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regular 28th March 2005 01:32 AM

No Logic but a pattern ?
I have been reading form guids for many reaces ( about 400 races )
I see a pattern there, but I can not explain the logic

Last Saturday, I did get tips from very experiened punters, the result : one win two losses, the winning odds is $2.8, so I made a loss

Then with my own selection following this pattern :
RRRR: 360019770988 - Bet Won$10.00 on Eremein To Win @ 4.50 Fixed OddsRace 6 Randwick (NSW) 26 Mar 2005 14:15 (26/03)

RRRR: 360019771047 - Bet Lost$10.00 on Steflara To Win @ Bookies Best PriceRace 7 Randwick (NSW) 26 Mar 2005 15:00 (26/03)

RRRR: 360019771166 - Bet Won Best Price 12.00$10.00 on Magnetism To Win @ Bookies Best PriceRace 8 Randwick (NSW) 26 Mar 2005 15:40 (26/03)

Sportz 28th March 2005 05:49 AM

I'm afraid you've lost me. What pattern? Whatever it was, it worked.

good 4th 28th March 2005 07:10 AM

Lost me totaly..
Could you make me understand it

marcus25 28th March 2005 04:00 PM

Originally Posted by good 4th
Lost me totaly..
Could you make me understand it

I think he meant: : 36001977.........1166

darkydog2002 28th March 2005 04:59 PM

Jeepers Marcus.
Your a code breaker.

Sportz 28th March 2005 05:14 PM

Yeah, but what do those numbers mean? It certainly isn't the horses' form figures.

Chuck 28th March 2005 05:17 PM

Originally Posted by Sportz
Yeah, but what do those numbers mean? It certainly isn't the horses' form figures.

i was just about to ask that! I have no idea either!!!

partypooper 28th March 2005 05:27 PM

Could be the bar-code on the "bottle"

KennyVictor 28th March 2005 07:40 PM

I think they're just the bet numbers with whoever he bets with. Only pattern I can see is the bigger the font you use for the horses name the more you win. :-)


Paddy 28th March 2005 08:10 PM

Well I can throw some light on this little mystery........woops hold on a minute.. I'm about to sneeze...ah ah ah hay chee!!! bless me!

Duritz 28th March 2005 11:12 PM

He said at the start of the post he could see a pattern there, but could not explain it. Which probably goes to show why he didn't!

However, perhaps therefore what he means is he has no set rules but there's some "pattern" in his head to which he is adhering, some "voice" in his head, perhaps, telling him which horse to back. What's that you say? You want me to burn the village? But voice, there's a thousand people live down there, I couldn't put them in danger..... What's that? Yes, yes voice, they must pay...

Maybe he's working along those kinds of lines, in which case, I think there's more important things for him to worry about than reading 400 reaces.

Bhagwan 29th March 2005 07:03 AM

Thankyou Mr Regular,
We are none the wiser for what you are trying to communicate .

For what it`s worth , here are some observations that I am prepared to share with you.
068917222 win $8.90
654951258 win $27.00
152348921 win $34.00

There , you have it .
You can thank me later

Que? 29th March 2005 08:30 AM

Thanks Bhagwan.

Top Rank 29th March 2005 12:38 PM

Oh Duritz you've done it again.

You funny, funny **************.

Sarge1 30th March 2005 04:59 AM

Ive goota stop reading thes posts early in the morning as its difficult to contain the laughter- thank you all

regular 30th March 2005 12:24 PM

glad all laghing hard, good 4 u heart

regular 30th March 2005 12:27 PM

I have this chart , in excel
but how can i post it here, u will c what I mean

this is truly amazing

just tell me how to put the excel chart here ?

DR RON 30th March 2005 03:32 PM

The only pattern I could see was thefact that eremein and Steflara were both ridden by Corey Brown!!! but magnetism was not.

KennyVictor 30th March 2005 07:52 PM

Originally Posted by regular
I have this chart , in excel

just tell me how to put the excel chart here ?

When you have the white area on your screen and you are making a post, scroll down a bit and you'll find a "manage attachments" button.

Now for pity's sake work out how to do it - attach it - and put us all out of our misery before another village is destroyed. :-)


Paddy 30th March 2005 08:08 PM

Originally Posted by KennyVictor
Last edited by KennyVictor : Today at 10:03 PM. Reason: Got excited and included a blasphemy - relented and watered it down.


Sportz 30th March 2005 08:22 PM

They all won their last start at longer odds than they were at their 2nd last start???

They all had at least 33% wins and 80% placings?

Sportz 30th March 2005 08:42 PM

Okay, you said there was no logic behind it. How about this one?

At their previous 2 starts, all of them started out of barriers next to each other, eg barriers 2 & 3 or barriers 7 & 8. Now that just makes no logical sense at all. Perhaps that's it???

regular 30th March 2005 09:21 PM

I know nothing about horses, never seen a horse
all I do is collecting data, and visualize them

you can not use one variable, that is single sighted

just visualize the situation they are in
can not help you much

but I really appreciate your inputs

4theboyz 30th March 2005 09:29 PM

Originally Posted by regular
...but I really appreciate your inputs

Yeh, like my garden is appreciating your outputs :)

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