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malua 30th August 2002 07:11 PM

Tipped him in the Goldmarket and now someone smart has him in today's paper as favourite for tomorrow.

Bris Race 1- no.1 El Tempestad

malua 31st August 2002 11:31 AM

Go the Cunnamulla Flyer!!

Paddy 1st September 2002 08:04 AM

Nice one Malua, 1 tip, 1 win. "Cunnamulla Flyer"? Excuse the ignorance, where's Cunnamulla ?

malua 5th September 2002 09:13 AM

Cunnamulla is in far western Qld about 800kms from Brisbane. I live about 600kms out. The horse is owned by a Sydney family who have a sheep and cattle property up here. He is a bit dicky in the legs and loves the sting out of the track. Word is one more run in Bris then maybe to Sydney. Don't dismiss him.

becareful 5th September 2002 10:00 AM

I could be mistaken but I believe Cunnamulla was the subject of an ABC documentary last year (or may have been the year before). Was interesting viewing but some of the locals were not too impressed with the somewhat negative portrayal of the town and in particular the two young girls (around 13-14 from memory) who said that they regularly got drunk and had sex "because there is nothing else to do in the town".

Golly 5th September 2002 10:37 AM

Hi Becareful,
That's right, Cunnamulla was the town in that documentry. Unfortunately it was a very narrow view of the town. As in most country (city ) towns there are unsavoury incidents. I am led to believe that the bloke who did the doco was going to include some of the good points of cunnamulla, BUT left them on the cutting room floor. I suppose it didn't add to the drama. Now Cunnalmaulla will alway have this stigma attached to it. I know that there were a few court cases flying around about the show but never heard the outcomes.

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