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Real Deal 10th August 2005 07:50 AM

Fantasy Relay Race
Got this off another site (hopefully not illegal). But lets see what us guys come up with, or could we decide on a more potent line up?

A four stage relay - 1st leg) 1200m, 2nd leg) 1600m, 3rd leg) 2000m, 4th and final leg) 2400m. At the end of each leg the jockey tags the next runner on the rump with his persuader. They then run the next leg and so on. The 2400m horses bring it home to determine the winner. The race is run at Flemington on a good rated track. Each horse is at its peak fitness, racing at it's optimum age. There is no track bias recorded. The teams are recorded in the order they'll run (1200m, 1600m, 2000m, 2400m).

Team 1) Schillachi, Testa Rossa, Sunline, Elvstroem.

Team 2) Falvelon, Shogun Lodge, Northerly, Sky Heights.

Team 3) Spinning Hill, Lonhro, Grand Armee, Octagonal.

Team 4) Belle du Jour, Might and Power, Savabeel, Makybe Diva.

Team 5) Alinghi, Redoute's Choice, Field of Omagh, Ethereal.

Team 6) Choisir, Private Steer, Saintly, Plastered.

Who'll win the race...

Sportz 10th August 2005 07:58 AM

Yeah, I saw that too. Strange idea. Not sure of some of the lineups either.

Real Deal 10th August 2005 08:31 AM

Hard to find a better finishing combo than in team 1, but it would just be a matter of how much a start they gave to team 6.

Apparently there will be answers posted sometime today-they are going to work out which team wins.

maverick1993 10th August 2005 04:03 PM

I'd be backing team 6 .. e/w :)

Rudolph 10th August 2005 08:40 PM

team 3 for me!

umrum 11th August 2005 11:36 AM

team 3 mighty hard to beat

Tenacious Spirit 11th August 2005 01:54 PM

I'd go team 6.

mad 11th August 2005 02:36 PM

I think i would try and Arb teams 1 and 6, Back and Lay perhaps.

Then i would dutch teams 2, 3 and 4.

On a winner everytime!

Chuck 11th August 2005 09:52 PM

Points (6 first down to 1 last in each leg):

3: 19
1: 17
2: 17
4: 12
5: 12
6: 7

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