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Benny 18th November 2006 07:13 PM

Don Scott's Ratings
in his book winning in the 90's Don doesn't metion a rating for a class 3 for either syd sat or mid week. I figue about 52 for a sta class 3 and 51 for a midweek class considering that a country midweek class 3 is 46 and sat class 3 would be a bit stronger.

Can anyone please advise?


AngryPixie 22nd November 2006 09:16 AM

You might try this. If you look at the NSW "Ratings Based Handicapping Template" a horse jumping from a Country Class 3 to a Saturday metro 3YO&UP Class 3 would expect to carry 4-6kg less in the city. In fact the template basically gives this as an example.

"A Class 3 horse rated 77 could ascertain the following weights across the template
Metropolitan Class 3 = 58kg
Country Class 3 = 63.5kg"

Just an idea, but it does throw Don's scales out a bit. I guess we have moved on 16 years since that book was published.

crash 22nd November 2006 09:58 AM

Don Scott died dead broke. The bookies cleaned him out :-)

travelrock 11th June 2007 10:08 PM

Betting midweek is desperate. Stick to rating proper races.

stugots 12th June 2007 11:07 AM

Originally Posted by travelrock
Betting midweek is desperate. Stick to rating proper races.

your opinion which i stongly disagree with,

plenty of 'good' betting races mon thru fri, saturdays? plenty of class & glamour but often the hardest day of the week to turn a quid, sundays are usually mostly rubbish & one should have at least one day a week away from the nags

& what exactly is a 'proper race'?

travelrock 12th June 2007 11:53 AM

If you say so.

AngryPixie 12th June 2007 11:55 AM

I'm with you Stugots
If there's a race on there's an opportunity. There's more than one way to skin the punting cat. In my view it's a matter of matching the method to the situation. It's a race to race, day to day thing ;)

PS: No punting on Sundays and non-Public Holiday Mondays for me. There are other things. ;)

travelrock 12th June 2007 12:10 PM

Who was the person that worked out the different ways to skin a cat?

Must have been starving to do that LOL

stugots 12th June 2007 02:12 PM

Originally Posted by travelrock
If you say so.

i do

stugots 12th June 2007 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by stugots
& what exactly is a 'proper race'?

& thanks for clearing that up...

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