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firehorse 28th July 2014 07:22 PM

avoiding banned account
I have a 82% place bet strike rate
What kind of strike rate is needed to keep everyone greased up ?
Like, I bet 10 horses and 8.2 win

How much do I need to lose to keep the bookies happy

I'm thinking like they get 3k and I get 3k so everyone is happy

Any thoughts on how much wins I get vs the wins (my losses) I get ?

I have been warned and I need to send more money to the bookies to keep my account

The state bookies will not tell me

Puntz 29th July 2014 09:43 AM

Impartial suggestion to consider.

Sacrificial Bets = # % of Winning Profits, but don't make it "law", make it a free choice.

In other words, start at 1 percent of winning profits,
( 100 units profit, bet 1 unit), on a runner that is sure to lose.
That may keep them happy.

One may improvise on the scales to raise or lower their percents.

It's the same principle in mechanical engineering. Your own vehicle has "sacrificial metals" implemented in various situations.
For example; a thermostat housing is made of an alloy weaker than the entire engine's alloy/s. The reason is so the inevitable corrosion will attack the weakest link first.
So it's cheaper to replace the thermostat housing than the entire engine block due to corrosion.

Well, it's "cheaper" to sacrifice part of your profit than to have the entire account closed and gain no profit.

Management 29th July 2014 12:45 PM

Winning Punters, Large Punters, Restricted Punters - This Is For You!!

Big Punters Give Yourself The Best Betting Package!

Want to place large bets at fixed odds?

We can get it for you!

If you would like an outstanding new client's wagering package we can get it for you!

With our influence in the industry as Australia's Number One Online Wagering Broker, we can arrange for you a superior new client's wagering package!

Some benefits may include larger bonus bets, increased odds, rebates on wagering turnover and reduced commissions.

Even if you have been restricted by an online bookmaker please contact us as we can help you obtain a great deal for wagering on racing and sports!

You'll be able to place large bets at fixed odds.

Without being banned when you win!

If you are a punter who generates significant turnover on a regular basis please feel free to contact OZmium's Managing Director, Guy, who will be able to help you, from this page.

firehorse 29th July 2014 02:05 PM

Thanks Puntz

I will contact Guy

thanks guys

aussielongboat 5th August 2014 10:21 AM

Originally Posted by firehorse
I have a 82% place bet strike rate
What kind of strike rate is needed to keep everyone greased up ?
Like, I bet 10 horses and 8.2 win

How much do I need to lose to keep the bookies happy

I'm thinking like they get 3k and I get 3k so everyone is happy

Any thoughts on how much wins I get vs the wins (my losses) I get ?

I have been warned and I need to send more money to the bookies to keep my account

The state bookies will not tell me

I have read a few places that unless you are losing more than 6% on your turnover they will soon restrict you.

Pat123 5th August 2014 05:26 PM

I've just thought of something.

Is it now virtually impossible for a corporate to close a legitimate punter's account?

With these new NSW min bet rules, does this essentially mean bookmakers can't ban at all anymore (for legitimate punters i.e. being not a commercially viable customer isn't a reason for banning).

If a punter now has his/her account closed they can lodge a complaint and refer to the clause in the nsw rules even if he/she wasn't even betting or planning to bet on nsw races.


firehorse 7th August 2014 05:15 PM


I could make a fortune on those concepts alone..

Hey, anyone happy to make 2% a day ???????????

Mark 9th August 2014 11:53 AM

Well done Ladbrokes. Back one winner, yes that's right, 1 winner, and you're gone. Fleas on the racing industry.

stugots 9th August 2014 02:46 PM

Banned or limited Mark?

Pat123 9th August 2014 03:04 PM

If they closed your account like me don't worry, they'll be obligated to re-open it come Sept 1st and there's no way they can get around it.

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