather than the message we meant to deliver).

We might all do well to keep this in mind into the new year (myself included, of course)

Just my thoughts!

Cheers LG

lomaca 1st January 2013 09:18 PM

Originally Posted by Lord Greystoke
Thinking cap on now - here goes...

What I think happens in a forum like this is that comments can very easily get misconstrued. One reason is that without seeing a person's face or hearing the tone in their voice, body language etc... we will often use other clues to come to conclusions about what a person actually means by the words they post. eg previous posting history, style, reputation etc

Having said that, I have observed that one or 2 posters often appear to post without thinking of the context of the thread and the thoughts, feelings, preferences of other posters - just their own particular preferences and style and motives i.e. "it's all about me"

I have nothing against freedom of speech and expressing one's thoughts, ideas etc but what I object to is people who don't mind stomping all over someone else without giving that person a reasonable degree of respect as an individual, no matter what their point of view or preferred focus - whether that be in here or the real world out there.

Somebody once said that the true meaning of a message lies in the message received (rather than the message we meant to deliver).

We might all do well to keep this in mind into the new year (myself included, of course)

Just my thoughts!

Cheers LG
All well and good but the meat of the post was the offer of having a bank of $3000 and earning betw. $2 and 3 hundred a week

"In that case I offer up that standard response myself, show me a system/method call it whatever that by investing $3000 you will get a weekly return of let's just say $100 never mind 2 or 3 hundred and I will pay $5000 for it."

My offer still stands and in CASH!

shifty did not have a bone to pick with that?
Strange wouldn't you say?

Pick a fight where there was none to be had, instead?
Stranger still!

moeee 1st January 2013 09:22 PM

Off topic. Moderator.

Lord Greystoke 1st January 2013 09:28 PM

Off topic. Moderator.

Lord Greystoke 1st January 2013 09:34 PM

Originally Posted by lomaca
All well and good but the meat of the post was the offer of having a bank of $3000 and earning betw. $2 and 3 hundred a week

"In that case I offer up that standard response myself, show me a system/method call it whatever that by investing $3000 you will get a weekly return of let's just say $100 never mind 2 or 3 hundred and I will pay $5000 for it."

My offer still stands and in CASH!

shifty did not have a bone to pick with that?
Strange wouldn't you say?

Pick a fight where there was none to be had, instead?
Stranger still!

My post was a direct response to that above mine (Post No. 31 - Mattio) and also with regards my general observations in here over the last 9 months or so.

Cheers LG

Vortech 1st January 2013 09:38 PM

Originally Posted by lomaca
All well and good but the meat of the post was the offer of having a bank of $3000 and earning betw. $2 and 3 hundred a week

"In that case I offer up that standard response myself, show me a system/method call it whatever that by investing $3000 you will get a weekly return of let's just say $100 never mind 2 or 3 hundred and I will pay $5000 for it."

My offer still stands and in CASH!

shifty did not have a bone to pick with that?
Strange wouldn't you say?

Pick a fight where there was none to be had, instead?
Stranger still!

invest ya $3000 in a coffee shop on wheels and head out to Doomben and Eagle Farm on the early mornings. You'll turnover $200 to $300 each week.

lomaca 1st January 2013 09:50 PM

Originally Posted by Vortech
invest ya $3000 in a coffee shop on wheels and head out to Doomben and Eagle Farm on the early mornings. You'll turnover $200 to $300 each week.
Absolutely no offense meant but I think you did not read the OP and mistakenly translated it to something else. In a way you accidentally confirm moeee's point, of buying a job cleaning dunnies.

The offer if I'm correct, and please point out if I'm not, was that having a bank of $3000 and contacting the poster he will reveal a system producing a weekly income of btw. $200 and $300.

My offer of $5000 for said system stands, as a matter of fact I up the anti and offer ten thousand.

Still a very good business! Imagine $5200 yearly return on $3K?
Any investor would go for dentures for that sort of opportunity, never mind eye tooth.

moeee 1st January 2013 09:56 PM

I have never really noticed it before.
But you are quite amusing.
Amusing , entertaining and absolutely correct.

SpeedyBen 1st January 2013 10:15 PM

Originally Posted by shifty
This one lomaca. It's not political correctness, it's just about good manners and respect.
When I read that comment I took it as tongue in cheek. Still do.

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