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La Mer 2nd February 2005 09:42 AM

Lays Of the Day Contest
As has been mentioned in another theme, there appears to be some interest in having a lays of the day contest, so happy to run one, if that's Ok.

Starting this Saturday 5th Feb, the rules are:

Lays Of The Day Contest
Two races each Saturday nominating between one and three horses in each race that won’t win.

Points awarded according to Official Starting Price based on betting to return $100 (100 points)

If that's Ok, start it this week, nominating one race in Melbourne (which will be the Lightning Stakes) and one in Sydney (which will be the Clissold Stakes).

Real Deal 2nd February 2005 10:12 AM

how does the points work? the shorter the horse the better the lay?

La Mer 2nd February 2005 10:20 AM

Originally Posted by Real Deal
how does the points work? the shorter the horse the better the lay?

Yes, that's right - laying a horse that SP's @ $3 and loses would score 33 points, while laying one @ $10 would score 10 points etc, so the bold score the most points, of course they also increase the risk of the horse winning which would mean they would end up losing points.

Duritz 2nd February 2005 10:41 AM

Good on you La Mer for running it. I'll be in.

Real Deal 2nd February 2005 10:57 AM

count me in! you said points are lost for a win? what are the penalties for 2nd and 3rd and how long is this comp going to go for?

La Mer 2nd February 2005 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by Real Deal
count me in! you said points are lost for a win? what are the penalties for 2nd and 3rd and how long is this comp going to go for?

Just run on horses winning or losing @ this stage, so no penalties for 2nd or 3rd placegetters as that could all get a little confusing, so we will try & make it as simple as possible.

Points lost for a win will be 100 less the stake, so in the example I gave before of a horse @ $3 the points lost would be 67 (100-33) and in the the case of of a horse @ $10 the points lost would be 90 (100-10).

Hope that makes sense, but comes down to risk v. return - you can risk less by nominating a horse @ $10 but lose more should it win, in a similar manner as how the bookies operate.

Mr Selby 2nd February 2005 11:29 AM

yeah sounds good. im in

Chuck 2nd February 2005 04:14 PM

Great idea - i'm up for it!

Mark 2nd February 2005 06:40 PM

What better way to get us all tipping winners !!!

brave chief 2nd February 2005 06:42 PM

I don't like the idea of nominating races. Just list your 2 lays for the day, no matter what the race. Must be the metrop races however.

La Mer 2nd February 2005 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by brave chief
I don't like the idea of nominating races. Just list your 2 lays for the day, no matter what the race. Must be the metrop races however.

Problem with that is that you could get twenty or more races nominated and I only have so much time to go chasing up prices, but your welcome to run it if you want to take the task on.

Sportz 2nd February 2005 07:08 PM

And also you wouldn't get the contest between people to create interest. It just wouldn't be as interesting if everybody picked different races.

I might give it a go. As I said, I'm not really into saying that such and such a horse CAN'T win. Normally too busy trying to work out what ones CAN.

Shaun 2nd February 2005 07:47 PM

you guys are missing the point of laying a horse....you can't pick a race and say i will lay this horse.....you need to find the horse that every one is picking and say i don't think it has a hope in hell of winning and laying that one......just let evyone pick one horse to lay and use that points system that sounds like it will work...that way you won't have people picking 100/1 shorts they will try to find the shortest crap horse they can.

La Mer 2nd February 2005 07:57 PM

Originally Posted by Shaun
you guys are missing the point of laying a horse.......that way you won't have people picking 100/1 shorts they will try to find the shortest crap horse they can.

No point being missed at all Shaun ... if someone picks a horse @ 100/1 they will only score one point if the horse loses, OTOH if someone picks a horse @ Evens & it loses they will score 50 points - it's all about risk v. return.

Shaun 2nd February 2005 08:00 PM

La Mer

i agreed on the points system it is a good idea....but you can't select a race to lay a horse in you need to select the horse to lay.

Heavyweight 2nd February 2005 10:06 PM

Thanks for taking this on, La Mer.

To encourage people to take a risk (more fun), maybe we should draw the line at $5.00 SP, ie if your nomination loses at greater than $5.00 you get no points anyway. I guess the trouble with that idea is that when the world finds out that a panel as astute as this one is "knocking" a particular conveyance, that conveyance is going to blow like Vesuvius and start at $20.00 (imagine one of those smiley faces here; haven't got up to them yet!)

If we could compromise on the selection of races, maybe we should limit selections to any race within one or two nominated meetings. If I were running it (glad I'm not-too lazy), I would only be interested in checking results on the Melbourne, Sydney and Perth Saturday meetings. And that's because my Sunday paper only gives full SPs for those meetings.

Anyway, you're running the show so you make the rules. Whatever you decide, I'll play.



La Mer 2nd February 2005 10:37 PM

Originally Posted by Heavyweight
Thanks for taking this on, La Mer.
If we could compromise on the selection of races, maybe we should limit selections to any race within one or two nominated meetings. If I were running it (glad I'm not-too lazy), I would only be interested in checking results on the Melbourne, Sydney and Perth Saturday meetings. And that's because my Sunday paper only gives full SPs for those meetings.

Anyway, you're running the show so you make the rules. Whatever you decide, I'll play. Cheers,

Appreciate your comments H (as I do the other comments). but I think the way Sportz (and Dr. Ron) are running Ratings Challenge comp is the way to go, as that way everyone is comparing like with like and we are comparing performances in direct relationship to one another (plus it makes it that much easier to monitor).

brave chief 3rd February 2005 08:16 AM

You'll just be laying the same horses. There will only be 2 or maybe 3 horses tops available to "lay" in each race.

Sportz 3rd February 2005 08:30 AM

La Mer,

Here's a compromise option perhaps you could think about.

Pick out the best TWO races in Sydney and Melbourne each week and people then have to pick out a 'lay' in just two of those 4 races. That way, people will get a little more choice, but we'll still basically be concentrating on the same races. That means we'll still have some conflicting opinions which is good. And also not a mountain of work for you. :)

La Mer 3rd February 2005 08:58 AM

Originally Posted by Sportz
La Mer,

Here's a compromise option perhaps you could think about.

Pick out the best TWO races in Sydney and Melbourne each week and people then have to pick out a 'lay' in just two of those 4 races. That way, people will get a little more choice, but we'll still basically be concentrating on the same races. That means we'll still have some conflicting opinions which is good. And also not a mountain of work for you. :)

Yep, sounds Ok, I can handle that - will nominate the races later today - some doubt that they will be racing at Flemington on Saturday - according to the track manager at Flemington they are looking at running the meeting on Sunday or next Tuesday. If its Sunday, then I'll nominate two races, if not then I'll look for alternatives - hopefully a decision will be made sometime today as to what they are going to be doing

xptdriver 3rd February 2005 10:22 AM

Gday All,

I think I may stay out of this one... The idea of having nominated races to pick a lay in is rather farcical... The idea of laying is to pick a loser that all others think can win... thats where ya score.. having a race nominated really is not suitable to that kind of thing.. On this thread somewhere, a contributor has said to pick the best 2 races at Sydney and Melbourne ( Ithink).. What criteria do you use to pick the best race... To my way of thinking the "best" race is one where the winner is not obvious... where the class is solid.. so if the winner is not obvious, that to my mind makes it a very poor and probaly a foolish option to lay a horse in that race.. far too risky.. I feel the best lay propositons are things running around at 2/1 ON to Evens, that really should be 2 or 3 to 1. You need to be pretty good at pricing horses to abe able to confidently( In Advance) identify the races where there is a shortie running around that is going to be overbet, and frankly you have no clue as to whether the horse is unders and worth laying until you have the market in front of you.. to see what people are prepared to take..

But it's your idea fellas... good luck with it..

Sportz 3rd February 2005 10:37 AM

Geez, the very rules of this comp are providing probably more interest and discussion than the comp itself will.

Anyway, I do sort of agree with what xpt, brave chief and Shaun have said, but letting people pick ANY race on a given Saturday would mean a heck of a lot more work for the person running the show. Perhaps you could simply keep it to just one meeting each week??? Up to you La Mer.

Sportz 3rd February 2005 10:44 AM

By the way, they've just announced that they're going to inspect the Flemington track at lunch time tommorrow and if they have to call it off, they will race on Tuesday instead.

La Mer 3rd February 2005 11:06 AM

Originally Posted by Sportz
Geez, the very rules of this comp are providing probably more interest and discussion than the comp itself will.

Anyway, I do sort of agree with what xpt, brave chief and Shaun have said, but letting people pick ANY race on a given Saturday would mean a heck of a lot more work for the person running the show. Perhaps you could simply keep it to just one meeting each week??? Up to you La Mer.

I agree about the level of discussion Sportz - some very different thoughts eh?

Well, in an attempt to satisfy, if not all, most I think that your compromise idea is fine, that is one nominated meeting a week from which any TWO races with UP TO THREE lay horses can be selected.

I will post the consolidated rules later on today, but at this stage will probably nominate the Sydney meeting as the one to start off the contest.

Thanks for everyone's thoughts.

La Mer 3rd February 2005 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by La Mer
I will post the consolidated rules later on today, but at this stage will probably nominate the Sydney meeting as the one to start off the contest.

Lays Of the Day Contest - Consolidated Rules

Starting this Saturday 5th Feb, the rules are:

Lays Of The Day Contest
Any TWO races each Saturday from nominated meeting, selecting (laying) between ONE & THREE horses in each race that won’t win.

Selections for both races must be lodged at least 30mins prior to the first race in which selections are made. This means that if someone makes selections in races 7 & 8 and race 7 is on @ 4.30pm, then selections must be lodged by 4pm. (Note: This additional rule required so that it's a level playing field for everyone)

Points awarded according to Official Starting Price (as per examples earlier in this thread)

This weeks nominated meeting is Rosehill.

Mr ed 4th February 2005 09:40 AM

Rc 7 No. 1 Desert War, lay the lot.

Sportz 4th February 2005 11:03 AM

It's a scratching.

A pity because I also thought it was a good 'lay' bet for that race.

Duritz 4th February 2005 04:21 PM

My two LAYS are

Syd R7 Cool Front
Syd R8 Leg Irons


Chuck 4th February 2005 05:43 PM

6-1 Vanquished
5-1 Flying Pegasus

maverick1993 4th February 2005 05:48 PM

Not a Single Doubt

Duritz 4th February 2005 06:07 PM

I thought we could only choose horses at Rosehill this week? If not, I'd pick Melbourne too, what's the go? Me confused.

Mr Selby 4th February 2005 06:10 PM

yeah its only the rosehill meeting. one question. if you do pick three runners in the one race you get more points if none win right??

La Mer 4th February 2005 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by maverick1993
Not a Single Doubt

Rosehill races only, not Flemington

La Mer 4th February 2005 06:37 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Selby
yeah its only the rosehill meeting. one question. if you do pick three runners in the one race you get more points if none win right??

Rosehill race ONLY - Correct, if you pick three horses in the one race and they all get beaten you score more points

La Mer 4th February 2005 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by Duritz
I thought we could only choose horses at Rosehill this week? If not, I'd pick Melbourne too, what's the go? Me confused.

I know you only meant it as a follow-up from your prediction last week, but you sort of started this by nominating Cool Trent in Melbourne, so you confused yourself Duritz :-) but it is ONLY Rosehill races for consideration.

Duritz 4th February 2005 07:12 PM

LOL yes, you'd be surprised how often I can do that.

(aka Homer Simpson)

La Mer 5th February 2005 06:34 AM

Just a reminder to those interested that the Lays of the Day contest starts today.

Any two races @ Rosehill, with between one & three 'lays' in each of those races.

Best of luck.

brave chief 5th February 2005 08:02 AM

Just to get this clear:

If you lay a 6/4 shot and it loses you get 40 points, right? If it happens to win, do you lose 100 points as well?

La Mer 5th February 2005 09:22 AM

Originally Posted by brave chief
Just to get this clear:

If you lay a 6/4 shot and it loses you get 40 points, right? If it happens to win, do you lose 100 points as well?

No, if the horse wins you would lose 60 points.

La Mer 5th February 2005 09:23 AM

Race 3:
Ilongga Magic

Race 6

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