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jim curran 21st January 2009 05:40 AM

tips for wednesday
warwick farm
r1 2 chelmsford 6 power to surprise 1 superract 5 danefontaine
r2 8 miss exxi 4 shesarockstar 15 miss alert 10 sangfroid
r3 11 giza 3 domras 8 celero 2 seventh reason
r4 5 yoburg 3 flushing meadows 1 langfibian 2 crown power
r5 1 lucky thirteen 3 elahi 11 sellout 8 magnifique lass
r6 3 goldridge 4 dane monarch 8 motivation 2 sirwinni
r7 2 zaretti 10 ice tee 9 lilies 11 de prima ballerina

r1 6 port veil 11 persian palace 3 headshrinker 5 lieinwait
r2 2 prussian pride 10 the perugian 5 kalatruce 4 haka
r3 10 sminker 7 tequilakoko 13 olympic win 9 paeroa
r4 3 da hussler 6 chatter brooke 1 snow patrol 4 gokstad
r5 2 allplusone 7 fire of desire 3 go bro 6 brandnewpair
r6 7 flat chat 9 punk,d 6 cooney 10 embank
r7 2 television 10 nosugar 13 fullhouse 12 chuckawheely
r8 6 dr schmimmell 4 sir kinther mac 7 sea skye 2 astronomo

r1 1 hard luck 7 battleofkapyong 5 couragetattoo 2 island tycoon
r2 1 another sequalo 9 bi qualo 3 el khartum 8 beyond the bikini
r3 6 beau desire 12 manaudou 14 ripsnortergal 9 ella maree
r4 1 telesto warrior 2 funk soul brother 8 miliardo 3 propheteer
r5 2 el corona 12 upgrading 6 showlisa 7 costner
r6 3 body double 8 sweet opinion 9 ella cinders 4 smartncrafty
r7 1 costa mucho 6 quisatana 7 laurinel princess 4 spinzero

r1 3 currency cugat 7 mongkut 10 vinylpusher 9 vandersar
r2 1 aegyptius 6 my uncle vinny 11 uragano 15 miss oreilly
r3 1 alkate 8 babygangstar 7 fastizio 13 shenzen frenzy
r4 2 vinegar hill 3 elusive one 1 cool trent 6 gamblers gold
r5 2 consume 6 mephistopheles 7 sallum 4 loukoumi
r6 5 mighty one 9 make me cry 6 alice coupez 2 authentic star
r7 1 theroux 2 surprise end 3 tarabata 6 pink pier
r8 9 lonhrielle 10 thepinkpanzer 8 awholelotofloving 4 bluepoles
r9 5 go johemma 4 thistlewyn 12 questionable 1 commando ridge

r1 1 stress related 10 miss timed 8 west virginia 14 code buster
r2 1 cocky boy 5 lobbyist 6 the package 3 redford
r3 5 jakes sister 4 dane commodore 1 majobe magic 3 thunderlarra
r4 6 dash incredible 2 dangerous dane 3 danish sea 4 bow road
r5 3 danby wiske 6 pakinblack 7 jungle hawk 4 kenanas
r6 1 i dont know 4 starline porsche 2 gusty girl 11 royal mount
r7 1 cash can 2 cicinho 4 peloton 9 mcfazi
r8 5 price monger 1 kilkenny jac 6 mirage west 7 dante zonte

good luck and i hope you back plenty of winners

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