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Chuck 26th August 2008 02:56 PM

Tuesday Joy
anyone else think his odds are very good value for the cups this year?

Caulfield Cup $26
Melbourne Cup $21

i know its a long way out, but they have stated the cups are the aim - and going on what he has shown us he's a great chance

i think tuesday joy and littorio to fight out the cups this year, largo lad a smoky for the big one

Sportz 26th August 2008 04:00 PM

He is a she, Chuck.

Horse Whisperer 26th August 2008 04:35 PM

lol i was going to say the same thing as sportz

But i do agree with what you said chuck.
After a big day at the races i got into a cab going to the casino from eagle farm earlier this year after Tuesday Joys first up run in the winning edge where she finished 2nd to racing to win. I was blind and remember telling the cabbie mate get on as early as you can, Tuesday Joy will win the Melbourne Cup. He laughed at me and to be honest i would have if someone said it to me.
Ive taken a few doubles based around Tuesday Joy in those two races so im hoping she does well :)

maverick1993 26th August 2008 04:57 PM

Can't wait to see her step out,,,she must be racing this weekend ??

you'd have to imagine the open spaces of Flemo will suit her down to the ground..(just hope they dont always give her to much to do)

wow the Memsie is looking a good race :)

Stix 26th August 2008 06:07 PM

Heard on the radio (Andrew Bensley - Sport 927)2 weeks ago that she may not run in the cup this year but instead be heading to Dubai in December to race (requires a few weeks quarantine)

crash 28th August 2008 08:11 AM

Tuesdays Joy is a top horse but Waterhouse's SR in Melb. during spring carnival time is pretty dismal, so that has to be considered. 20/1 this far out from the Melb. Cup might be a lot shorter than it looks.

tevez17 28th August 2008 09:00 AM

I reckon Pompeii Ruler will win the Caulfield...

Chuck 28th August 2008 09:27 AM

Originally Posted by Sportz
He is a she, Chuck.

LOL i've been following IT since it was a 2 year old, you'd think i'd know by now :p

anyone know Princess Coup's plans? that was a cracker she ran in the caulfield cup last year...

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