OZmium Sports Betting and Horse Racing Forums

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1st August 2004 03:37 PM

This is between Chuck_3000 and I.

$100 a week each. You are free to make as many bets as you want on whatever sports you want.

Keep open records of how much you bet as well.

[ This Message was edited by: czar on 2004-08-01 16:59 ]

Chuck 1st August 2004 04:08 PM

These were the bets i placed earlier this morning on the "message for rabbitz" thread:

Opening bank :: $100

$10 WIN on R3-2 at muswellbrook today
$5 place on R4-2 at wagga today

$10 on Manly to beat Canberra @ $3.52
$15 on Melb Demons to beat Hawthorn @ $1.10

$10 MULTI:
Knights to beat Rabbits - $1.48
Roosters to beat Storm - $1.45
Demons to beat Hawks - $1.10

$10 Returns $23.61

Closing Balance: $50

Good LUck

1st August 2004 04:10 PM

I'll get things started off.

$100 on Roger Federer to beat Andy Roddick @ $1.50
= $150 return.


rabbitz 1st August 2004 04:11 PM

What about me czarzy and moee,its a bit elitest isnt it

Chuck 1st August 2004 04:12 PM


Opening bank: 100

$10 WIN on R3-2 at muswellbrook today...won, paying $3.10 (+$21.00)
$5 place on R4-2 at wagga today - UNP (-$5.00)

$10 on Manly to beat Canberra @ $3.52...won (+$25.20)
$15 on Melb Demons to beat Hawthorn @ $1.10...won (+$1.50)

$10 MULTI:
Knights to beat Rabbits - $1.48
Roosters to beat Storm - $1.45
Demons to beat Hawks - $1.10

$10 Returns $23.61...won (+$13.61)

Closing Balance: $168.31

Good LUck

Chuck 1st August 2004 04:14 PM

Does the $100 get re-instated each week??? if not, then if roddick wins, you are gone

1st August 2004 04:21 PM

It doesn't get re-instated. If Roddick wins it's fair to say I have made a major fool out of myself, but it's unlikely Federer will lose - he is no.1 and takes all his matches seriously.

We can always have another competition though.

rabbitz 1st August 2004 04:28 PM

It wouldnt be like you to make a major fool of yourself
what does mum think about you spending her bowls money on gambling

[ This Message was edited by: rabbitz on 2004-08-01 17:45 ]

1st August 2004 04:34 PM

...stop trying to engage conversation with me.


[ This Message was edited by: czar on 2004-08-01 18:03 ]

rabbitz 1st August 2004 04:41 PM

According to the terms of use on this forum abusive language is not tolerated,so would you please desist,when does my ban begin I.m waiting.Primo used to do the same thing until France lost then he lost.I pity anyone reading this looking for intelligent conversation.

moeee 1st August 2004 07:31 PM

Leave me out of this Competition Rabbitz.I'd rather play with myself than have Primo attempt to beat me about the ring.

Chuck 4th August 2004 07:38 PM

$28 on Gold Coast R5-8

you beauty!!!!

[ This Message was edited by: Chuck_3000 on 2004-08-05 19:24 ]

Chuck 5th August 2004 07:40 PM

Well, that win leaves me at $302.86, and well set fot the weekend of sport

Chuck 6th August 2004 04:45 PM

Opening bank: $302.86

$102 on DANCE HERO (horse) to Win

$100 on ROOSTERS (team) to Win

$50 Sports Multi:
Roosters Win
bulldogs Win
West Tigers Win

Returns $98.77

CLosing Balance:


Good Luck

[ This Message was edited by: Chuck_3000 on 2004-08-06 17:47 ]

moeee 6th August 2004 06:52 PM

Congratulations there Chuck3000!
Looks like you've come up with a winner.In a race where you are the only competitor.
Reminds me of the time I had a birthday party and no one came.Lucky I love cake!

Chuck 6th August 2004 07:08 PM

It seems like that doesn't it...10 bets to 1!!!

Chuck 6th August 2004 07:10 PM

It seems like that doesn't it...10 bets to 1!!!

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