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AngryPixie 10th April 2008 04:24 PM

Anybody else get one of these??
From Betfair


Dear ########

Regarding Betfair username: ######
We want to ensure that you have received the following important email regarding the Betfair Data Request Charge.

Our reports show that based on your recent behavior you would be affected by the charge which will be introduced on Monday 14th April.

Please contact us for a breakdown of your daily data requests and potential charges by sending an e-mail to datausage @betfair.com

jfc 10th April 2008 04:29 PM

Not me, for once, fingers crossed.

Still Chrome Prince's stunt of squillions of refreshes just to develop trends might be more worthy of correspondence.

wesmip1 10th April 2008 07:11 PM

Yeah I got one as well.

But if you are doing enough betting then there isn't an issue. Any charge will be offset by both commission and implied commission.

Good Luck

Chrome Prince 10th April 2008 11:32 PM

Neither squillions, trillions, billions, millions, thousands, hundreds, stunts nor an email here.

There are ways to do things and ways to be informed, something jfc seems to miss altogether :D

Angry Pixie, Gruss have a refresh throttle that ensures you don't exceed the new API charges. I'm well under that throttle limit.

Shaun 11th April 2008 10:04 AM

Chrome, can you fill me in in the refresh limit please.

I have just started using betfair again after some time and plan on using it race to race, i am using Bet Trader Pro to place my bets, how can i avoid these charges

AngryPixie 11th April 2008 11:00 AM

Bettrader Pro looks like the culprit. A one second refresh made anything upto 54 API calls per second in testing yesterday. A two second refresh averaged around 14 API calls. By comparison, Fairbot set to a one second refresh never got above 4 API cals per second.

Shaun, if you contact Adam at RaceTraders he has a throttled enabled version of Bettrader available for beta testing.

Chrome Prince 11th April 2008 06:31 PM

The limit I believe is 20 API calls per second.
Using Gruss Betting Assistant, set to one second refreshes, the number of API calls is around 4. I've had it up to 8 at times, but never anywhere near 20.
I did get a transaction charge once (which is seperate) from actually placing too many individual bets per second.

Modification to the BA tool means that now the number of transactions and number of API calls are logged on the screen, so you can see if you're nearing the limit.

Great help to me.

Shaun 12th April 2008 08:22 PM

How can i test the amount of api calls i have?

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